WTF is going on in Malmo



Now I don't mind waitin in line for a group to get exp at the lair, in fact I expect it.

But when I sit there for 3 hours after registering on 2 different lists and see people who have just logged on constantly get into the groups before me, it does get rather soul destroying.

I'm starting to think why bother. :(

Its not just because I'm a hunter either because other hunters got in before me. Well in the end I gave up waiting and went to play an alt. :rolleyes:

Its not even as if you can get a group together to go to raum because anyone who wants to exp at this level is in Malmo.


I have tried to exp in the Swamp but the lvls around are not high enough to make it worth the hastle of getting a group together. It takes an hour or 2 to get .3 or .4 at lvl 42 when the rest of the group is sub 40. :mad:

Is there something that I need to know about getting into groups or is it just the kiddies that don't have to work that sit at the lair all day just to get i into a group ?

Another thing is that usually once a game day at dragon time I ask the question if there is any room yet. Now I don't consider it over aggressive to ask once a day just to make sure that ppl still know im still there.

But do I even get the couresy of a reply, do I f***. Even if its just no it would be nice for ppl to say so, so you don't think your being ignored and they know you are still waiting.

I suppose the main point is what the hell is the point in having lists if they are ignored ? I can understand healers jumping in but when dmg dealers are jumping in before me .. even ones of my own lvl it just makes you want to scream.

Well I have the US CD in order and if this continues I can see that moving to those servers becomes a more and more attractive proposition.

In the whole malmo makes me :puke:

But its the only place to lvl post 40.

Well thats my rant over flame me if youlike but its just my point of view.

Brannor McThife

Malmo is really not a fun place to go. Yes, you get good/fast xp there, but really, I've seen so many people walk away from there wanting to go "postal".

I've been there a few times. Most times I've been religated to the 2nd group...what I term the leeching group (Sod you all! :p ).

Well, At L44.5 I could draw more aggro and do more damage than 95% of the people in the first group. Often resulting in my group getting all the drops. (This example taken from where the main groups tanks were L48-50, including a dwarf warrior)

I think the problem is, that people don't think clearly in Malmo. Everyone has "a friend" they want to help get into a group. I myself have sat there for 2 hours waiting for a group, and no luck. And NO, Malmo is NOT the only post 40 XP place. It's just boringly routine. Go hunt Fenrir in Raumarik. They drop some nice stuff too. And there are some seriously mean mutha frontier mobs out there too...and you get v.nice bonuses for frontier mobs.

Mainly, most of Midgard is stuck in this "I must go to Malmo post L40" syndrome. You're missing half the game if you go JUST there after you hit the 40's.



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
And there are some seriously mean mutha frontier mobs out there too...and you get v.nice bonuses for frontier mobs.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Yeah... go hunt in your frontier!!!;) ;) ;) ;)


Sorry to hear Moriath. I only got in recently so haven't had that much experience but I haven't found myself being passed over or ignored. But I agree, what's tough is that it's hard to get a group elsewhere. This has been raised before in relation to both Spindelhalla and Malmohus. The answer is (it seems), as Brannor says, to go hunting in Raumarik or the frontiers. The problem is finding groups to do that and so vary the experience. I know others who'd like to do this but we're isolated from each other and so end up in Spindel or Malmo or, sometimes, in Vanern because that' where we can find groups to go.

I feel like it would really help if there was a third place people regularly went to in between Spindel and Malmo. Raumarik seems the right place? I only base that on what others say, I've never managed to get in there yet. So if, broadly, people went to Spindel till around late 30s and then Rau till around early-mid 40s and then Malmo, we might reduce the problems in all places.

I'd be happy to help organise some sort of way of making groups but I'm not sure how to do it. We could designate nights on which someone keeps a list and tries to form groups and advertise who that is here. Then people would know who to contact to form groups? Or just set up some discussions here where people can post times and places?

By the way, there are worse things than waiting 2 hours in Malmo. There's waiting 2 hours, then going link-dead running down the hill after the dragon comes back and so running into drakulvs and waking up back in Huginfell.


