WTF - no fix for cm's yet???


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
MesS° said:

I agree though its a fucking annoying bug.

What he's saying is that if this bug appeared on the US servers (no matter that it's not the bug they did in fact have there) it would have been corrected within the space of a week.

And I have to agree.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Dont see the problem to be honest.

So they didnt tell us it different to the US bugged CM's. Wow. Didnt know about it, and nor would 90% of players (look at me, i can make up statistics :D ) so that pointless saying.

They are updating in my mind.

"Not fixed - Priority" means just that, they not managed to fix it but they are still trying. Why stick down a thousand words to explain something that 3 words explain to someone with some sense to understand what is said? Only question left is "When will it be fixed?" but a normal person knows that wont and cant be answered if the problem a priority for some time but not fixed = they dunno what up = they dunno when they get a fix.

Maybe it just my way of viewing it though, it is a game and the bug is annoying but it doesnt make the game unplayable and there ways around it. Maybe not the most suitable ways for you but still. Personally, I just got on with things and if it really making the game that bad for you then you can stop playing till it fixed and you wont get frustrated over it. That just another option though.

All this problem does is push on thing forwards

"The different coding used by the different companies was a poor idea due to it allowing new bugs to spring up that are difficult to fix." but then this is something that they already thought about because the next game worked on by tthe pair of them is going to share the same coding through and through, just it to late for this one :(

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Azathrim said:
Dude, how come you care enough to make these inflamatory posts when it's "only a game"?

If you don't care, stay out of it. I personally care about and like this game. It's fine if you don't, but then leave it to those that do instead of trying to start a flame war.
As you post your opinions I post mine. If you see my posts as inflamatory I can only laugh at you and rest my case. Same thing about the "Flamewar" comment.
And please tell me where I wrote "I don't care" ? Do enlighten me 'cus I can't recall writing it. Just looked thru the whole thread again, can't seem to find it... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
We all know that Goa are crap when it comes to customer service and keep players infomed (the GM's do a grand job :) ) They use an outdated and terrible payment system that doesnt allow you to pay for more than one thing at once. They do not keep on top of XML changes, and it takes 2 months to sort out account disputes (see Elkies post).

Is this bug on all EU servers on just English ones? if it is just on the english ones then as a minority we get a minority service, if it is EU wide then obviously Goa is not putting enough pressure onMythic to get it fixed.

In all of this, as most of you well know, GoA's news/information update is very slack, they dont do it because they are tryig to protect there public image from what could be seen as negative publicity, if too much bugs/downtime/servers or other negative aspects make it on the official site..



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Teh FnoRd said:
I care about having fun. :D
And you my friend, are hilarious. :fluffle:

And you, are getting boring.

Cut the bitching people; insult each other via PM or something.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not here to amuse you Eggy ;p I'm here to pass time and say what I think about whatsnot. I'm not forcing you to read my post, nor to find them amusing... :m00:
And if you think I'm bitching, tough titty, I don't think so. And that last one was not a n insult, quite the oposite. ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Teh FnoRd said:
I'm not here to amuse you Eggy ;p I'm here to pass time and say what I think about whatsnot. I'm not forcing you to read my post, nor to find them amusing... :m00:
And if you think I'm bitching, tough titty, I don't think so. And that last one was not a n insult, quite the oposite. ;p

If I thought you were bitching (which I don't), I'd warn/ban you; then indeed, it would be "tough titty".

Keep this on topic, that's all I'm asking.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Aza has valid points stop bitching at him tbh.

from the creation of this thread we gained more information on the issue than we previously had, why should it take a thread on FH to provoke a response giving information on a fairly large problem within a game we pay to play.

With the statements not so long ago about GoA and mythic working more closer together I find it difficult to belive that this is true, the auto loot bug whilst a request has been submitted to mythic GoA have heard NOTHING back from them... great that should just fill us all with confidence to the other statements made regarding EA and WAR right....?

Not trying to bash goa or mythic just saying it as I see it I'm not a biased goa hater or anything just stating my opinion on this, I also find it amusing that aza was asked not too speculate on things but unfortunatly thats what people do when they don't get satisfactory information and a company shouldnt expect anything else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
100% agreeing with Azathrim on this.

It sux to search the ME and find "nothing" on the merchants.

And about the /listmerchant-commando you need to do twice after every servercrasch/patch - Why cant the game do it for you everytime you log on.
Or atleast make it possible to do without staying close to the CM.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Once again, its Mythics coding thats the problem, something GOA cant control.

dont you ever get tired of defending goa?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
Pirkel said:
He's not. He's merely stating a fact.

im sure if goa wanted to they could pester mythic more or put a bit more pressure on them to send the fix quicker.. its a royal pain in the ass the way CM's are atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
Requiel said:
Once again you have made a post full of guesswork and misinformation and then drawn erroneous conclusions based on your faulty premises. Stating something which is not true then launching an attack based on your faulty assumptions is not a strong basis for an argument.

worked for all the countries that invaded Iraq, why shouldnt we also be able to use such reasoning :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
[HB]Jpeg said:
im sure if goa wanted to they could pester mythic more or put a bit more pressure on them to send the fix quicker.. its a royal pain in the ass the way CM's are atm.

