Worthless Players :/



Originally posted by ravingdog
How tell if someone is Worthless Player Gimp!

1).When Players Drag Arrog into your pbaoe.temp to run away

2).Forgotting to Heal ,because u spam too much!!

3).Forgot to put focus on your pet when u focus pull.

4).Asking your healer to pull.

5).Dueling in rvr areas,expecting not to get killed by stealther

6).lvl5 trying to get a group for emain

7). forget to drop from your group when you Suicide.getting whole group u where in killed

8).ur healer says he ready,when he has no power

9). run up into Port Keeps thinkin you can kill the guards

10) forget to buy the port ammy,when time to go to battleground ect

This Means Your Stupid,if u have done all 10 u win the award as
<U Suck Superior ass>



Originally posted by old.Tohtori

And that dolphin is a mean killing machine...especially against elvis.

read 'Startide Rising' a bloody good book by David Brin which has Dolphins in exo-skeletons. (the whole series of books set in that universe are good by the way)

And sorry UncleSick(tm) the bumpage is more for the killer dolphins than the utterances of the raving one :rolleyes:


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