Worst high rr grp vote !

which is the worst high rr grp

  • PE ( saitoh, joline, fadeh....)

    Votes: 69 12.2%
  • EC( quin, tuorin, dorga....)

    Votes: 14 2.5%
  • mael ( valgair, booomer, brite...)

    Votes: 64 11.3%
  • GA ( nilmeia, worldbuffer,dopi...)

    Votes: 32 5.7%
  • TDD ( murweli, puppethealer,gwal...)

    Votes: 53 9.4%
  • Coo Coo (nelax, mega...)

    Votes: 27 4.8%
  • Bad omen ( bljes grps etc...)

    Votes: 24 4.2%
  • Legacy ( thadi, niko, frieia...)

    Votes: 29 5.1%
  • Evita grps ( manisch, smellysucks, evita)

    Votes: 226 40.0%
  • Clan Chaos ( dont remember names sorry )

    Votes: 27 4.8%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
As for me lag casting, now that's funny. I also have the magical ability of pop up and down on battlements. Haha! Must be some kind of WoW teleport skill. My machine is pretty much okay, I upgraded the gfx card a few days ago and am almost lag free at my side but if you're to slow with the stick while I am running the battlement stairs up and down with my own speed I can't help you.

u werent even close to the stairs, i chased u out the top door, u turned right and disappered down and i get the "manisch is too far away..." i /face u and low and behold there is manisch instantly back on top the battlements casting to his hearts content, i ran back up and killed u... so nice trick mr ubergrfxcard


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Clasic retarded whine since daoc day one.

The lag casting warping caster!!!

How ignorant someone must be to belive, that in other peoples screens his caster NEVER shows to lag cast.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Jupiter said:
u werent even close to the stairs, i chased u out the top door, u turned right and disappered down and i get the "manisch is too far away..." i /face u and low and behold there is manisch instantly back on top the battlements casting to his hearts content, i ran back up and killed u... so nice trick mr ubergrfxcard

Prolly our Fire Wizard nearsighting you. Judging from your whines here I couldn't care less if someone like you has me in range or not. I also doubt you're qualified to say I am using any tricks or I bug abuses, you're simply way too stupid and immature to make an objective call about what's happening around you in the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Indeed, a very old whine. Caster with speed moves and presses /face. Caster stops immediately from his/her point of view, but the server and other clients haven't caught up yet, so the caster keeps moving. If that happens near the edge of walls, the caster will fall down and appear on the ground for a moment, then he'll warp back.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I can't defend you here jup :(

I can randomly insult mani tho :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
Prolly our Fire Wizard nearsighting you. Judging from your whines here I couldn't care less if someone like you has me in range or not. I also doubt you're qualified to say I am using any tricks or I bug abuses, you're simply way too stupid and immature to make an objective call about what's happening around you in the game.

Just randomly adding the fact it wasnt a fire wizard nearsighting Jupiter :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
Just randomly adding the fact it wasnt a fire wizard nearsighting Jupiter :D

I was going to say that but i thought Mani can't be THAT Stupid. :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Puppet said:
Just randomly adding the fact it wasnt a fire wizard nearsighting Jupiter :D

Long-going joke on our teamspeak. I'm trying to fool Manisch I actually DO have some utility!!1!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Puppet said:
Just randomly adding the fact it wasnt a fire wizard nearsighting Jupiter :D

Think mani playing on the fact that jupiter acting like a dumb twat and so he must infact be a dumb twat.

TBH, some the hibs here are absolutely hilarious. Had a funny conversation with a high rr bard on irc today. One these people from the "we want fair fights but will kill solo people/add on fights" guilds.

I start the conversation nicely just saying be appreciated if they didnt add on our fights (us being 4 people fighting 4 hibs) after throwing random insults before getting the wrong realm i play in he went on to use the excuse that any group with a theurg should get added on followed later by laughing and telling me to FOAD IRL.

Quite funny that this is a bard that alot of people had said to me is a wanker and uses radar and i actually used to defend him (having spoke to him when he was on a borrowed alb toon). Guess i was wrong. But it is his kind of attitude that certain other high RR opted players on this forum share when they meet people like Evita's group and throw out accusations without any proof and also having no idea about game mechanics.

I bet you let Jupiter would report someone for swimming at normal speed ontop of the water while on 1% health for some sort of speedhack if they got away from him :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Corran said:
But it is his kind of attitude that certain other high RR opted players on this forum share when they meet people like Evita's group and throw out accusations without any proof and also having no idea about game mechanics.

