Wtf is all this begging in camelot



I was happy crafting by the forge when for the 1000th time ppl come along and ask for money. and now they are picky.


"can i have some money? Give only gold plz"

/end quote

Give only gold???!!! i earned my Ps on the field fair and square like most ppl did and if i decide to give ya silver or copper you should be thankfull for it, if ya dont want it get the #$%& of my face. And of course they have to spamn the damn main chat with it for like 5 minutes until they realize they wont get cash.

I can understand the occasional noob asking for cash but now its guilded ppl.

I`ve had ppl from several guilds asking for cash. whats the problem m8s ? Your treasury is out of funds? Or did ya pick the wrong guys to recruit?

These idiots only make your guild look bad or sometimes even worse than I already think you are. And several were from so called big guilds.


Report the GMs. But i remember the times when i crafted and was really annoying.

Money can help a lot to level a low char cuz armor and weapons are really important.

But beggers SUX, some guys have more golds at level 10 than me at level 50


i always use the same macro to beggars!!

"I was robbed while ago, all my moneys gone. Mobs rob me, and now i need to kill them to get them back. So plz, if u can help me go and kill mobs to get my money back, u can have 50% what they drop, ty"


Hehe nice macro fin, can I use it. I'll pop a ©Fin 2002 on it of course :D


I always reverse the begging and act like i think that they will give me money.

So i keep thanking them and saying i really need the gold.
I then keep begging for money for at least 5 minutes, drives em mad;)

plz plz m8 m8 you rpomised me gold, why dont you give it?


Afun Mindbreaker


tell em to "piss off" i always do. fkin scroungers..



Should do what I do - I have a set of riddles from the web and ask them them - "GIve me the answer to this and I'll give you 1 gold"

The secret is to always start with an easy riddle.

THEN... sound disappointed that they got it right, and offer to double or quits..2 G

Again, make it an easy one.

Then ..sound REALLY pissed when they get it right

and say

"Ok - 10 gold for another one... plz ... plz..." etc.

Then hit them with a real hard one!!

Plus points - I've never lost yet, and it REALLY pisses them off!!


i always stealth when i c a low lvl comming at me ^^



I have to agree with knockout. Some scroungers ar getting REALLY bad. For instance yesterday I ws just walkin up to catch a horse to CS when theis noob runs past me with a rock imp chasing him shouting help pls help HEEEEEEELP. So I kill the stupid thing for him. Then he walks up to me and says "Give me some gold!" So I say No and ride off to CS. THE CHEEK OF IT!


i think ill start telling them that mid is the realm where they give 10-20 gold to new characters. if we can get even 10% to switch will be great :) and annoy the mids a lot too :)


The begging in camelot is really really bad....and since i craft a lot, i'm in camelot a lot... so i have some first-hand experience...

When i craft there i usually take off my epic armor and put on a robe just to keep the beggars from wanting to see my armor in trade window...

You wouldn't believe this but i've had 2 nasty incidents with lowlvl people.... one lvl15 armsman kept asking me to give my epic armor to him so he could get a screenshot of himself wearing it... when i said no (ofcourse!!) he became quite a harassment...sad...

2nd time it was a lvl10ish wizzy that wanted to see the epic i put it up in trade window for him to see it...
Then the fooker suddenly presses accept... i ofcourse cancelled it, but i got sooo mad at him... and the funny part was that he thought he had my gauntlets... all he said was: "haha thanx, mine now, logging, cya later!" and he logged...

Oh and another rich story:

beggar: can i have some money pls?

me: I'm sorry i'm broke right now.. lvl50's aren't rich you know...

beggar: yes i have epic armor you have lots of cash.

me: epic armor doesnt cost you anything, it's quested... i don't have cash, sorry...

beggar: then sell some epic armor... i need money.


I hope that guy had his bad word filter enabled....


u rude methos, roflmao...

well lets hope they add that duel with same realm dudes =)

that will help little, just ask the beggar to do it 1st =)


why not just give em some gold?
lets say 3 ppl comes , give em 5 gold each , thats 15 gold :D
is that so much?
IMO its not !


What happens after the first 3 ?

Do you carry on giving each beggar 5g, 3 turns into 30 an 300 and just coz you gave doesn't make them stop.


was a grp of 5 of em at ludlow bindstone today catching those releasing from rvr


Originally posted by knockout
I was happy crafting by the forge

that says it all.

Its been the same way for a long time.

It it pathetic - and as Methos pointed out frequently annoying.

Start naming guilds - or at least complaining to guilds. I dont see any other way this will change.


if there guilded tell em to ask guild and go away if they keep bugging u just ignore em

if its a noob an original then help em out true aint easy to spot a noob though


Todya this was really stupid, I was walking in camelot, after training in my smite, and a level 2 foker , guilded aswell, ran behind me:

He yelled: Stop
I stopped
He said: "Hello, give me gold"
I continued walking away, w/o respone, then he yelled stop again - and used the same /s with his damm macro...
When I exited camelot he massaged me: Hey!
FFS - you fecking beggers don't get it the first time?
no g's for anyone...
On the other hand, if a guy will ask me for like 80s for his next sword, armour, staff, condom, I'll happily give them, just make sure you use the word please, and don't be completely rude... and if you beggers are guilded - go beg your guilds, next time a guilded guy begs me for money, i'll have him kicked from his guild, unless it's a guild who agrees to beggers shitz


2nd time it was a lvl10ish wizzy that wanted to see the epic i put it up in trade window for him to see it...
Then the fooker suddenly presses accept... i ofcourse cancelled it, but i got sooo mad at him... and the funny part was that he thought he had my gauntlets... all he said was: "haha thanx, mine now, logging, cya later!" and he logged...

