WTT PL mid/pryd->alb/excal


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Hey lads and ladies

Ive played this game along time with multiple L50s on mid and hib...ive decided to try out alb aswell...to get the 3rd perspective.

Having played a lot of chars to 50 the usual way i cba doin that anymore...so my offer is this...anyone willin to PL a char for me, on alb/excal, to L40'ish, i will in turn PL a char for him/her on mid/pryd...The goal is to get both a BB and a norm char to at least 40...but 1 of em will do first off.

If ur interested or wanna know more etc. PM here on boards or on mid as Pos, Dracus, Dracu, Dracuso.


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