WTS - Some Sidi items


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
All items are on my CM /houseface 452 in Dalton
Non-TLW items and all unused.
Prices are fixed so first come, first served.

Defiled Sanquine Gauntlets
102 af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+3 melee, +21 str, +18 con, +24 dex
95 pt targeted spirit direct damage proc
[1.64 note: +3 slash changed to +3 melee]
price = SOLD

Sable Warlock's Sleeves
51 af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+3 mind, matter, and body magic, +15 dex, + 10% crush, + 8% slash
150 pt self health melee buffer proc
[1.64 note: +3 matter changed to +3 magic, +3 body changed to +15 dex, DD changed to Ablative]
price = SOLD

Crown of Forebearance
51 af, 100% quality, 35% bonus
+15 int, +8% thrust, +10% slash, +40 hits
95 pt targeted cold direct damage proc
[1.64 note: +3 wind magic changed to +15 int]
price = SOLD

16.5 dps, 3.9 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
+4 enhancements, +4 rejuvenation, +3 smiting, +22 pie
5 pt self damage shield proc
price = SOLD

Crescent Pick - Paladin/Armsman only
16.5 dps, 5.0 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
+6 two-handed, +3 thrust, +30 dex
64 pt targeted DoT Proc
price = 2p

Staff of Mind and Matter - Cabalist/Sorcerer
16.5 dps, 5.0 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
50 lvls mind focus, 50 lvls matter focus, +33 int, +13 power
10 charges of 331 pt targeted cold direct damage
price = 2p

Blood Spire Cloak
+21 str, +22 pie, +8% body, +48 hits
price = SOLD

Sacristan Belt
+30 str, +30 con, +3 crossbow, +3 shield
3 charges of a 50 pt self melee buffer
price = SOLD

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