wtf are goa playing at?? (billing)



okay goa are stooping to new depths now - THEFT!!

i cancelled my account in early june and received an email on 11/6 stating as much

just checked my bank statement though and more money has gone out to goa

checked the subs page and look what i find

My invoices
Invoice no. Date Status
MM002/*******48 06-07-2002 12:01 Validated
MM002/*******31 03-06-2002 22:41 Validated
MM002/*******91 02-20-2002 00:00 Validated

yep the bastards have charged me for another month!!!

now as far as i know legally that if a company draws money from someones account without permission it is classed as outright THEFT

any one else had to deal with this shit??


wtf do u mean by that??

if u aint got anything constructive to say stfu


It's not theft, it's probably a banking error.

Instead of crying here, why not send an email TO goa enclosing the email you got sent saying your account had been terminated.

For gods sake, coming on here and screaming theft and goa did this goa did that isn't going to solve your problem.


Well, let's wait and see how many people have the same problem and then we might see who the smartguy here really is.


Originally posted by Darkwind
Well, let's wait and see how many people have the same problem and then we might see who the smartguy here really is.

Even if many people have the same problem it doesn't prove either case.

Banking errors do occur, and if you have proof that they approved your account cancellation, you should get the money back.
If they don't give it back, that's verging on theft.

That email is the all important thing.


Worse is, GOA needs over a weeks prior notice from you to be able to stop charging you for the next month. Insane billing policies indeed but you agreed to them. They seriously made me consider not playing the game.


Originally posted by Tigerius
Worse is, GOA needs over a weeks prior notice from you to be able to stop charging you for the next month. Insane billing policies indeed but you agreed to them. They seriously made me consider not playing the game.

It's not insane billing policies, it's standard. A lot of ISPs request a months notice on paying accounts.


Originally posted by IsrafaelCF

Even if many people have the same problem it doesn't prove either case.

Banking errors do occur, and if you have proof that they approved your account cancellation, you should get the money back.
If they don't give it back, that's verging on theft.

That email is the all important thing.

I agree totally. But if you can read, count and work with your bank account you shouldn't get a lot of problems (not to say any unless there's a GOA billing fault). And in that case write to them and don't whine here. That's what I was pointing at with my sarcastic replies.

Of course a fool does not know better than to counter them with flames.

And I'm talking about Gravity here, not you Israfael.


Bahh goa's billing is feek'd up , read the 2 other threads here.
If you havent had problems well thats just fine and dandy for you , but changing peopel billing info's , and thatw ithout letting you know !!! And then say they cant do that , thats feek'd up , im pretty sure my mate didnt enter his info so he would be bill'd, and it wassent me neither , so..... who ell's has acces to the information, god danm it I cant even change the info without canceling the subscribtion first , so dont say they aint feek'd it up


It won't have been a purposeful altering of billing information, jesus.


I advise you all to speak to your credit card owners to reject the billing and to claim it back from the company because in your eyes you had terminated your account and taken the steps necessary.

I am in fact a credit law specialist and it is illegal to take money in this way. The way you solve it tho is by speaking to your credit card company and or bank as I said above.


Originally posted by IsrafaelCF
It won't have been a purposeful altering of billing information, jesus.

I dont realy care about that, but the simpel fact they altered the billing info is scary to me, next time my CC info might end up in the hands of a not so trustworthy person. But as I live in Denmark there is no other way to pay :(
It's not like I said they did it on purpose, to piss me and my mate off , but the fact that it should not be able to happen thats making me angry :twak:


first off - i do have an email from goa dated 11 june confirming my cancellation

the time between this and the next removal of money is 25 days - plenty of notice for goa

and yes i have emailed them already - the reason i have posted here is its an easy venue to "vent my spleen" on the only real forum left that anyone from goa may look upon i.e. kemor

if you were to notice the bottom line of my initial post i was asking how many other folk have had similar "oversights" with "banking errors"

at the end of the day removal of monies from a bank account (paid by debit card) without permission is theft


MM002/*******48 06-07-2002 12:01 Validated -->7th June
MM002/*******31 03-06-2002 22:41 Validated -->6th March
MM002/*******91 02-20-2002 00:00 Validated -->20th February

Was it a 3month subscription?