Malmo is eeeeeevil

I didnt really get hardcore exping in malmo till 45, up till then I spend more time in Vanern doing Hagbuis/Forest Spiders/Clay Jotuns/Broken Jotuns/Joyun Outcasts as well as Raumarik doing Chilsome Wights/Fenrir Soldiers and Mystics and the caster Wenches.

All drop good level 49 items, some of them betetr that the equivalent in Malmo.

In fact I only wear 5 things from malmo at 50, rest is from Raumarik and Vanern, dont underestimate how great these places are.

As a hunter you can get loads of Studded items from these 2 zones, as well as some nice trinkets.

Dont give up, just remmeber to get thje name of the cg leader and chat nicely to him, if he is a decent guy and honest you will not be skipped in the list.


Solid that is all fine..

But i find making a good group to go to these other places almost impossible because everyone is in malmo..

Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I would love not to have to go to Malmo believe me. But any1 over lvl 40 in gna is on their way to malmo or going RvR to try out the lvl's they just gained in malmo.

I have been to the swamp and most of the time its completely empty. But I have never had a group good enough to pull thanes without having imense down time.

/em shrug

Just have to try again tonight.



Ahh I see your predicament mate

When i frequented the afore mentioned zones it was usually in large guild groups or mixed guild groups, usually Head Hunters and Klan Nidstang, so we often took 16+ guys out there and exped as 2 groups on same mobs, much like oin malmo.

The concept is a really great one of having 2 or more teams on the same mobs, the BaF thats generated and the resulting bonuses are amazing, alas problem outside malmo is gettign enuff spawn.


tbh i'm sick and tired about people whining all the time about how bad malmo is etc.

Everyone knows that malmo brings out the worst in people , that you need to wait for ages to get in a group , that you need a group to get to the lair (while there are tons of other expable places) and that the slightest error can wipe out your group and maybe another group as well.

if you dont like it , dont go there and solo your ass to 50 or group with people that don't like it either since it can be done. There were people at lvl 50 prior to the implementation of malmo.

ps : this is not personal but aimed at all the "i dont like malmo but i need to be there for exp" whiners


WEll i tried to find groups in raum swamp and spind after waitin 2 hrs this evening .. 3 ppl in swamp under 40's in spind no one in raum. 30 -40 in malmo..

So end up soloing oracles in yddgra :rolleyes:

Fun ... not.

Since malmo was added everyone over 40 exp's there. Its really hard to find 8 ppl or so to group with to these other places.

Its not just me either. Just i suppose im venting my frustrations. Try getting a 40+ healer to exp that isnt in malmo :/

I have and had no luck.

Just have to keep soloing wow 2 hrs .6 thats the way to go :(

And ppl can have a point of view on a place without whining .. Just trying to open up ppls eyes there is more to 40 -50 than malmo .. wont some ppl help me to explore it..

I for one have never been to raum


moriath fell free to send me a message any time =) i hate xping in malmo to and resantly i have been trying to go to Rauimark anh Vanern inseed, sure the xp is not as good put its way more fun imo =)

some Guild m8's feel the same and they dotn hesitate to Join in =)


Well, the answer is.

Getting higher in level makes people screwed up in the head.

i sat yesterday from 1115 - 2315 waiting for a spot, so dont even freakin start with me.

I have had much elso to do so i havent been able to keep up any good lvl rate. So people i NURSED, gave coin too, gave armour too gave weapons to. now all of a sudden, screw me.

No names mentioned but at 1115 i asked for a spot in list, to get in a team at lair. it took me 1h 45min to get a answer from the listholder.
and then i got spot 15 in the list.
so i sat and w8ed 7-8 people joined the team while i sat there w8ing, the time was now 1640. i held a list of my own to keep track of their activities.
A guildmate wanted a skald cloak i got earlier. so i asked the listkeeper my current spot in list, to see if i dared to leave for a moment to give him the stuff.
i got the answer i had place 12in the list, now i got friggin pissed an told him the names of those that had joined since i came there.
All of a sudden i had place 8, LoL.

