WTF - no fix for cm's yet???


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
well another week goes by and still no fix for the CM issue - is this the way in which mythic and goa are working 'closer' together???

this problem occured when the 1.83 patch was implemented (7th june!) - but still no resolution..

whinge over - time to get back to me garden and the ice cold beer!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Yeah its been fixed - only for me though cos I asked them to :)

Otherwise - working as intended.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
My guess is, that they won't do a thing about it, and hope for 1.84 to fix it.

GoA once again showing their great competense!

Not only can't they ensure this gets fixed. But, they cannot even tell it as it is and say they can't get a solution and thus waits for 1.84.

Ofcourse, if 1.84 doesn't fix it, experience tells us it'll be over a year and counting before they get their act together. I wonder if they for once will give a straight answer and simply admit the CM system doesn't work on the EU servers, period.

(And I don't care what third part provider that you failed tell this still ain't working, it is your responsibility - don't blame others)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
GoA once again showing their great competense!
Once again, its Mythics coding thats the problem, something GOA cant control.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
the annoying thing is - they close your rightnow questions - showing it as bein resolved - when it quite clearly hasnt!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Once again, its Mythics coding thats the problem, something GOA cant control.

It's GoA's responsibility. That they cannot get things working with their third part provider is really their headache. Notice this was on the US servers as well. It got fixed. Fast.

Let us look at how Mythic handled this:

19/4 2006 14:53 - 1.83 is released
19/4 2006 16:48 - The bug is explained, with a promise to deal with it
20/4 2006 10:13 - A notice that the servers will go down to fix it
20/4 2006 16:47 - The servers return up
20/4 2006 18:04 - A quick fix and update to a remaining issue

Notice the timespam here? It's 1 day 1 hour and 16 minutes from the problem is noticed to the problem is solved. In that period of time there were 4 updates on their site on the subject. Updates meant to keep the costumers informed and show a progress and care in the situation.

What did GoA do?

8/6 2006 - 1.83 is released
9/6 2006 - Friday news. A hint that there may be a problem. But, it doesn't appear GoA is aware of it's full impact at this time.
30/6 2006 - Friday news. For the first time the bug is acknowledged and explained. GoA states it's their "technical team' priorities".
19/7 2006 - Today! The problem remains unsolved.

Today it's the 19/7. 1 month and 11 days since 1.83 was released. In that period we recieved 2 vague updates. It took them 22 days to fully acknowledge there was a problem. It is 20 days since they said it was a priority. They still haven't fixed the issue.

Does it matter who is waiting for who here Whoodoo? Look at the disparity between how Mythic handled it on the US servers and how GoA so far have utterly failed to handle it.

Notice... after they claim this particular bug was their priority they have performed two maintenance shutdowns of the servers. Neither of those appeared to be meant to correct this particular bug. Why was that?

I can guess at two possible reasons:

1) They were lying when they said it was a priority.
2) They were too incompetent to solve the issue.

And yes, those are guesses. Butuntil GoA gets their finger out, that is going to be the only thing we, the costumer can do. If GoA doesn't like their failures to be explained negatively, they should start communicating and giving us some real information.

Poor, poor GoA.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Poor Azathrim... Boo fu*kin hoo... really... :m00:
Can't understand why you're still here given your feelings about Goa.
Go on, hop on over to the US servers and you'll be happy as a fly in a pile of shit. ^^
And no, I'm not a Goa fanboi. :p


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
The bug on the US servers was a different issue to the one on the CMs here, it was a recurring bug that can be fixed quickly, if the CM bug could be fixed as quickly then it would have been.

You also missed the news about it in the last friday news where we reiterated that fixing the issue was a top priority and suggested a work around.

Fixing it is a top priority, unfortunately it's not a simple issue with a simple fix, if it was then it would have been fixed with all the other minor bugs after the patch. It's not in our power to fix and so we are working with Mythic to isolate the cause and fix it. There is no reason to think that version 1.84 will fix this problem and so we are absolutely not planning to wait and see if the new patch will magically fix it as you suggest. Please don't presume to make announcements on our behalf, unless you have direct information from either our quality team or Mythic's developers, you are not in a position to state how we will be resolving this problem.

