WTS: house 1689



Selling house 1689. One of the closest lots to the entrance of the housing area. start bid 2p. Bidding stops next sunday.

Also selling bind stone/alchemy table/house vault/ consigment merchant/aegirhamn teleporter/incantation merchant and vaultkeeper at 85% of their original cost(cheap merchants only with some other item)

Also selling mp lvl 51 staff 2p cost includes sc.

Farlon lvl 50 healer
Jilil lvl 50 shaman
Virlin lvl 50 bd
Fikrik lvl 44 warrior
doppy lvl 38 hunter


As you don't respond to PM's on forum and are never in-game I reply here with my offer:

House 2p
Items to take-over: 2p (includes Bind stone, vault, teleporter, SC merchant)

makes 4p for the whole bunch ..

Hope to hear from you ;)

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