Well so i had alot of time to go give the cloak to my m8ie.
i went there and returned now 5 new people had joined 2 new healers. i excluded them from my calculation.
i sat and w8ed some more, time neared 1900 another 3-4 people had joined/left. i reckon now i had spot 1-2 maybe 3.
so i asked, place 8 i got as an answer. still nr 8.
i told him the names of those that had joined. no answer.
btw this person was a member of Red Guard a flame was in place of the guild atleast :).
Now i got into terminator mode, and i i actually got people in the group giving me /send´s telling me that they were sorry, people had left the group because they were pissed at listholder.
one who left a nice chap i have played many hours with invited me to emain while w8ing. for some rvr action.

So time neared 2100 i had not gotten one single point of exp all day except once when i actually mezzed one of the drakulvs, it was hitting a wee runie.
i got 12mill exp for a mezz, when it died LoL.
3 people had joined +1 runie.
So i asked listholder what my current position was.
"6-7th i think he said"

wtf is this. i had w8ed the whole friggin day and got buttfuxxored by a llamah, and the guild that had him.

so i mainly ran around pissed thinking of giving up.
so i asked so "what are situation with your bloody list, what spot have i now 23? i should have gotten a spot at 1500 if the list were followed"
no answer.
i send him another "well nothing is going to happen i guess, so i am logging then."
he answered "w8"

now people was leaving 2 healers only left and some of the lvl50 item hunters left too.

I was invited in a group.
and the cg.

but now the group i was in had only 4 players all below lvl45. and group 1 had lvl50-46 players.
So g1 outhit g2 so extremely that we got like 3-4 mill exp per kill.
i kept my damn mouth shut cuz i had w8ed all day for a spot, and any exp was good enough for me at this point.
as a matter of fact i didnt open my mouth once cuz i was not very happy at a certain listkeeper.
we got fairly much loot, alot of af98ish armour dropped chain and some bracers and stuff some good skald items.
but i kept my mouth shut still. all went to a "red dragon" skald in g1, since he strangely enough needed all.

so we killed and killed and as time passed we got a full group in group 2. then we finally got a loot aswell and i got the loot.

a very nice cleaver and since i use a 2-h axe i reckoned this was the price for all this waiting.
And said so, "you will have to pray this axe from my dead cold hand, this is my price for my long w8"
but a lvl50 players said "loot goes from high lvl to low lvl"

My response at this time was silence, and a utter feeling of hopelessness.
I alt tabbed out and left em. with my price in my backpacket. screw you, screw you all. was my silent thought before i went to bed, somewhat happy.

here is a link too the 1-h version of the axe.

The 2-h version i got the "Immolated Great Dragonfire Cleaver" does 16.4 Dps and 97DD at lvl50.
i will have it in vault until i reach lvl50 then i will dust it off and crown my lvl by using it.

Da end of this story of hopelessness.


The Curse of Malmohus

I agree with everything you say Moriath...Ill not start whining with my tales of woe and frustration but will say that if you ever need a group to go hunt in the darker parts of Vanern or in Raumarik then... if Im not out killing Albs and Hibs Ill be more than happy to join you...and tbh Raumarik has better caster drops from those frore thingies and good armour too from Fenrirs for you I think than the Malmohus equivalents, the other thing about can actually HUNT there....not just sit in a field and chain pull the same damn mobs with the same damn drops over and over........sheesh how much fun is that?

Anyway...give me a tell when you get the urge to go for a wander.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 42 Winters


hate malmo

im also getting quite tired of all the waiting in malmo, have been on list numerous times and have been sitting way to long doing nothing except moving to the hill when the dragon goes out to stretch its wings.

so im always in for groups to raumarik or vanern so PM me ingame and if im not doing anything else i will join with my zerk.


