WoW's long term appeal?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
ya I used to play with this mincer in daoc who even when we got to trees still didn't know how to mezz... I mean come on it's not a wow thing only...

Oh hi dany :x


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Asha said:
ya I used to play with this mincer in daoc who even when we got to trees still didn't know how to mezz... I mean come on it's not a wow thing only...

Oh hi dany :x


I suppose since WoW is so solo friendly, many people just don't group until they're at a pretty high level. Then, when they do.... :mad:


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I rarely group, can't be arsed with all the bs about who rolls on 1 drop etc etc only time i group is when i need to complete a quest.

I avoid instances like the plague unless i'm really stuck for quests to xp on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldnt say WoW has shit on daoc atm for end game... in daoc even at the start there was a point to killing people u were awarded realm points... So far all u get is the joy of killing someone in a arcade form by button bashing quite frankly... wow gets quite boring quite quickly in my eyes :( such a let down


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
To be fair, about the initial points system in daoc, that's all they were, points. They didn't do anything until realm abilities were implemented in 1.48 or 1.50(?) (I've honestly forgotten) and that was months after the game was released.

Though even that rudimentary system is better than what WoW has at present (something is certainly better than nothing), although the WoW PvP honour system is different to the DAoC system in that the rank must be sustained in order to reap the benefits. I'm hoping this system will be enjoyable and works well enough to make the endgame more appealing for the longterm.

That said, I do find comparing new MMO games to old ones at release a little strange. The newer ones need to compete fairly actively against the older games, meaning they should (imo) have the features that players want the most out of these type of games either at hand or close after release so that they're more likely to retain the playerbase that left their original (and probably years played) game for the new spangly one. This is why I was a little surprised to see WoWs PvP system being so basic for so long, the evidence is there that players want PvP (RE the high populations of the PvP servers compared to the PvE) and that Blizzard haven't really delivered a viable system until now (or in the next couple of weeks at least) and that the battlegrounds will be even longer after that.

Then again, these things take time, you can't just expect them to pop out of thin air (though Blizzard have at least now recognised that their 'it'll be done when it's done' philosophy simply doesn't work in this genre) :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Dommers said:
Silverhood, I agree that there are a lot of idiots playing WoW. But the games only just come out. Most of people you group with in DAoC had high level friends who showed them how to play, or they were just alts.

We're talking way back. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back, before most people had even hit lvl 40.

And Danya, you *did* play Albion (I rest my case :p )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
sure they were just points and alot of people back then i remember were going on about how annoying it was just points!!! but the humerous thing is in this game there isnt even points !!!!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Conchabar said:
sure they were just points and alot of people back then i remember were going on about how annoying it was just points!!! but the humerous thing is in this game there isnt even points !!!!

not yet anyway :cheers:


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
WoW PvP is fun. You can fight 1v1's or group fights, whatever you fancy. In DAoC you can only successfully PvP in a perfect group or if you are a stealther class. Even then you need bots and benefit from having a buddy or three to watch your back.

DAoC requires endless grinding and farming and is, frankly, a game that is dying on it's feet. For most new players DAoC's end game is impossible to get into - they simply can not compete with the gank groups and all the RR10 ToA'd people out there.

I understand that for many of the whiners DAoC was their first game and first MMOG love - and first love lasts forever. But it is *not* the be all and end all.

There is such humour in WoW, such depth to it's design, so many areas to explore and quests to do that it will keep my attention for at least another level 60 or two. And then indefinitely depending on how well Battlegrounds is introduced and if they sort out the lag problems with big city raids.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
WoW's long term appeal for me is certainly diminishing. Especially when I just want to relax a little on a sunday afternoon after a day out with my family and some lawn mowing and the servers are out of action ...... again.

There's a solitary note about how they've got a database problem and that the servers were due up approx 90 mins ago. Well guess what? Still can't log in.

The biggest problem is that they link the game accounts to the forum account so if you game login's bolloxed up, you can't log onto the forums to whine/compain/enquire about how it can be fixed. Instead they give you an email addres which most people tell me they either never get a response from or the email simply bounces back.

WoW's customer service is ultimately what will keep the punters happy but right now I'd imagine they're losing customers in droves. I wonder how many people are actually re-subbing after the free month expires?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Turamber said:
I understand that for many of the whiners DAoC was their first game and first MMOG love - and first love lasts forever. But it is *not* the be all and end all.
nah i got bored of daoc quite a long time ago :) i still think daoc > wow and i would never go back to daoc :p the skill required in daoc out does wow about a billion times over ^_^ i just hope the pvp aspect of wow gets better;/


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
That would the skill of typing /stick and /face. I hear the highly skilled even wrote macros to do the same!!11


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Turamber said:
That would the skill of typing /stick and /face. I hear the highly skilled even wrote macros to do the same!!11

You forgot the /assist button.

Ralgedi Smurf

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Conchabar said:
nah i got bored of daoc quite a long time ago :) i still think daoc > wow and i would never go back to daoc :p the skill required in daoc out does wow about a billion times over ^_^ i just hope the pvp aspect of wow gets better;/

what was so hard in daoc pvp compared to the pvp in wow? I love the pvp in wow it reminds me abit of daoc in the old days before it all where fg vs fg in emain (Havent really played frontiers). Only annoying thing is the amount of bad players, it can really be hard getting a good fight cause people just tend to die while trying to run.

But other then that i dont find pvp in wow easy or demanding less skill then in daoc.

