WoW So great...


Dec 26, 2003
happened to me alot that i finished a spell and while spamming next spell i get an out of range msg.

anyway what annoys me too about wow is the fuckslow casting. as overpowered sorc with 411 dex it almost kills me to see a 2,5sec spell getting casted.
And i don't really believe in that talenttree either, in the end i think there will be a 'best talent spec for class X " too. and all chars from the same class will be pretty much equal .


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Tsukiko said:
Dont come here making negative posts about WoW, just because you are bored and cant play due to lag and ld's on daoc. :p

lol...come here? On DAoC forums :p That comment wold work so much better in a WoW forum.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
WoW is the fastest selling PC game ever in the USA, selling over 240 000 units on the lauch day alone flies are eating shit for lunch on a regular basis.

oh.. and btw:

"Stepping out of my time machine in year 2052, I tried to reorientate. Everything looked familiar at first. but then...."



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Is there a WOW forum crying out for someone like me? Bound to be I bet.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Aussie said:
happened to me alot that i finished a spell and while spamming next spell i get an out of range msg.

anyway what annoys me too about wow is the fuckslow casting. as overpowered sorc with 411 dex it almost kills me to see a 2,5sec spell getting casted.
And i don't really believe in that talenttree either, in the end i think there will be a 'best talent spec for class X " too. and all chars from the same class will be pretty much equal .

it all depends on how much you are out of range, if the mob walks slowly out of range a tiny bit, it will cast, but if it is running after another player and walks alot out of range you will not be able to cast the spell (it will say "target is too far away" )

whining about WoW in a DAoC forum is soooo on topic :)

and you can hardly complain about lag in WoW euro BETA, thats the key word! BETA, DAoC has been out for THREE YEARS and it still has major problems!

someone mentioned that WoW has no artifacts/ml's/gank squad setups

in my book thatts a GOOD thing! its the of the main reasons i left daoc!

now i know gank squad's will eventually appear in WoW but with the introduction of battle ground area's the option of large scale PvP will still be viable ;)

and its new, and ive been in love with warcraft since i first played the original all those years ago, so yes im a "fanboi", but no, i dont see how critiscism like the thread starter had is going to change my mind, it just looks to me like someone is bitter about WoW :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004

3 new WoW classes to be added at release​

/taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's /taunt WoW fanboi's


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i read this looked fhunny and i was right :D

look go to wow if you must stay with daoc if you must play both if you must just stop arguing.

Wow will work Daoc will work. WoW may have all the bells and whistles and will be what people have been waiting for sooooooooooooooooo many years.

The true winner will be startrek online, i can asure you there are probbly more startrek fanbois than wow fanbois ;)

im rolling me a tribble and im going to populate exponentially just because i cant do it in real life :D


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
and you can hardly complain about lag in WoW euro BETA, thats the key word! BETA, DAoC has been out for THREE YEARS and it still has major problems!

it's the live US servers that have the problems... LIVE LIVE I SAY!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Awarkle said:
Wow will work Daoc will work. WoW may have all the bells and whistles and will be what people have been waiting for sooooooooooooooooo many years.

If thats a general statement about Everyone well, you're gonna have to exclude me out of it since ive seen every single thing in WoW already in another MMO. :p

Auction House and Message System? Pa, FFXI had that as it was, WoW presents nothing new to me at all and the cartoon graphics don't do a lot to help my already bad view of it, i'll just live in ignorance of WoW and be happy as larry since I won't be burning my eyes out playing something that could well be a game Cartoon Network could have drawn better. ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Here´s a leaked blueprint of the Diablo 2 design doc. The *entire* D2 design doc. :)



Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
thorwyn you draw that yourself m8?
and yeah it pretty much covers D2 - but that was the fun of it - no major hassle just hack and slash


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
Sure! The original is still in my scanner :)
thor the original blizzard hater :) still remember being lectured in /gu for admiting i like warcraft and diablo :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
"I don´t think Blizzard is evil in itself. I just think they´re making crappy computergames."



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aussie said:
anyway what annoys me too about wow is the fuckslow casting. as overpowered sorc with 411 dex it almost kills me to see a 2,5sec spell getting casted.
And i don't really believe in that talenttree either, in the end i think there will be a 'best talent spec for class X " too. and all chars from the same class will be pretty much equal .

2+ sec castspeed on most spells in wow is a good thing. 0.8 sec castspeed on most spells in daoc is not a good thing.

The Talent spec seriously doesnt matter that much, its just minor tweaking, with a few nice abilities but as far as i can see nothing that will make you overpowered. Most specs should be able to beat most others.

And for classes beeing equal, this is also a good thing :) WoW wont have the huge class balance problems that exists in daoc, both because several classes share the same abilities in one form and another, and because both factions have the same classes, except one unique each.

WoW isnt the end-all-be-all of mmorpgs, certainly not, but it feels fresh and fun atm, and thats all i care about. Might well be back to daoc later on, or another game if one presents itself as attractive. I Dont understand this mmorpg patriotism that alot of people display :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Fana said:
WoW isnt the end-all-be-all of mmorpgs, certainly not, but it feels fresh and fun atm, and thats all i care about.