We performed two maintenance shutdowns to correct various other issues which needed fixing. I'm not entirely sure what your point is regarding that. Are you suggesting we shouldn't fix other bugs?

Once again you have made a post full of guesswork and misinformation and then drawn erroneous conclusions based on your faulty premises. Stating something which is not true then launching an attack based on your faulty assumptions is not a strong basis for an argument. Yes the bug is annoying, yes we are working (as we have repeatedly said) to fix it. As soon as there is more information regarding this, we wil post it on our official site.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
You don't see a pattern here Requiel?

I clearly stated this was guess work. I clearly stated why it was guess work.

Because you haven't given any proper information!

Now however, you somehow magically feel compelled to give some information.

Next time just put these things in the friday news. Include some aproximate deadlines for when the next expected update will be and I'll be happy as a pea.

Hey, perhaps if you started doing some proper information, you wouldn't have to come here and denounce any guesses the community can think up. Can't be that hard, now can it?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Nevertheless, if this bug was on US servers, I'm very much doubting that it would take them upward of a month to fix it (seeing as I certainly can't remember it ever taking that long for them to fix something, no matter how "hard"). Ridiculous that a bug of this magnitude can't be fixed for more than a month.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
enkor said:
Nevertheless, if this bug was on US servers, I'm very much doubting that it would take them upward of a month to fix it (seeing as I certainly can't remember it ever taking that long for them to fix something, no matter how "hard"). Ridiculous that a bug of this magnitude can't be fixed for more than a month.

I agree though its a fucking annoying bug.

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Maybe if you'd just take this (DAoC) for what it is, *drumroll* (here it comes) a game you might not be as upset as to start spewing all kinds of shit. :m00:
Yes I agree that i's an annoying bug.
Does it make me enjoy the game less? No.
I'll tell you why:
When I'm ingame I'm not humping my CMs leg all the time going "Someone have to buy my ubah stuff for muchos plats, c'mon c'mon givf me plats!!!"
I'll check it once when I log in, then I go RvR or raid or crafting or whatever and then I maybe check it before I log.
Some thing must be working tho, 'cus things are selling of my CM... :touch:


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
enkor said:
Nevertheless, if this bug was on US servers, I'm very much doubting that it would take them upward of a month to fix it (seeing as I certainly can't remember it ever taking that long for them to fix something, no matter how "hard"). Ridiculous that a bug of this magnitude can't be fixed for more than a month.
The US have a team setup for xml dont they?

Goa i dont think have a team setup so that probably explains why they take longer.

Now thats not me excusing them, only stating why it may take them longer. In my opinion GOA should hire a team who are devoted to the XML data, also they may be able to provide more information using the xml data.

not sure if im way off or almost correct with all this.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
requiel can you explain why you close rightnow queries about this issue - and not leave them open until resolution?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
You don't see a pattern here Requiel?

I clearly stated this was guess work. I clearly stated why it was guess work.

Because you haven't given any proper information!

Now however, you somehow magically feel compelled to give some information.

Next time just put these things in the friday news. Include some aproximate deadlines for when the next expected update will be and I'll be happy as a pea.

Hey, perhaps if you started doing some proper information, you wouldn't have to come here and denounce any guesses the community can think up. Can't be that hard, now can it?
The very last edition of the Friday News has all the information that we can currently tell you about the issue. As you don't appear to read the news I can see why you may have missed this. We can't give an ETA on fixes as the fix is largely out of our hands and bitter experience has taught us not to give any kind of estimates only solid information.

