WTF is going on in Malmo


Roo Stercogburn

Into Raumarik...

9pm BST Sunday suits me too. I can probably bring a few peeps with me to beef the numbers as well.

Suggest you make the meeting point the stable master at Raumarik, there are too many distractions (other groups, hunts, beggars, etc) in Gna.

For those that haven't been to Raumarik before, there is a horse directly there from Gna Faste, but you can easily slog round there from either Hug or Vindsul.

The wyverns at the entrance make a nice warmup for the groups since they baf like crazy. Anyone who wants to take a wander in solo for a look can sneak past by staying high on the wall to the left or right.

Looking forward to trying my new nukes and lifetaps on them muhahahaha!


See my post on the main thread about queue system to see the way I run the malmo queue with no hassles.


Well now you post here .. it was you that was one of the list holders in the groups i was waitin hours for and saw loads of ppl jumping in..

Wasn't going to name names but seems you put yr head over the parapet :)


The only 'loads of people' jumping in would have been healers, RMs or tanks if the group needed them to pull, like I said.

I remember you have been on my list twice and have been nowhere to be found when you've been up.


That just about covers all classes in one way or another doesn't it


Apart from Rogues anyway .. which just goes to show how hard it is to lvl this class :/

And the reason I not been there is because I have waited for 3 hrs asking where abouts on the list i am etc only to receive no reply and watching loads of people get in front of me. So I left. Not all of us have the time available to sit indefinately doing nothing.


You can always go play an alt.

Or like my hunter did last night -- register on the queue, and logout. Made dinner, went shopping and attended a meeting. When I returned I had to wait for 10min and got in. =) (Lucky timing. ;)


I never sit and wait my turn in the queue - I got play an alt.

And as for rogue's I'm afraid I know more than most the horrors of exping, being a level 49 shadowblade that I have almost given up on several times while playing DaoC.


isnt there another way to do it though?

im only 15 and i go to bed at 10pm (pls dont laugh)

and i get a time limit on my pc so i always miss RvR and i can never get in a grp for long enough to make great xp ( i get max 1.5hours a day)

so i dont have 3 hours to wair :( :( :(


Save up your hours and play in the weekends. There's almost always groups going each saturday/sunday from 15:00 onwards. (If you arrive to early, Malmo is empty. Especially after a friday evening.. Heh. :)


yeah tried that once and when i was told to get off by my parents i said "no i got time from before"......they told me not to be a smartass and i got a weekend ban.....


Unfortunately A list is the only fair way of doing malmo lair in the current setup.

So a wait is unavoidable.. Its just the inconsistancy in list holders that is a bummer.. you don't know if you will get a good one or a bad one its just luck.

I think i have played about 30 days or so game time to lvl 43 and the alt i play is on excal so playing an alt isnt really an option.

If you sit there you think .. I'll just go and make dinner or something .. then you think wait a sec i may be called at any time .. quick send to the list holder asking where you are in the list .. no response .. ok what next ? .. After waiting 2 hours you don't want to miss yr call so you wait some more.

I suppose more communication etc from list holders would be nice. And an effort to stop people jumping queues.

But that won't happen. Its just human nature to pull strings and get ahead .. an I for one can't be bothered with it. So i will get a bit of exp here and there and gradually make my way towards 50. At 43 at least I can have fun in the frontiers. I think its kinda better being in emain and not know if the person approaching can kick yr ass or not. And its so much more fun killing an Orange or even a Red on occassion more of a rush than always yellow or below


Mobius - simply start smashing stuff up or run away from home. Parents need their teenages to rebel a bit - I for one didnt do a thing my parents said. They don't own you.

Old Nicodemus

I've already had a chat with Noita and Roo about this. So I'll be around for some mayhem on Sunday too. Sounds like it will be fun.

I have to say that not too many people actually hunt anymore. From lvl 30-40 I spent perhaps 6 hours total in Spin. So many people hate spin so much now because they haven't been anywhere else at all. It seems that Malmo is going the same way.