And tbh i really dont miss rewards that much, im looking forward to em but i still love to pvp even without em.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
k9awya said:
top frost mage vs top rogue, there you see a HIGHLY technical matchup

no , there you a see 95% win rate for the mage


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
the skill required in daoc out does wow about a billion times over ^_^

Funny quote. Conchabar, you probably don't remember it anymore but when DAoC came out one of the mean criticisms of the PvP community on it's RvR model was that there wasn't much skill involved, it was PvP tacked on a mechanism designed for PvE instead.

WoW on the other hand is imho better designed for PvP from the ground up, shame we're still waiting on the system that will bring us involving, meaningfull PvP.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
When DaoC first came out.....I assume it had all the "keeps" in place in the various frontiers....WoW....for those who played DaoC before WoW, most pvp in WoW is like the crapest form of rvr - a comparison to camping the Passage of Conflict would work :) - i.e. its gank or be ganked :(

The only real place "open" pvp occurs in WoW is in Tarren Mill / Southshore area in Hillsbrad. I think pvp is somewhat lame compared to DaoC. I hope battlegrounds changes things somewhat !

Is it me or do PvP guilds on WoW servers like not exist ? Instead of farming over and over again the same instances to get that one drop, maybe if peeps learned how to play in pvp.....shit what the hell am I talking about ? It seems like 50% of the WoW population came from EQII and other " non rvr" environments - so they dont know any different :(

Anyway, renewed DaoC account and having good fun - yes yes even the unbalanced game that DaoC is - its still light years ahead of WoW when it comes to pvp/rvr - and I think will remain so for a long time yet.

I know this is not just me - since renewing subs a week ago - quite a few old faces on Pryd have popped up, the rvr elite that left daoc are returning - the grass was not greener - well not yet anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Conchabar said:
always had a thing against me didnt u whisp :twak:
Yeah, but that's beside the point.

I'm wondering how you would know since it isn't fully implemented yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
every1 seems to expect so much from WoW.
tbh i love the pvp now. sure it can be annoying to get ganked while questing. but when u have 2 even lvled grps facing off its great.
i think the best fight i have had so far was me and 4 mates all from 30-34lvls were running thru hillsbrad when we came across a 5man grp of same lvl horde heading opposite direction.
we all stood a moment not knowing whether we should go for them as we were on a way to a quest. then all hell broke loose.
as soon as their rogue disappeard i did the same. our 2 pallys charged at them and 1 feard bck by their warlock while our hunter and mage started shooting stuff. it was 1 of the best fights i have had. maybe cos it was jsut a fun and confused mess of a battle but it was pretty even. it came down to being me and a pally left with their warrior who minced thru me then our pally finished off. then as every1 scrambled bck to rez it just became a chain fighting event for about 15mins. people just repopping up at hlf hps and jumping bck into the scramble. maybe we could have used tactics but none of us could see the point at the time. we were just having fun. go for any target of opportunity as it was.
it eventually stopped and fizzled out with i think both grps wanting to get bck to doing wht we were before. as we would start rezzing and going off and sitting at the sides after we died then we all actually wave to eachother and went our seperate ways.
this may not be every1s cup of tea esp the hardcore must win at all costs people. but im sure later on we will develope tactics and as i play more and more with the same people we will learn our roles, esp when battlegrounds comes out, but im more than happy running around like headless chickens beating and getting beaton by other players atm. my 1 wish at the moment which will probly be easier with bgs will be to find grps of equal lvls to fight. rather than suddenly having to deal with 2 lvl 60s who just run up and mince into us with a few hits.
just my 2copper

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nice post :) Was imagining the fight as you described it - made me remember the first decent fight I had. Was about the same level in SV and our 5 man group ran into more (though not grouped) Alliance ppl. We waded in and did just fine.

btw I'm not sure I agree that hard core guilds don't just wann have fun too - the difference is when they lose, rather than moan about it - they ask questions as to why..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Lakashnik said:
but im more than happy running around like headless chickens beating and getting beaton by other players atm.
That is indeed a lot of fun if you let it :)

Our first crossroads raid was tons of fun by all; regardless of level. :)

The second you leave out the "we must win!" attitude and stop regarding the game as some sort of sport; everything seem much more enjoyable. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Im holding out for battlegrounds, after that i will see what game offers the best pvp model, be it wow, daoc or some other game (perhaps Dark and Light etc).

Atm WoW pvp isnt that fun *but* i do like the mechanics that the pvp work on - i.e. classes are "reasonably" balanced against each other, there are no absolute win/lose situations and no classes that *always* own another class. Also the pure mechanical aspects such as how interuptions, healing, ressing, crowdcontroll and different skills work feel good and often gives you a fighting chanse (even tho chainstunning rogues prove the exception to this). Whats missing is a context in which to pvp - some way to get balanced grps and numbers to face each other instead of the random zerging/ganking in tarren mill that passes for pvp atm. Hopefully Battlegrounds will fix this.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Too many instant direct damage skills in wow tbh. Instants should in my opinion, be debuffs.

One thing I would like is mounted warfare, some skills would be restricted though. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
To me much depends on what the honour system brings. WoW's long term appeal depends on how well they manage to develop a working (and fun) pvp system, which atm is quite inferior (atleast in my opinion).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
the first several kills i got in wow with my rogue made me happy because i was getting bored of the solo grinding ... after awhile pking just seemed not worth while and pointless much like a game of cs hs hs hs hs hs:p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The second you leave out the "we must win!" attitude and stop regarding the game as some sort of sport; everything seem much more enjoyable.

Amen to that

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