I bet you let Jupiter would report someone for swimming at normal speed ontop of the water while on 1% health for some sort of speedhack if they got away from him :p

Never reported anybody in 3 years of playing. Our group has no problem meeting Evita's group 1fg vs 1fg and sometimes we win and sometimes we loose, some of their group are even higher rr than us. But this whole idealology of using "fopping/resting" on bridge, sitting down in fights and the old chestnut of game mechanics as excuses and fobbing off their actions is lame & hence my post in this thread titled "The worst high rr group".... now anything else u want to assume about me corran go right ahead


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Jupiter said:
Never reported anybody in 3 years of playing. Our group has no problem meeting Evita's group 1fg vs 1fg and sometimes we win and sometimes we loose, some of their group are even higher rr than us. But this whole idealology of using "fopping/resting" on bridge, sitting down in fights and the old chestnut of game mechanics as excuses and fobbing off their actions is lame & hence my post in this thread titled "The worst high rr group".... now anything else u want to assume about me corran go right ahead

You made assumptions about cheating, i just made as many assumptions about you as well not even trying to be correct.

And yes they may just be excuse for them. I dont know as i dont run with them often, but maybe, jut maybe they dont run to out of the way places to rebuff/rest like most high rr groups?

It is a possibility that i am right here. Also a possibilty you are as well mind you. At this junction i dont really care if it an excuse or not. Most high rr groups are all rather lame in their tactics in some way.

For example

High rr member "we want fair fights"

random person "so why add/zerg me when im solo/duo?"

High RR member "Because you might add on our fight"

random person "all ready stated and proved i dont add on your fair fights"

High rr member "Well you get it because you speedwarped us when we chased you/dont like the class you play"


I would say 95% the people on this board are hypocritical alot of the time with what the say. I admit sometimes i am (though i later explain my actions). So really, why even bother? :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Corran said:
You made assumptions about cheating, i just made as many assumptions about you as well not even trying to be correct.

And yes they may just be excuse for them. I dont know as i dont run with them often, but maybe, jut maybe they dont run to out of the way places to rebuff/rest like most high rr groups?

It is a possibility that i am right here. Also a possibilty you are as well mind you. At this junction i dont really care if it an excuse or not. Most high rr groups are all rather lame in their tactics in some way.

For example

High rr member "we want fair fights"

random person "so why add/zerg me when im solo/duo?"

High RR member "Because you might add on our fight"

random person "all ready stated and proved i dont add on your fair fights"

High rr member "Well you get it because you speedwarped us when we chased you/dont like the class you play"


I would say 95% the people on this board are hypocritical alot of the time with what the say. I admit sometimes i am (though i later explain my actions). So really, why even bother? :D

i support the idea about " because you might add on our fight " just depending the person , for example

we see Knarl and we WONT kill him , but for example i only know you because you played heretic and played like always on beno bridge waiting your oportunity to add in bridge. There are some ppl with good reputation and there are some ppl with the chance to add, another example ? for example bradlex , he speaked with me in excal/ alb and said me pls dont kill me again when i am solo, i said him ok but go away from the fights if u are near, which is my surprise when 2 weeks later he added in berk fight after hug me ! :eek: , since that day i will kill him always.

Just go away like Knarl ( that iconu arsman) and sometimes whispa or u will get killed


Loyal Freddie
Apr 22, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
i support the idea about " because you might add on our fight " just depending the person , for example

we see Knarl and we WONT kill him , but for example i only know you because you played heretic and played like always on beno bridge waiting your oportunity to add in bridge. There are some ppl with good reputation and there are some ppl with the chance to add, another example ? for example bradlex , he speaked with me in excal/ alb and said me pls dont kill me again when i am solo, i said him ok but go away from the fights if u are near, which is my surprise when 2 weeks later he added in berk fight after hug me ! :eek: , since that day i will kill him always.

Just go away like Knarl ( that iconu arsman) and sometimes whispa or u will get killed

I believe that if you leave soloers/duos they will leave your fight and hopefully this policy will spread the word and lowers the adds on your fights. THats why we usually try and leave soloers/duos behind unless they've proven they'll add on our even if we leave them. Like Issoz spoke with Puppet after a fight yesterday, where he added, and we agreed not to add on eachothers fights anymore.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
i support the idea about " because you might add on our fight " just depending the person , for example

we see Knarl and we WONT kill him , but for example i only know you because you played heretic and played like always on beno bridge waiting your oportunity to add in bridge. There are some ppl with good reputation and there are some ppl with the chance to add, another example ? for example bradlex , he speaked with me in excal/ alb and said me pls dont kill me again when i am solo, i said him ok but go away from the fights if u are near, which is my surprise when 2 weeks later he added in berk fight after hug me ! :eek: , since that day i will kill him always.

Just go away like Knarl ( that iconu arsman) and sometimes whispa or u will get killed

Speak to dopi ingame. Ask him exactly what i done for 5minutes when they fighting PE... i stood and watched it as it nice to see 2 good groups fighting. I didnt cast a single spell.. Stay at about 2.5k-3k range till 2fg mids added.. Then i ran and sat by him.

