[WTS] RA respec / Full Respec stone



Full skill respec stone 5p Kelmorian
RA Respec 7,5p Trollum

so far ^^ Auction ends tomorrow


Full skill respec stone 5p Kelmorian
RA Respec 7,5p Trollum

talk in game or on irc to sort this


Killed Eclipse in Summoners Hall, killed GS and got 3 stones. Only took 2 hours with 13 people. :clap:


yes and now the 10 ppl that didnt get stones has to do it again.


Actually there were only 3 wanting a stone. We didnt even have to roll for them.


omg that someone cant piss off from a thread?
Serious? Cant understand why ppl that dont wanna bid for a thing "hijackes" the thread. AHHHH
You crieng or something cause i didnt want u in DR?
Ask why in that case in pm and i can awnser.
But otherwise try avoid be in threads u have no buisness at all being in.


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
You crieng or something cause i didnt want u in DR?

To be honest I didnt expect you to pick me for the dragon raid. But yes, I gotta admit I was a little pissed.

My reason for "hi-jacking" this thread is another thou. Like I stated before I think its utter dumb to pay these immense amounts of cash for items that are so easily to get.
Furthermore I think it sucks that you and you're elitist "you cant group with us in Emain because you are in epic armor" scum uses private parties to "rob" people of cash they could spend for more useful things.

Yes, I personaly dislike you.

You polarize the realm.
You dont have a single bit of honor. (Making a new BW account to sell a TG item from a FFA raid?)
You dont care for anyone that cant serve your purpose.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
My reason for "hi-jacking" this thread is another thou. Like I stated before I think its utter dumb to pay these immense amounts of cash for items that are so easily to get.
Furthermore I think it sucks that you and you're elitist "you cant group with us in Emain because you are in epic armor" scum uses private parties to "rob" people of cash they could spend for more useful things.

Its very possible i have dissagred alot with blejs since this game go out. But still there aint noone forcing you or anyone else to pay what he ask for the stones.


Be friends and makeout. Money is even easier to get then the stones.


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
To be honest I didnt expect you to pick me for the dragon raid. But yes, I gotta admit I was a little pissed.

My reason for "hi-jacking" this thread is another thou. Like I stated before I think its utter dumb to pay these immense amounts of cash for items that are so easily to get.
Furthermore I think it sucks that you and you're elitist "you cant group with us in Emain because you are in epic armor" scum uses private parties to "rob" people of cash they could spend for more useful things.

Yes, I personaly dislike you.

You polarize the realm.
You dont have a single bit of honor. (Making a new BW account to sell a TG item from a FFA raid?)
You dont care for anyone that cant serve your purpose.

Not really trying to defend beljs, but he did organize the first 3fg dragon raid and the people attending (not me in this case since im a greedy little boy who drewl at respec stones) thought blejs should have the spare 2 respec stones (1 of each) after everyone attending the raid got 1 of each.

Surely its sad that people dont have the kind of cash that some do (the people buying the stones), but one can't really blame him for putting them up for auction and picking the highest bids. If anyone wanna avoid that people pay these sums for respec stones they should organize more dragon raids.


Heh, morals are for epic wearers!

Agree to what was written above, im not fond of the concept of itemselling as a whole, especially if the item was'nt needed in the first place and was claimed solely for currency gain. But as Blejs explained it was left over so I dont see any reason why he should'nt sell it.

And the funny thing about leading raids is that whatever you do someone always gonna moan about your decision. The fact that like the number of people that do organize raids not restricted to guilds are below ten in the whole realm is nothing that is thought about. If you dont like how something is done, do it yourself in your own way instead of disincourageing those that try, which only makes people wanna lead even less. All the raidleaders have there own ways and opinions and they should be respected for atleast trying or if wrong proven so in other ways then getting flamed on forums.

Remember I started up the FFA TG raids when I was unguilded and unallianced, which I still am. This made the good ole "ask guild/alliance mates if they want to raid and get a no 9/10 times" obsolete. Just had to make a post on BW, learn tactics and note down mod. It's not that hard if you have the will.

So, you go Blejs, sell items, just know that it does not get across that well to some people, including me to some extent. :)

/hijacking of thread


Originally posted by old.Jeriraa
To be honest I (etc etc..)

TBH, I want to see this post before you edited it. I am assuming it got toned down during the edit :D


stop the chatting already and bid on my stone! ;O


i hate people hijaking other peoples threads.... there should be a sticky banning people from posting unnessercary kak

blej took the time to organise this raid, and put up with all the crap that goes with it.

he claimed the left over loot, everyone left the raid happy.
what he does with this is entierly upto him, and doesent bother me in the slightest, nor should it bother anyone else for that matter, as its nothing to do with them

if you want a RA respec stone you:

a) join a dragon raid
b) organise a dragon raid
c) go kill summoners
d) save up and buy one

If you want a Single line respec you:

a) join a tg hunt
b) organise a tg hunt
c) save up and buy one

is it that difficult to understand? im not aiming this post at anyone specific, especially not Jeriraa as i know and like him as a player.

just want people to stop it, its so annoying.... let us buy and sell stuff in peace!


Originally posted by aveh
TBH, I want to see this post before you edited it. I am assuming it got toned down during the edit :D

Nah, actually I only added the 3 lines reasoning why I dislike Blejs because I though just saying "I dislike you." wasnt very smart. :)


Originally posted by boomeruk
is it that difficult to understand? im not aiming this post at anyone specific, especially not Jeriraa as i know and like him as a player.

Why are you posting then if its not directed at Jeriraa? I don't see anyone else kicking up a fuss about this..


i posted because this is a popular thread with a lot of views, and hopefully more people will see it. plus the sale has been completed and its still being commented on.

its about time people in general had a bit more respect for others. the amount of times ive seen peoples trade threads butcherd becasuse of someone for no reason butts in with "personal" opinions is unreal.

everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there is no need to throw in this opinion if its going to detract from the topic at hand.


Soweee Boomer... :( I wont do it again.
/em sits in a corner ashamed


mate, i said specifically it wasent a dig at you. your a good mate so your aloud to do what ya like etc hehe :) but seriously,

about 50% of trade threads get butcherd because people throw opinions around wildly.

its a trading forum

you place an item

people buy it.

no need for all this excess stuff, just go post in the general forum or something to whine / express opinion / gloat etc

/rant over

i need a new stave btw Jeriraa, get me in game :)

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