Malmo is a state of mind imo, some people can handle it some cant. I've been there from 43-47 so far and found most groups to be well handled and most lists well organized, pulling in some semblance of order. I've also seen a lot of groups re-organise thereself to optimize exp/keep hunting and maybe thats what people are seeing.

Sometimes it's no good just taking from the top of the list, if the primary mezzer,the runie or the main assist have just logged adding anything other than the same again will just get the whole group killed and it will break up.

All I can say is persevere if you want to join a group, dont moan & gently prod the list owner once in a while (he is hunting as well remember). You will get in eventually (I still end up in the leech group from time to time) and when you do you WILL enjoy seeing your bar move.


cool we got most of a group so far then .. just need a couple of healers and a runie :D

BTW solo'd for 8 hrs on bone eater oracles to get 4 bulbs today .. But reach 43 at last :DD

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I'm quite willing to help you fellows progress in Raumarik; the Malmohus syndrome is frustration, even for healers who are normally the quickest to be snapped up into a group.

Fortunately the fenrir guards and mystics can be held against with a group of four or five, in my experience. Contact me if you need such help, and I'll try to come if I'm not already committed to another pledge.


Nice :cool:

Well yes we now have the beginnings of a Raumarik group...what we need now is a GREAT BIG load of us and we can take down the Epics there now wouldn't that be fun?? And for desert we have the Raumarik Revenant...he looked at me funny the other day so I owe him a slap anyways;)

I can get at least one more hunter lv 41, spoke to him this morning and hes well up for it, probably a healer or 2 (low to mid 40s), and of course all who are pissed at Malmo would be welcome I guess.

A nice mid 40s grp of 8 can easy take frore liches...Fenrirs, Bounty hunters and those daft tree things. 16x40 plusses and well own the damn fact Im planning my summer cottage by the river now :)

See you soon

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 42 Winters



i can probably get some of my guildmembers to join too so a group of 16 ppl should not be hard to gather up..


I might be a bit low, but I always have a 36 healer on standby

I might not play midgard much anymore. but if I'm there I'm more then willing to join
so just /send Soulcatcher


Originally posted by Tbird
Malmo is a state of mind imo, some people can handle it some cant.

Not sure I understand what you mean by "can handle". If a person enjoyes playing in Malmo then go ahead, if you dont (like me) then simply stay clear of the place. It's not a matter of being able to handle something, it's a matter of having fun when playing a game that you pay for. Some enjoys the massive adds that you get there, some simply feel the amount of exp justifies the negative sides of Malmo. Others dont. That doesnt mean they arent mentally able to handle the place it just means they enjoy exping at other places more.

There are usually around 40-50 ppl in malmo at primetime and with numbers comes idiots. Same with all other popular exp-places, like spindel.

Roo Stercogburn

The Malmo thing is just a sypmtom of peeps losing sight of why they play I think. This is for fun, you won't get fun camping the same spot for 10 levels. Also, uber xp for the time you are in the 2 groups at Malmo lair isn't actually all that uber if you need to wait for 3 hours to get in. Might as well have been soloing blues ;)

Trouble with Raumarik is it (usually) needs to be planned in advance, so impromtu visits there are quite rare though I've done this and its a hoot, but nothing to stop us getting it together with groups of peeps with a bit of planning.

Mori, give me a shout, I spend a lot of time hunting out in Vanern generally spreading carnage. I know quite a few peeps that are hunting out there this too.

I also have no prob getting a few of us together for a Raumarik run, I've done some hunting there and its good fun, you can roam around causing havoc rather than having to camp one spot. Pitched battles with the Ice Striders are great if you have enough peeps because while they only con orange at 42, there are quite a few of them and they have a nasty arsenal of spells and stuff which makes them fun.

Oh, and there's no dragon popping in for dinner once in a while too ;)

PM me in game.


hell , im up for some raumarik as well as long as we use that group afterwards to get my bum back to the lair :)

(did i mention i really want that nifty blue axe :) )


Originally posted by Det

Not sure I understand what you mean by "can handle".

