Howdie all mids
Starting Price: 25Plat
Auction Ends on Monday 23
Want to sell a full set for a ShadowBlade including rings jewel etc
Tempered Serrated Padded Starlaeder Jerkin
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Stealth 3pts
Sword 5pts
Left Axe 3 pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Mighty Padded Starklaeder Sleeves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 19Pts
Str 25Pts
Critical Strike 3Pts
Hits 68pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Speedy Padded Starklaeder Leggings
Con, dur, qua : 100
Stealth 4pts
Con 19pts
Thrust 7%
Qui 25pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Serrated Padded Starkleader Helm
Con, dur, qua : 100
Sword 6pts
Energy 5%
Dex 13pts
Hits 28pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Edgebender Padded Starklader Gloves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 60pts
Qui 19pts
Slash 9%
Critical Strike 4pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Thrustbender Padded Starklader Boots
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Str 19pts
Critical Strike 4pts
Thrust 9%
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Arcanium Illbane Spiritbender Bastard Sword
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 99
Crush 2%
Spirit 9%
Left Axe 4pts
Matter 9%
Procc: Dmg-over-Time. Dmg per tick 64. Damage type: Matter
Arcanium Celeric SpiritBender Hand Axe
Con, dur, qua : 100
Qui 13pts
Spirit 9%
Energy 7%
Left Axe 4pts
Procc: Haste Value 40%. Duration 1.0 min
Ozurs Shadowring
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 30pts
Qui 15pts
Str 22 pts
Dex 22 pts
Charge: 5 charges of dmg Shield value 3.3. Duration 10.0 min. Casting time: instant
Glacier Jewel
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 13%
Slash 13%
Body 12%
Ring of Spun Silk
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 21pts
Crush 10%
Matter 10%
Con 3pts
Scaffold Web Cloak
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 8%
Heat 8%
Spirit 8%
Con 6pts
Accursed Belt of Might
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 94
Str 10pts
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Body 4%
3 of the items on the template can not be traded. And those items are:
Beaded Resisting Stone
Crush 10%
Thrust 10%
Body 10%
Cold 10%
(Quest: Ancestrals Secrets)
Jergersunn Braclet
Hits 30pts
Energy 6%
Matter 8%
Heat 6%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
Giemt Braclet
Qui 4pts
Stealth 4pts
Heat 10%
Energy 10%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
This set will cap you if you are specced with:
Left Axe
Critical Strike
Helm and boots will come free in the price for envenom capp to
Starting Price: 25Plat
Auction Ends on Monday 23
Want to sell a full set for a ShadowBlade including rings jewel etc
Tempered Serrated Padded Starlaeder Jerkin
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Stealth 3pts
Sword 5pts
Left Axe 3 pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Mighty Padded Starklaeder Sleeves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 19Pts
Str 25Pts
Critical Strike 3Pts
Hits 68pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Speedy Padded Starklaeder Leggings
Con, dur, qua : 100
Stealth 4pts
Con 19pts
Thrust 7%
Qui 25pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Serrated Padded Starkleader Helm
Con, dur, qua : 100
Sword 6pts
Energy 5%
Dex 13pts
Hits 28pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Edgebender Padded Starklader Gloves
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 60pts
Qui 19pts
Slash 9%
Critical Strike 4pts
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Tempered Thrustbender Padded Starklader Boots
Con, dur, qua : 100
Dex 22pts
Str 19pts
Critical Strike 4pts
Thrust 9%
Procc: Melee Health Buffer 50% Value 100
Arcanium Illbane Spiritbender Bastard Sword
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 99
Crush 2%
Spirit 9%
Left Axe 4pts
Matter 9%
Procc: Dmg-over-Time. Dmg per tick 64. Damage type: Matter
Arcanium Celeric SpiritBender Hand Axe
Con, dur, qua : 100
Qui 13pts
Spirit 9%
Energy 7%
Left Axe 4pts
Procc: Haste Value 40%. Duration 1.0 min
Ozurs Shadowring
Con, dur, qua : 100
Con 30pts
Qui 15pts
Str 22 pts
Dex 22 pts
Charge: 5 charges of dmg Shield value 3.3. Duration 10.0 min. Casting time: instant
Glacier Jewel
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 13%
Slash 13%
Body 12%
Ring of Spun Silk
Con, dur, qua : 100
Hits 21pts
Crush 10%
Matter 10%
Con 3pts
Scaffold Web Cloak
Con, dur, qua : 100
Cold 8%
Heat 8%
Spirit 8%
Con 6pts
Accursed Belt of Might
Con, dur : 100 Qua : 94
Str 10pts
Crush 4%
Slash 4%
Body 4%
3 of the items on the template can not be traded. And those items are:
Beaded Resisting Stone
Crush 10%
Thrust 10%
Body 10%
Cold 10%
(Quest: Ancestrals Secrets)
Jergersunn Braclet
Hits 30pts
Energy 6%
Matter 8%
Heat 6%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
Giemt Braclet
Qui 4pts
Stealth 4pts
Heat 10%
Energy 10%
(Quest: Catlas downfall)
This set will cap you if you are specced with:
Left Axe
Critical Strike
Helm and boots will come free in the price for envenom capp to