Tis their wacky american date styles...

its mm-dd-yyyy instead of dd-mm-yyyy

so 01-02-1234 is actually the 2nd of January and not the 1st of February

(you can tell it's that format by the last date)

So when you cancelled on the 11th june you'd been billed 4 days previously.


Oh my god...billed for one extra god...what ...8$/euro?....oh gods... :rolleyes:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Oh my god...billed for one extra god...what ...8$/euro?....oh gods... :rolleyes:

Don't forget that 10 Euro is 95% of the whiners' pocket money.


Ah yes, forgot that everyone can't be rich and beautiful :p


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Was it a 3month subscription?

Tis their wacky american date styles...

its mm-dd-yyyy instead of dd-mm-yyyy

so 01-02-1234 is actually the 2nd of January and not the 1st of February

(you can tell it's that format by the last date)

So when you cancelled on the 11th june you'd been billed 4 days previously.

Where did Gravity go??

Gravity!!!!! Come back!!!!!! We think we know the answer to your problem!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmm... strangely quiet now isn't he?

Also strange that a certain 'credit law specialist' wasn't able to spot the deliberate mistake... :p

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus
Also strange that a certain 'credit law specialist' wasn't able to spot the deliberate mistake... :p
Not just ANY 'credit law specialist', but one that fears the almighty STATS!

Quick, someone throw some numbers at him!




GOA's billing system is flawed. I have been billed twice by them in one month, and they take ages to get the money (it shows in the credit card "operations in process" for 2 weeks). Also the personal information is stupidly arranged and you cannot change the billing information until next period.

Never seen so many problems of this kind in other online games, and I've played almost all of them :D


As long as you havent signed anything saying you want extra coverage and even better, if you have a back up email cancelling your account you are insured under your credit cards terms and conditions(speaking from a UK law perspective here so not sure about EU credit law) . Dont panic - just speak to your credit card company - they will sort it for you.

As long as you have used your credit card - you are safe. These things happen all the time mate - fact of life - thats why they have these procedures in place. :)


Originally posted by sickofit...

Don't forget that 10 Euro is 95% of the whiners' pocket money.

God danm your an idiot, until now I thought you where just a smart ass , but actualy your a full blown moronic idiot.
This is not about the bleeding amount, you silly git , its about laying there sticky hands on money thats not theres , and thats stealing

Brannor McThife

Damon, Farnis, did you actually read the whole thread?

The eleventh day of June, Gravity decides he no longer wants to play, and cancels his account.

However, due to banking lag, the charges dated the seventh of June only show up later, which he incorrectly interprets as the sixth of July.

No problem there. He cancelled his account 4 days after the last time he was billed. And billing is per month or part thereof...

So hush.




Originally posted by Damon Doombring

God danm your an idiot, until now I thought you where just a smart ass , but actualy your a full blown moronic idiot.
This is not about the bleeding amount, you silly git , its about laying there sticky hands on money thats not theres , and thats stealing

I never heard Sickofit... (tm) say that he's NOT an idiot.

And don't give credit about that to Sickofit...(tm) either, it was my pun. Hmph! :p


DOHHH I'm so sorry , I'll never do it again..It should have been obvious to me , plz accept my apology


To Brannor : Yes I did read the whole thread , and maybe he did make a mistake , but noone shall say there billing is not feek'd up cause it is :p


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
DOHHH I'm so sorry , I'll never do it again..It should have been obvious to me , plz accept my apology

Apology accepted.


I advice people to cancel the subscription a week before the date says you will have to pay again. For example: my date was 11/6 also I believe but they charged me on 7/6 already. So that's 4 days in advance. Sure I can understand that there are a lot of payments to be done and some payments have to be done earlier but please say to people that if they know for certain that they gonna quit that they should do it the moment they know and not wait 1 day in advance for example. Just my 2 cents...

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