Wtf is all this begging in camelot


Madonion Slicer

If the sentence starts anything like this "Give Me" then they can forget it, no one tells me or orders me to GIVE anything.

If they use some manners and are a little creative, then i will always help, And why would anyone under lvl10 need 10+ Gold man i remeber when i started the game 1Gp was like a fortune at lvl5-10.

The people i like are the ones that are polite and dont ask for a stupid amout, they ask using english not uber web chat if they do this i will often give them alot more than they ask for.


lol i "beg" for money from time to time on new chars:p

thats usualy because i need to take horse from A to B to get money from a guildie:p and never more then 5S :p


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

You wouldn't believe this but i've had 2 nasty incidents with lowlvl people.... one lvl15 armsman kept asking me to give my epic armor to him so he could get a screenshot of himself wearing it... when i said no (ofcourse!!) he became quite a harassment...sad...

Hmm, being the vindictive type i'd have logged that one and sent it to RightNow ;) but I'm just evil.

/ignore is a wonderful thing. as is public humiliation :)


Originally posted by old.Second
lol i "beg" for money from time to time on new chars:p

thats usualy because i need to take horse from A to B to get money from a guildie:p and never more then 5S :p

yeah you get the occasional chancer begging for 5s for a horse, then not bothering to take it :)

I always buy them their ticket .... (ok so they can sell it back for 2.5 silver, but hey ;))


Originally posted by Arthwyr

Playing on mid/pryd I asked a guy if he could spare my character 5 silver so i could ride up to a friend who also started a char there but with a different start location. He gave me 20 gold for wich i was very grateful. Whow finaly some of my money (over the past 7 months i gave away 100s of gold to nice beggers).
That was some time ago. I deleted the chars gave my gold to my friend who still plays there and started some chars on hib/pryd.
Upon getting lvl 5 and having trained as a spearo I came by the forge and asked the present crafters if anyone just started out on armorcrafting and if so if i could buy some of the throw away items of wich you manufacture dozens anyhow without stating a quality, anything was fine for me on my limited budget. So this lvl 50 crafter who claimed to have over a 1000 in weaponcrafting said he would craft me a set if i bought the materials myself WOOHOO. Shopping around for it i found myself exactly one silver short for the stuff i needed and messaged this to the crafter, np he says, come over here. Upong arriving he hands me ... 1 silver. Well how generous. I then asked if he could borrow me slightly more and that I would repay him since I had a money transfer set up and he proceeds giving me a few items from his backpack (probably cause he needed the space) and started acting as if he had been the most generous person ever to grace his realm. I added this guy to my ignore list right away, I mean how much of a twat can you be. As for his crafting ... making 94% qual lvl 5 items exactly support the 1000+ crafting skill claim.

Hang on...

you ask for some kit, so the guy makes you it...
and this isn't being generous?
ungrateful git...

oh and you hit 94% 1/5 combines when you're at 1000+

Start crafting, sit by the forge, get 10 people a minute walking up to you and begging - then tell me you'll hand out 100s of gold to just everyone that asks.

good job that, someone helps you so you /ignore them :)



Originally posted by old.Second
lol i "beg" for money from time to time on new chars:p

thats usualy because i need to take horse from A to B to get money from a guildie:p and never more then 5S :p

hope yer polite Second :p


øff kårs!(ofcorse)

you havent recived any complains:)

i even asked if i should logg in my main and give them the money but they usualy just say nah no prob m8 hehe.


Was standing in mag mell last night talking on guild chat and handing out buffs (had a small queue forming at times :p). Two people came up and asked for money. One just said "can I have some money", I said no. The other said "I know it's very rude, but could you spare me 5 silver" (or something like that). So I gave it him. It's really all about how you ask.
I very rarely give out money to people, unless I know them, buffs are free for all of course. ;)



When people ask for money for me they prolly have more money than i do, i spent it all on items and bow etc when i hit 50, i now keep money stabilised at 20G lol by going to Emain graveyard and killing some zombies when it goes below so that i can afford medalions

Bishibosh Rakanishu Dark Knights Master scout

go easy on me SBs ive got a 56 k connection

sooo i can get a free kill at graveyard... interesting :D


15G given away == hard earned materials wasted, they can spin for G if they expect us to give em it.

If they guilded its Reeeeaaal bad.

What gets me, is why crafters?? why dont they go beg somewhere where some one may actually have no use for their gold?

It makes it even worse to me when a guilded player comes to the damn forge to beg.


give them a really hard riddle that doesnt even make any sense so they sit down and work it out for ages. if they wait long enough they deserve some gold. if they just say "f00k this" obviously they dont deserve it.

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