Thank you, finally, probably the first WoW player that admits to WoW not being the Alpha and the Omega for once, it's a breakthrough. :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sharma said:
Thank you, finally, probably the first WoW player that admits to WoW not being the Alpha and the Omega for once, it's a breakthrough. :p

i have never claimed that WoW is perfect, but i find it hypocritical for a DAoC player complaining about lag and problems in WoW when DAoC is far from perfect either ;)

oh and about it being "LIVE" in the US, thats true, but then thats why i play on euro servers and not US, they sort out the bugs so we dont have to ;)

(bit of a mr muscle quote there)

also WoW (at least the "carebear" normal servers) seem to have less whiners and an abundance of friendly relaxed players, at least thats my experience from playing so far :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Lorra said:
lol, your even using the daoc emoting system in a slagging off post, well played :)

You twonk!!! :flame:

that wasnt a slagging post, it was a post saying its good we are different and that there a MMO's out there for all tastes. BTW If u think that DAOC is the only MMO that uses /em as a command line then you more of a twonk than I thought.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I would have played WoW. However, I recently decided that the last thing I need in my life is another timesink, so I will stay in DAoC and let my MMORPG addiction slowly die with that game (whenever that will be). It did look good, from what I saw, even if my brief sojourns in US Beta left me somehow... empty. It is certainly a step in the right direction, but a somewhat orthogonal one to DAoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Fana said:
I Dont understand this mmorpg patriotism that alot of people display :)

Totally agree - why do people spend time dissing a game that they don't play? Just play what you enjoy, no need to waste time bitching at people who want to play something else.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
daoc is the worst game i ever played, wow is one of the best


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ormorof said:
someone mentioned that WoW has no artifacts/ml's/gank squad setups

in my book thatts a GOOD thing! its the of the main reasons i left daoc!

now i know gank squad's will eventually appear in WoW but with the introduction of battle ground area's the option of large scale PvP will still be viable ;)

Was exping my tauren druid in the Barrens last night, when I saw an equal level night elf run past.
I thought, why not, and went for him.
He ran round the corner.
I followed.
I got taken apart by the 4 rogues waiting for me.

The gank squads are already here in wow.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
semanon said:
You twonk!!! :flame:

that wasnt a slagging post, it was a post saying its good we are different and that there a MMO's out there for all tastes. BTW If u think that DAOC is the only MMO that uses /em as a command line then you more of a twonk than I thought.

nah i know others use it but Daoc is the only one i really see it being used in tbh


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Smurflord said:
Was exping my tauren druid in the Barrens last night, when I saw an equal level night elf run past.
I thought, why not, and went for him.
He ran round the corner.
I followed.
I got taken apart by the 4 rogues waiting for me.

Hehe, nicely done :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
Was exping my tauren druid in the Barrens last night, when I saw an equal level night elf run past.
I thought, why not, and went for him.
He ran round the corner.
I followed.
I got taken apart by the 4 rogues waiting for me.

The gank squads are already here in wow.

This is actually very common, you can bet that if you see a NE about your level standing around or running around in circles near a road in Ashenvale he has 4 buddies waiting around a tree alil further up the road. Was fun the first time i encountered it, getting old now tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
daoc vs wow bla bla
suit yourself if you wanna continue to pay useless GoA


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Many people say they play WoW because DAOC either "sucks", "lags, "never was fun" or "is old and boring".

Well... the kind of view i always take to stuff, but never really say, is that something like DAOC, WoW, etc. are just things, and people have opinions about things. Most of the people can't be convinced when they have the opinion that DAOC sucks or that WoW sucks, or anything.

The key to making a "good" game is not to have more quests than the others, better graphics than the others, less lag than the others, or a larger pvp system than the others, what counts is the whole package and the amount of people that will like it. No-one forces you to play anything, play what you like, and actually I don't understand the use of the arguing between WoW or DAOC being better on any forum, because it's just people who want to convince others to believing what they say, but what they say is just their own opinion, and by only saying "DAOC sucks" then your opinion will never reach another person like "hey, shit, he's right actually....".

oh, and Aussie: there's a small range extension once you've started casting, it's quite short, but nonetheless I think it's quite a good thing, as all spell ranges are quite short, and the casting times are long. It fits in the game properly, there's nothing wrong with it. What's good as well is the 1.5s recast timer on every ability, even if something is instant and has no "cooldown", you always have to wait 1.5s before being able to do it again, like 4 instant spells will take you 6.0 seconds before being able to cast something else after those 4 spells.

and talking about gank groups.... there's hardly room for it in WoW, as the territory you can pvp in on a pvp server is huge and I don't think everyone's getting ganked by a 5-man group of level 60's, or more. It's mostly some cool zerg-fights, love to storm those capital cities with 50 people :p WoW PvP, and especially in the first months, will be quite freelance-style. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
WoW and DaoC doesn't seem that different from what I've seen (only seen PvE in wow tho). I am a bit disappointed that Blizzard didnt do anything more innovative or fresh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smurflord said:
Was exping my tauren druid in the Barrens last night, when I saw an equal level night elf run past.
I thought, why not, and went for him.
He ran round the corner.
I followed.
I got taken apart by the 4 rogues waiting for me.

The gank squads are already here in wow.

That's just dumb. Always look around you and don't fall for traps like that. You're totally safe in the Barrens, so never take any risks.

Reminds me of today, running with my lv21 mage through the barrens and a lv23 night elf rogue came walking next to me and did /taunt .....

.... he was a sheep a few seconds later, and a corpse just a bit after that. never seen someone release that fast yet. :D And they tried ambushing me with 4 later in ashenvale, but Blink > any spell :p

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