Once we get Darkness Falls (Assuming we have access), Malmo and Spin will be dead. (At least, that what happened in the US.. :)


Hi tho i play on Excalibur i can say that the "Lair Disease" is universal, i too have waited for ~10 hrs just to get in as ppl are leaving. BUT i got so fed up with it me and some guildies has formed (with another 2 guilds ;)) "Rauma Tours" we always xp in Raumarik, and lo and behold some of the "equal" lvl ppl is now lagging behind me .. since i xp constantly when im in raumarik, no hrs waiting and getting 0xp. So at the end of the day im on top and got nice loot that i trade with the Malmo grinders. so i got stuff from both places =)

If i cant get a rauma trip happen (RL you know.. it happens :)) i just team up with a mate and we go kill yellow/orange .. gives us time to chit-chat between blows. And even tho the xp is waaay lower than Lairxp i make waaay more xp/day compared to some of my "equal" lvld sitting on the hill .. anyway just my 2c ;)


Guess Who is closing in on 40

hehe thats right Mori im closing in on my 40th season...
This post in sooo unrelated to the original topic but still wanna say this.. dont loose it bro .. and come and xp in frontier with me :p I make regular visits to yggdra/uppland yo have a little fun.. which seems to always end up with a purple skald on me bum shouting at me <for 300 damage>
Trust meh the grouping problem is in every realm although not grown to Malmohus extent.. Anyways i would hate see you give up the game just because of this.. i for one am not a guy who thinks if im 50 im an unstoppable machine so need to get there asap.. but then what .. whats gonna happen after that.. Endless woodruns to repair doors.. smashing doors with hammer/sword/axe ? repeat that over and over and think is this fun .. to do ALL the time
In other words fi you just do one thing be it XP or RvR it gets on your nerves... in case of xping you become paraniod with achieving level 50.. in RvR you start asking do i really care whats going to happen to this keep ? am i really involved in taking it ?

<As usual flame free and awaiting criticism > :cool:


hi ivan :)

dont suppose you remember me i just wanted to say hi :)


I just want to hit 50 asap so I can get my real life back again!


:clap: of course i remember you.. Mobius the spiritmastah :D

I hear that now you started a guild for alts ? And gratz on all the levels you gained while i was busy in Albion :)

To all people who know me.. met me ingame in Mid.. /emote dance

And see you in your power relic keep :)


blues ?

nah Mori. del all chars + let's redo alts & stick to Nisse's... over and over and over .... :)

ps. catch u on emain ;) i'll be there to wipe your... remains of the floor on misshaps :)


yay you remembered me!! :)

are you back in middie mate?

and what lvls :p

ive been 35 for ages but i now got a 20skald

the alt guild me and stew made split up when stews chars all got deleted :(

and now varangian guard has split up as well :(

anyway im keeping mobius at 35 for RvR in the battlegrounds and my skald for the 20-25 but i think he will suck a bit :p

hope to see you ingame

/em secretly wishes illuminate would get back together.....


Quick post and im not going for flaming.

I been at the lair once at 39.5 - maybe not the best level to get a group but I was there. Was number 6 in line and waited for 2 hours got bored and killed myself since I might aswell just kill mudfrogs og mudcrabs then sit on my ass. Im still 39.5 after a hole day of leveling because the only groups I hade any luck of getting into was low 30, so I soloed and fucked up like you do sometime (got myself killed 3 times). Spend the rest of the night hanging out in the frontier getting killed by some hibi with a big red club.

Now to the point :)

I know nothing about malmo been the 3 time now and two of the time I have been soloing just inside, people claim that there are some nice drops and I belive them. But I must say so do the hagbuis and jotuns in the swamp and the mobs in raumarik (never been inside). I like the swamp better since you can just walk in and pick a spot and start killing, only problem is that this is fine for post 35 to per 40 and then all the people you leveled with so far are gone and if you do a whois you'll find them in malmo.

