Books Writing


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004

I've always figured I'd be a decent writer if I put my mind to it. I have a grasp on the English language that veers between mediocre and tenuous depending on my caffeine intake during the previous 4-6 hours and a variety of exciting mental problems which often lead to an original and idiosyncratic turn of phrase. All this on top of a vocabulary and knowledge of grammar that would put to shame the vast majority of Scandinavian children in the 8-10 age bracket.

Anyway, I had some stuff published (poetry mainly) when I was a nipper but then got sidetracked by the pressing need to be as drunk as possible as often as possible for as little money as possible which was a challenge of optimization of much greater magnitude than any of my Comp Sci courses and my plans for writing fell by the wayside.

I have recently come up with an idea for a story (Sci-Fi/Fantasy - pretty clichéd but with a couple of twists and some nice narrative on the fragile nature of relationships, the psychology of belief and so on) and with the recent development of being able to self-publish in eBook form, I'm thinking about having a crack at it. If I can knock it out in my spare time and sell a few dozen copies at £0.79 a pop then it might pay for a celebratory Big Mac and fries down the local McHostelry.

Does anyone here have much experience of writing and (specifically) self-publishing? Would they be willing to share any choice titbits of information that might help me out?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

I've always figured I'd be a decent writer if I put my mind to it. I have a grasp on the English language that veers between mediocre and tenuous depending on my caffeine intake during the previous 4-6 hours and a variety of exciting mental problems which often lead to an original and idiosyncratic turn of phrase. All this on top of a vocabulary and knowledge of grammar that would put to shame the vast majority of Scandinavian children in the 8-10 age bracket.

Anyway, I had some stuff published (poetry mainly) when I was a nipper but then got sidetracked by the pressing need to be as drunk as possible as often as possible for as little money as possible which was a challenge of optimization of much greater magnitude than any of my Comp Sci courses and my plans for writing fell by the wayside.

I have recently come up with an idea for a story (Sci-Fi/Fantasy - pretty clichéd but with a couple of twists and some nice narrative on the fragile nature of relationships, the psychology of belief and so on) and with the recent development of being able to self-publish in eBook form, I'm thinking about having a crack at it. If I can knock it out in my spare time and sell a few dozen copies at £0.79 a pop then it might pay for a celebratory Big Mac and fries down the local McHostelry.

Does anyone here have much experience of writing and (specifically) self-publishing? Would they be willing to share any choice titbits of information that might help me out?

Damini is our published writer-in-residence, but she's not been around for a while.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
That's because I ended up lodged in my back up job of SOUL-CRUSHING RETAIL and I was too busy crying into a polyester jumper after spending a day selling toilets to use the internet for anything other than googling "how to tell if a colleague is pissing in your tea".

I'm out now though. Whoo. Ask away. (First lesson - have a back up career).

Edit: And yeah, I have appalling grammar. It's probably just as well I wasn't self published, and had an editor.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
That's because I ended up lodged in my back up job of SOUL-CRUSHING RETAIL and I was too busy crying into a polyester jumper after spending a day selling toilets to use the internet for anything other than googling "how to tell if a colleague is pissing in your tea".

I'm out now though. Whoo. Ask away. (First lesson - have a back up career).

Edit: And yeah, I have appalling grammar. It's probably just as well I wasn't self published, and had an editor.
Second lesson: have a second backup career that involves designing the most ugly stuffed toys on the internet.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm out now though. Whoo. Ask away.

1) You got owt coming out? :)

And 2) Why the fuck do I choose to play CS over writing? What the fuck is wrong with me?! :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Second lesson: have a second backup career that involves designing the most ugly stuffed toys on the internet.

Yeah, it's a pretty weird fall back but it's going really well. For something that started as a joke, at any rate :) It's a lot more serious now though, and I'm having to read books that don't have any beheadings or plague in them (boo, hiss) and learn about start ups and marketing and investors (apparently they are NOT magic money fairies). Don't worry though, my drama degree is helping.





Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
1) You got owt coming out? :)

And 2) Why the fuck do I choose to play CS over writing? What the fuck is wrong with me?! :(

1) Working on a Fuggler story, but only half heartedly until I can secure the factory deal to mass produce. I'm also writing a pilot for an animation company, but that's very speculative at the mo, and taking an age with all the Fuggler business going on.

2) Because distractions are awesome!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
If you've got a business plan I know someone with cash to invest...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not short of investors actually, what I am short on is business knowledge of what the hell I do with an investor. They are not, apparently, just human money pinatas. I wish business books weren't so boring :(


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not short of investors actually, what I am short on is business knowledge of what the hell I do with an investor. They are not, apparently, just human money pinatas. I wish business books weren't so boring :(
I've been running a startup (two, in fact) for ~9 months now. I may have useful experience of stupid mistakes I might be able to help you avoid :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I've been running a startup (two, in fact) for ~9 months now. I may have useful experience of stupid mistakes I might be able to help you avoid :D

Do tell! By message if your mistakes are so embarrassing you don't want to publicly associate with them :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I would lick an investor.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Most people on this forum would lick someone if they thought money was involved.....


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
1) Working on a Fuggler story, but only half heartedly until I can secure the factory deal to mass produce. I'm also writing a pilot for an animation company, but that's very speculative at the mo, and taking an age with all the Fuggler business going on.

Hope you've taken the time to patent or in some way copyright Fugglers Dams. I think someone's trying to muscle in on your business - "Ugly Buddies", IIRC - look like a bit of a rip off and I think they went into production post-fuggler. Wouldn't mention it to your potential backers until they're locked in tho.

2) Because distractions are awesome!

Annoyingly so :(

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