There are usually around 40-50 ppl in malmo at primetime and with numbers comes idiots. Same with all other popular exp-places, like spindel.

I mean handling the idiots, the mind numbing spamming of 2-3 keys, the waiting to get a group, the waiting when you've got a group. And just like Spind I still think it's a mental thing, too many people (including myself) get too stressed about both places (I hated Spind with a vengence by the time I stopped going there and I hate Malm now). The problem is it's no good ranting about it and the people who want to hunt there, this thread is a perfect example it started as a mini-rant and will hopefully end up as a Raum hunt for those who hate Malm. Myself I think almost all hunting sucks now (post 40 exp really needs looking at by Mythic) and I just want to be on an even par with all the 50 albs so that I can RvR with a fighting chance of survival.

And as someone who's done his fair share of Raum and Vanern, dont automatically assume you need full groups there. My best exp there was in a grp of 4 pulling the Wyverns at the gate which must have been ignored for ages judging by the insane bonuses they had.


For all those interested im trying to organise a raum hunt next sunday. If you read this pls msg me in game or post here with times yr available.

BTW fun RvR in emain tonight. the hibbies came out to play :D


Organising xp trips to lesser travelled joints is the kind of things you SHOUL use this forum for, lets all use it mroe to oprganise such thinmgs, will be a good alternative to spamming the lookifn for group button in game.


Hi again Moriath

Spoke to you in game about this today...Sunday is great...let me know a time a day or so in advance so I can make arrangements my end...

Look forward to it and who knows it may become a regular thing :D

See you Sunday

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 42 Winters


Hope to be there for next Sunday. Any ideas on times from other people? 9pm BST is the earliest I can be certain of coming. If there are enough of us, maybe we can do two waves; those who come earlier and those of us who can't get in till this time.


is a lvl35sm to low?

just i been 35 for a month and starting to get slightly pissed :p


I spend a lot of time in Malmo -- save for waiting for groups, it is a great place to level. Like any zone in the game, it has a level-range for which it was designed, which is definitely 40 and highers. (Some would even say 45+).

This doesn't mean you can't go in and have fun, but unless you're with a group of friends/guildies, chances are nearly nil that you get a group easily. A level 35 (for example), would do very little, if any, damage to the drakulvs at the lair. A caster would get his spells resisted all the time.

Most of the time I end up running 'the list', or 'the queue' for the groups I'm in. I usually don't mind, eventhough at times it's a thankless job.. Running the list in a fair way, and keeping the group functional is not as easy as it looks - Usually the order in which people /send me is the order in which they are placed on the queue. At times, when a healer or runemaster leaves, people get promoted from the list or invited on the spot to maintain a functional group. (2 healers + runie, the rest damagedealers of whatever kind for the 'main group', since they take most aggro, what the make-up of the second group is, doesn't really matter, but preferably at least on healertype in there).

While this means you create an intrinsic weakness in the groupstructure (Healer-shortage, no runie means no pulls), in the end it pays off in fast xp, and relatively little risk. It also means that when the group is rolling along nicely and noone leaves the people on the queue have to wait for a spot to become available.

Yes, sometimes you have to wait. A long time. Hours. My suggestion to those waiting is to go play an alt, and let the list-holder know what it's name is. I do that all the time, and /send people's alts, to let them know they're up for a spot in the group.. works like a charm.

Noone said that you can't register with various queues at the same time, and join the first one to come up. (But be so kind to let the other groups know you have a spot, so they can keep the queue clean.).

Malmo is one way to 50, and not necessarily the one you must take. Nor do you have to play by these rules, if you have enough people to play (guildgroups, for instance.). But in my opinion, this method works best for people who are on their own in Malmo. =)


back to the topic : WTF IS GOING ON IN MALMO

normally the place is crammed with people but the last few days we had groups splitting up and calling it a night because there are no runies/high lvl tanks. Stop doing rvr (if you like rvr your class should get nerfed :flame: ) and come exp in the worderfull zone that is Malmöhus :)

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