Does this guy have a name ?

Well I'm often in a generous mood to beggers gave away about 20 gold the past 2 days but I can say it was my last gold I gave away. I had to slay mobs for my cash they will have to do it too. This game is easy enough as it is for the noobs compared to the early days.


hehe methos, thats some nice stories you got there ;)

I usually just ignore annoying beggers. And I truly hate the "item plz, gold plz" spammers.

But when someone asks me polite for some cash, I never say no. Alltho it depends on how much and what for.

Three perfect examples are:

"Greetings sir, Can I bother you for 5sto take the horse to Camelot?"

Polite and good reason. I hate myself when starting far away from everything.

"5s for hors plz" is annoying... but might still give em cause it still sux to start in camp. forest :p

"Greetings sir. Can I bother you for 1.42g for a Breastplate? I've all the pieces and only 1.42g short"

Something like that... thats also kinda nice. They are polite and its for a good cause. It doesnt hurt us to get lvl 50ies that are polite. I usually end up giving them more or just clearing my vault and giving them a lot of gear.

A little advice for you people, be polite and dont repeat yourself when asking. Frustating to see someone spam the main chat as Someone said earlier.

And to you people with possibilites to make cash rather fast and easy. Dont be to greedy and think "when i was lowlvl, i had to kill pigs for cash", cause you sigh yourself when oldpeople tell you that phrase irl.... giving away 20g to a random nice person will only make their day better and make them a happier albion whom in return will help other lowbies and hopefully stay polite.


When people ask for money for me they prolly have more money than i do, i spent it all on items and bow etc when i hit 50, i now keep money stabilised at 20G lol by going to Emain graveyard and killing some zombies when it goes below so that i can afford medalions :)


Arthur; hi burg can i have gold?

Burg; /ignore Arthur


Life is just like this. There have been beggars in society ever since there was society, and there always will be. Daoc is a virtual society with a (toally screwed up) economy. Therefore we have beggars.

Some I give to, some I don't. I don't have a policy either way. If someone asks nicely, looks to be dressed in rags, or asks for specific amounts for specific items I always give. I never give to the 'gold plz' beggars though.

Please remember though, if you adopt a policy where you will NEVER give, you will let people who really need help go away with a baaad feeling about their new realm. When I first started on Alb/Pryd it took me 2 days to transfer gold from Mid/Excal. Those 2 days were pretty tough, new realm, new class, no friends, no cash, green cons equipment, lost again ho hum. I didn't beg, I did ask for a 30s (yes 30s) 'loan' over broad in Cam though for a staff for my friar. Got lots of abuse back, and went back out to slap green cons mobs with my green cons mace until I could afford a staff. Not an ideal introduction to a new realm....


Chesnor you do have a point, there are people that (for instance) have leveled to 50 elsewhere and worked past the point of having to wear green con stuff. It would be nice to get some if you came to a new realm and indeed give you a good view of it. I hope that I can tell these people apart, that they behave better and ask more modestly. But there are SO many "professional" beggars that are so annoying that I really can't be held responsible for my actions :/ Sad that it should give people an unfriendly view of the realm but...

I'm too nice to tell people to just sod off, instead relying on other plans. Saying plain no tends to work, telling him that there is someone that will give him gold behind him then sprinting/speeding off is quite amusing, stealthing is also so but I can't do that. Sometimes I just tell them that there's this crazy guy called Hood down in Campa Forest giving out free gold. Sometimes I start lecturing them on how to not rely on other people, how if you give a man a fish he has food for a day but teach a man to fish and he has food for a lifetime. Pretty much any form of talking bullshit until they get the hint works good.

So annoying though :/

DroP DeaD

Anyone rememeber

Anyone (Albion) remember about 1,2 or 3 weeks ago. A begger outside CS? He was there everytime I went to BG1. He used a lame macro with "Can you spare some change sir". Now for one how lame to ask for money which he did for 3 days each time I told him to pi$$ off coz I hate beggers... and then he changed to another character.

Now the 2nd thing... How the hell dare he can me sir!?!?! I would much prefer madam. ;)

Drop deaD



Playing on mid/pryd I asked a guy if he could spare my character 5 silver so i could ride up to a friend who also started a char there but with a different start location. He gave me 20 gold for wich i was very grateful. Whow finaly some of my money (over the past 7 months i gave away 100s of gold to nice beggers).
That was some time ago. I deleted the chars gave my gold to my friend who still plays there and started some chars on hib/pryd.
Upon getting lvl 5 and having trained as a spearo I came by the forge and asked the present crafters if anyone just started out on armorcrafting and if so if i could buy some of the throw away items of wich you manufacture dozens anyhow without stating a quality, anything was fine for me on my limited budget. So this lvl 50 crafter who claimed to have over a 1000 in weaponcrafting said he would craft me a set if i bought the materials myself WOOHOO. Shopping around for it i found myself exactly one silver short for the stuff i needed and messaged this to the crafter, np he says, come over here. Upong arriving he hands me ... 1 silver. Well how generous. I then asked if he could borrow me slightly more and that I would repay him since I had a money transfer set up and he proceeds giving me a few items from his backpack (probably cause he needed the space) and started acting as if he had been the most generous person ever to grace his realm. I added this guy to my ignore list right away, I mean how much of a twat can you be. As for his crafting ... making 94% qual lvl 5 items exactly support the 1000+ crafting skill claim.

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