Not arguing with you there... then again if you read Whoodoo's post neither was he was he?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Eeben said:
dont you ever get tired of defending goa?
I hardly defending, in fact I have pestered GOA internally to say something on here, and Requiel was kind enough to oblige with the facts, only to get torn down again, no wonder they dont bother to tell us anything, it just leads to a splinter argument. (ta btw Req).

However, with recent advents at Mythic HQ, like the public announcements of WAR, MJ leaving and EA taking them over, I think they have other things on their minds, like had anyone noticed its been a couple of months since 1.83 went live and so far 1.84 is not only lacking in content, but is long overdue along with many fixes for problems in 1.83 still to be resolved.

Look at things from all angles before pinning blame on one person.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 27, 2005
I totally agree its a pain in the ass. As i see our chance to make gold for arti- repair and buy things has been decreased alot. So ofc we want a fix asap.
Now alot of days has gone and still no fix, ofc that will give some unhappy responses.
If its continue i hope u consider to make some form of compensation to the players, my suggestion is to lower prices on artirepair, by 50% until u fix problem,then u compensate a little for the problem.
I cant see if its goa or mythic who sitting with the problem. and have no reason to think they are doing a bad job on fixing the problem, but i just want some aktion on the essue, and if you not soon fix it you must compensate, because its hard to earn enough gold to repairs when u cant trade fully with peeps and they just can see 40% of you stuff for sale and so on.


PS. i will always talk for compensation when we pay full price for a game who is not working 100%.
But im glad we dont get that massive lags problem atm, so u get my credit for that


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Boomling said:
PS. i will always talk for compensation when we pay full price for a game who is not working 100%.
But im glad we dont get that massive lags problem atm, so u get my credit for that
They stated that the lag was not GOA's fault. give the credit to somone that deserves it better imo (maybe OT)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Ctuchik said:
no it doesent. its just that normal ppl doesent get upset over a crap issue....

I think your find that most people are annoyed/upset about the time taken to fix this cm bug .. maybe your not normal ?

anyhoo i just wished i wasnt still enjoying the game so much or goa/mythic could stick there subs where the sun dont shine ! (norway?) CM bug is annoying thou :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Wild said:
I think your find that most people are annoyed/upset about the time taken to fix this cm bug .. maybe your not normal ?

anyhoo i just wished i wasnt still enjoying the game so much or goa/mythic could stick there subs where the sun dont shine ! (norway?) CM bug is annoying thou :(

yeah it is annoying. but not enough to start to whine about it. Mythic will fix it when they can. and if u see a item that u want bad enough theres always PM'ing the owner either ingame or here.

and yes i do realize that not all of us thats playing use FH. but if the player is out to make plats i bet hes registered here to, if nothing else then to just post in the trade section..

still CM's should be working but this thread is taking the whines to far :/


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Missed some nice bargains tonight because of this extremely annoying bug. I am finding it harder and harder to accept that it's been allowed to go on for so long. It's wrecking the in-game economy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Ctuchik, you don't have to read this thread if you don't care about it. The subject of the thread pretty much spells out what this thread is about. And like the XML I am sure GoA and Mythic will find a solution. Eventually. The question is just how badly GoA manages to administer the situation until then. So far they are doing a pretty bad job at it. Which is what this thread is about. If you think they are doing a good job on it, good for you. If you want arguments for why I think they are doing a bad job on it, feel free to read the thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Friday News said:
About the consignment merchants
As most of you noticed, it is sometimes impossible to get the whole list of items for sale at certain consignment merchants. The objects however do exist and can be found in the market explorer lists. We already talked about this bug at the beginning of the month and unfortunately it hasn't been fixed yet. Since we are fully aware of the resulting inconvenience, be it for the sellers as well as for the buyers, GOA's and Mythic's technical teams have thoroughly studied this issue but it turned out that pursuing the investigation would delay the release of version 1.84. Thank you for your comprehension about this unavoidable delay.

Excellent GoA! :)

Read more here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
At least its news :)

seems we will get 1.84 before any fix though which is :<

but on the upside at least we now know what to expect.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Yeah, excactly Yeke. At least we know what to expect now.

That means we can hope GoA tells us more of their plans after 1.84 launches. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Say bye bye to working consignment merchants.

After all, delaying 1.85 to work on it is also surely not going to be on . . .


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