Guessing is fine. Constructing an argument based on guesswork is bad. Flaming based on your argument which is derived entirely from guesses is just ludicrous.
Here's an example: 'I'm guessing Azathrim has brown eyes in real life. Man I hate brown-eyed people. How dare Azathrim walk around foisting his eye colour on people, he must really enjoy making people uncomfortable. He just doesn't care, he clearly doesn't have any human decency. Let's go and burn Azathrim for being one cold-hearted slimeball!' Do you see my point now?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
rampant said:
requiel can you explain why you close rightnow queries about this issue - and not leave them open until resolution?
Because the query is resolved. The issue isn't but when you ask us why the problem exists and when it's going to be fixed, we give you all the information that we can - which is mostly that it's a global problem, we're working to fix it as soon as possible and when it's fixed there'll be news about it on the official site. After that there's no point in keeping the query open as there's nothng more we can tell you.
As with any global bug report, we don't reply to each person who reports it to tell them when it's fixed, we tell them it's being worked on, thank them for pointing it out and then put updates on the news site as more information or a fix becomes available.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
any news on the bugged /autoloot Req? Been bugged for quite a while now :/


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Shike said:
any news on the bugged /autoloot Req? Been bugged for quite a while now :/
None it's been reported and passed on, but we've heard nothing back so far. I would expect it to be a low priority fix and once the more pressing issues are sorted, we may have more information about this.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
MesS° said:

I agree though its a fucking annoying bug.

I read that. Doesn't change the fact that its completely ridiculous that it takes them over a month to fix any bug of this scale, when, if it was on Mythic's servers, it would without a doubt be fixed within a week at most (like every single other "similar" bug, ever).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel said:
The very last edition of the Friday News has all the information that we can currently tell you about the issue.

Uhm, yeah... it says what was in the 30/6 Friday News and gives a suggestion to trade directly with the owner of the house.

I can see how that is "all the information" you have. Especially since you in this thread states:

  • It's a different bug from the US one, although the similarities are huge.
  • You have considered and judged that 1.84 doesn't solve this.
  • You still haven't found the reason for the bug, ie: "[...] to isolate the cause and fix it."
All these things are new items. Items you haven't brought up in the Friday News. These helps give an impression of a company working on the issue professionally. It gives the impression of a team working on the issue.

It stands in a huge contrast to the impression you have given so far. It stands in huge contrast to your advice of "talk with the owner of the house!", which was the best you brought up so far.

Why didn't you just go out with these things from the start off?

Requiel said:
As you don't appear to read the news I can see why you may have missed this.
Ah yes, I missed one of the Friday News in my list. One where you essentially repeated the previous one with no further information. Good try Requiel.

Requiel said:
We can't give an ETA on fixes as the fix is largely out of our hands and bitter experience has taught us not to give any kind of estimates only solid information.

I am not asking you to give an ETA on fixes. That would obviously be a foolish thing to do as you haven't even found the root of the problem yet.

I am however asking you to give an ETA on when you next will say the current status. Or when the next event in this case is up.

"Mythic are sending us some files to test on tuesday. We'll test these during tuesday and wednesday and let you know if this helped find the problem in a news post wednesday afternoon."

That would give the impression of a team that cared. I have no doubt you work hard on this and that you have time lines and all the things that makes up an organisation. You just fail to communicate it and instead leaves the impression of an incompetent and unprofessional company that is bugged down by a beaucratic structure where the GM's cannot post directly to the community on the community page.

It's all about perception, and so far you are doing a bad job of it.

Requiel said:
Guessing is fine. Constructing an argument based on guesswork is bad. Flaming based on your argument which is derived entirely from guesses is just ludicrous.
Here's an example: 'I'm guessing Azathrim has brown eyes in real life. Man I hate brown-eyed people. How dare Azathrim walk around foisting his eye colour on people, he must really enjoy making people uncomfortable. He just doesn't care, he clearly doesn't have any human decency. Let's go and burn Azathrim for being one cold-hearted slimeball!' Do you see my point now?