If we could make a "lets go to the swamp" or a "lets go to Raumarik" fell free to to send me a msg.

Brannor McThife

General public announcement.

Glauthrong now lives in Malmohus. He'll do the occasional suicide when he hits a full level, but will remain there till L50. Anyone willing to help me get him to 50 (just short of L45.5 at present) would be greatly appreciated.

Look forward to cleaving with ya. ;)



Re: Guess Who is closing in on 40

Originally posted by old.ivan
hehe thats right Mori im closing in on my 40th season...
This post in sooo unrelated to the original topic but still wanna say this.. dont loose it bro .. and come and xp in frontier with me :p I make regular visits to yggdra/uppland yo have a little fun.. which seems to always end up with a purple skald on me bum shouting at me <for 300 damage>
Trust meh the grouping problem is in every realm although not grown to Malmohus extent.. Anyways i would hate see you give up the game just because of this.. i for one am not a guy who thinks if im 50 im an unstoppable machine so need to get there asap.. but then what .. whats gonna happen after that.. Endless woodruns to repair doors.. smashing doors with hammer/sword/axe ? repeat that over and over and think is this fun .. to do ALL the time
In other words fi you just do one thing be it XP or RvR it gets on your nerves... in case of xping you become paraniod with achieving level 50.. in RvR you start asking do i really care whats going to happen to this keep ? am i really involved in taking it ?

<As usual flame free and awaiting criticism > :cool:

Heehee Ivan m8 im making a SB just to kick yr ass in yggdra so watch out.. Things are much more fun and even tho i only made half a bulb in a week .. it has been fun RvR and fun exp not the malmo grind...

I have no desire to get to 50 quick i was just looking for ppl to group with.

And its suprising how many rogues and SM's we had grouped in raum .. just shows you which classes its hard to group.

Still hope to see u in the frontier ..... Hope yr not still stilling in yr relic keep m8 waitin for us.


Regarding Malmö

Malmo Sucks!

It's a well-known fact that it sucks, and yes if you want exp its the only place to go.

This i realized the first time i came to malmö and i thought i would not exp anything more after 40, then i headed off for rvr instead and had a great time. I noticed i kicked butt, but i grew tired of the reds killing me, so i thought lets go a quickie and return to RVR, by doing like this i really lkept my spirit up and the time in Malmo was actually fun, When i hit 45 i was out rvring alot and after that i really loged to malmo. Si when i once again hit the fierce grounds of the dragon i decided to stay till 50 in Malmo and ONLY exp, i gave up social life totally for 2 weeks completely devoted to the lvling, and i dinged 50.

Jikes.... I had a point somewhere in this mess, gosh i forgot it though.

awwwwww.. Im just a troll..


I'm a 38 shaman, if u need healers for a raum trip. msg me in game.

Corona on Prydwen


im a SM recently made 50, i never had any probs getting a group.. sm's do pretty much the most dmg out of any class and can backup mez.

Also ppl dont realise u can xp without having a full 2 groups as the boring usual.
a few times while waiting, u only need a group of 4 to start killing.
my usual group was 1 healer, 1 SM, 1 tank, and 1 runie (best combination imo). but also fine with healer, tank, runie and whoever else u want as 4th member.. at least 2-3 of these ppl should be at least lvl 46 imo.
can take execs and protectors.. just avoid the execs where ppl normally get them from cos they are tougher :)
u can pretty much cap xp every kill, only get 2 mobs per pull (1 easily mezzable), u can xp as fast as the main groups do sometimes :)
btw i solod my first exec and at lvl 49, prot at 48 :D


another thing tho, if u want in main group, get in the first one that goes there, then u are defo in...
usually about 10:30 - 11 gmt roughly it starts forming in gna.

if i came on later in the day, i generally didnt bother and did some rvr or something else, its not worth a 2-3 hour wait, u could make better xp being somewhere else in those 2-3 hours.

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