Would anyone like to start an exp group?



In a group like that a merc could take almost as many hits as an armsan, do better dmg than a pally, and if the casters get aggro a Merc will get the aggro 10x faster if need be. Even with heal chant+taunt+taunt style any merc worth his salt can get aggro in 2 seconds flat if they so choose, especially with a pally in the group for constant end.


Ice Wiz 1 -
Ice Wiz 2 -
Ice Wiz 3 -
Earth Theurg -
Minstrel -
Cleric -
Pala 1 - living/barbaric
Pala 2 -

no1 ells copyed the list yet so please do so if u wanna sign up.. whats not on the list here is not taken as he said :) Atleast i got my pala now, will be a briton fyi

edit: would however like to know what times to play at and so on :)

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