Was it good to get that ill hided flame off your chest Requiel? I hope it gave you some satisfaction as least. :)

Next time though, please pay the curtesy and respect to go for the argument insted of the man. If you paid any notice I go for what you as the company do wrong (and do good when credit is due). Not for the individual performance of the GM's. I use 'you' for GoA. Not 'you' for Requiel the poor payroll slave bugged down by the company.

So, keep it civil, eh Requiel? :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
I am not asking you to give an ETA on fixes. That would obviously be a foolish thing to do as you haven't even found the root of the problem yet.

I am however asking you to give an ETA on when you next will say the current status. Or when the next event in this case is up.
"Its still broken, we are still trying to fix it." - think that kind of sums it up, which they have said in the Friday news, or are you looking for technical chapter and verse of the issues and copies of the code they are having problems with?

Personally, Id rather leave them to it, they know what they are doing, and Im sure when the fix comes you will find something else to complain about, like the colour of horses, or the fact that man climbs mountains but cant climb a small hill in the game..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
No Whoodoo, I am not after that kind of detail. But look at this...

In over a month they have said three things (not taking this thread into account):

1) It's broken
2) It's still broke, it's priority
3) It's still broken, it's priority

That leaves you with some questions, doesn't it? How come something that has priority gets to remain broken for this long? The alert costumer notices as my initial post suggested, that the US had an extremely similiar problem that was fixed in a day. Yet this "priority" bug remains broken for over a month. They just need to qualify these things. They need to give the impression it really is priority and give some sort of reasoning why it's still not fixed.

Requiel have done that in this thread. But why was it really needed to drag it out of him by doing the speculations?

Why do we always have to start rampant speculations to get any answers out of GoA?

Would it not be easier to just give solid information and keep us updated straight out instead of constantly having to deny and enter these threads? These threads where we have the brown noses and fluff boys backing either side up, while the little valid info drowns in the flames.

It can't be true we have to make speculative assumptions here, just to provoke an explanation from GoA. They ought to know better.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Azathrim said:
2) It's still broke, it's priority
3) It's still broken, it's priority


Wind up Azathrim!! :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
It's not me that labeled it a priority. :)

GoA are in general doing a fine job. But, they need to accept they have some areas that are appalingly bad. And, it would be nice if they started to show some will to improve on these things. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
I really like Requiel for all the work he has done for us, the community. But this time I'm inclined to rep Azathrim for his well formulated post (#22). He is right, GoA is not doing a good job on keeping us informed. If you can't give an ETA for the fix, give us an ETA for the information update, even if you can't communicate any new result. Good communication is the 1x1 of customer care. And for the smartie who said "it's a game" - maybe, but it's real time and real money we spend to play - we're entitled to get a satisfactory product, that's what we pay for. We' realistic enough to know not everthing works as intended in the software world, but we expect to at least be kept informed as to what doesn't work and what's being done about it. Treat us like customers, not like beggars.


Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Azathrim said:
Why do we always have to start rampant speculations to get any answers out of GoA?

It can't be true we have to make speculative assumptions here, just to provoke an explanation from GoA. They ought to know better.
Warning! Warning! *Air raid sirens*
Newsflash inc:
You don't!
What you DO have to do, is get some damn patience. Yeye I know it's not all that common these days, but atleast try. :touch:
And here Aza will go on about "OOOhhh so and so many days/months/year of this or that thingamajick not beeing whatsnot!!!111!!"
I'll say this again: It's only a game! If it pops your skull not being able to cope with whatever you think is wrong, shelve it and move on to Tetris or Bubble Bubble. :fluffle:
And Req has on many occassions, regarding other issues, news weill be given when there is news to give... and tbh I rather read about it when it's done or something has changed than continously getting that they haven't been able to fix whatsnot.
So either take a few chillpills Aza or just cancel your subs... not all that hard. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Teh FnoRd said:
I'll say this again: It's only a game!

Dude, how come you care enough to make these inflamatory posts when it's "only a game"?

If you don't care, stay out of it. I personally care about and like this game. It's fine if you don't, but then leave it to those that do instead of trying to start a flame war.

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