Reason being? Unlike my tic that gets zerged down as he has no speed/defence, i can actually solo on my theurg. Groups zerged my tic down from rr1-rr6. They zerged me down when i first went into rvr with him. So i werent likely to say "oh thats ok, waste my time by killing me every 2mins i wont add on you"

However, my theurg can throw a speedwarp/mezz/get clear from the zergs. It allows me to watch fights and be able to survive if someone wants to try kill me. But the policy of "add on sight as dont know you" aint a good one. No one knew my theurg till he was rr3, most of alb didnt know it was me. And yet most enemy groups zerged me down when i hadnt gone near their fights


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Dakkath said:
I'd like to say 'you're so full of shit I'm surprise you don't choke on it when you speak', but I'm a nice guy and don't speak to people like that...

Let me spell it out, in nice simple language... I was in that grp last night, as well you know. We did not camp any of the choke points to the island. We run from one end of the island to the other fighting what we meet, win or loose...

I suppose you could be referring to the time when we met a fg as we were running through the milegate, killed them and rested for a couple of minutes in the FOP we placed before we moved again only to find another FG there...

Now obviously, that means we must have been camping all night coz we are 'the biggest bunch of lame fucks on the server'

We all know it doesn't make the fucking slightest bit of difference what the people in that group say or do because people like you, who have some grand delusions of being >>> than everyone who ever played the game, don't want it to see it change.

You seem to enjoy whining your sulky little ass off and running home to mommy crying about this, that and everything else...

I sit down or pull off and hug spam almost anytime something I'm unhappy with happens (as you personally saw and pondered a couple of times last night) but still I get classified as a lame fuck no matter what I do, so why the hell should I bother trying...

I'm so sick of the BS comming from some of the people on here day in, day out, talking total crap and insulting people left, right and centre (mostly the grp I run with and therefore me by association). I almost never post angry, venomous replies to some of the shit you folks come out with but it's getting to the point where I'd be doing myself a dis-service by not replying to the utter crap some of you folks post these days.

I haven't a clue what Manisch was doing and am very curious as to what abuse you suspect our clerics of (You must suspect something or you wouldn't be bitching about in on here) I have the upmost respect for all the people I run with but if I though for one second that even one of them were abusing the game mechanics somehow I would not run with that person again, simple as...

If you have something, some evidence be it movie, screenie or whatever feel free to contact me with it either through here or IRc and I'll happily listen to your concerns and even report them to rightnow myself if they're abusing something. Hell, let's face it, I'm in a better position to observe them and their behaviour than you are. If you haven't anything to back up your words then just shut the fuck up until you do (if ever)... :twak:

generally there's just too much prestige in DAoC. nobody ever get's beaten unless their seer was on the phone, the tanks LD:ed, no RA's where up and they had no power. judgeing by the input on these forums most don't play for fun. the play to ''pwn'' and too ridicule other people. even the ''nice'' FAO-threads that start off with ''nice fight <XXX>'' but ends with ''but we where only 1 healer and 6ppl, we're all in rogs and where rebuffing'' (i.e. you suck for taking 4 minutes to kill 7 ppl). good sportsmanship is near non existent on the forums (which i think is a shame). this thread is quite a good example of it. just someone who want's his views to be accepted by the whole comunity and spread some shit your way while doing so. same goes for the other ''grpsetup''-thread. just seems that somebody lost a fight to much and felt compelled to justify that it's the others that are overpowered and not him/her playing that made him/her loose.

and as for your grp, i'm sad to say that you're screwed. even though you never add you will still be acused of it, nobody will ever loose to you unless ''we ld:ed, we had major lagg, we where resting, we... etc''. you will most likely be added on whatever you do, which i think is quite sad. i'm not a big fan of the manisch-forumpersonality or the evita dito either but i do think you're treated rather unfairly.

although i must say that the evita-grp seems more prone to add and are often found with other ppl, but accidents happen :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Corran said:
Speak to dopi ingame. Ask him exactly what i done for 5minutes when they fighting PE... i stood and watched it as it nice to see 2 good groups fighting. I didnt cast a single spell.. Stay at about 2.5k-3k range till 2fg mids added.. Then i ran and sat by him.

Reason being? Unlike my tic that gets zerged down as he has no speed/defence, i can actually solo on my theurg. Groups zerged my tic down from rr1-rr6. They zerged me down when i first went into rvr with him. So i werent likely to say "oh thats ok, waste my time by killing me every 2mins i wont add on you"

However, my theurg can throw a speedwarp/mezz/get clear from the zergs. It allows me to watch fights and be able to survive if someone wants to try kill me. But the policy of "add on sight as dont know you" aint a good one. No one knew my theurg till he was rr3, most of alb didnt know it was me. And yet most enemy groups zerged me down when i hadnt gone near their fights

the best you can at prime time is play with a fg tbh , agramon atm is not best option for solo/duo nonstealther class . Unless they only know you as a good boy and not an adder, get a reputation cost some time and rolling alts is not the best way


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
the best you can at prime time is play with a fg tbh , agramon atm is not best option for solo/duo nonstealther class . Unless they only know you as a good boy and not an adder, get a reputation cost some time and rolling alts is not the best way

I wont run with random groups unless im helping gop out.. but they just harm teh reputation that i am trying to build sometime as certian members are "add on sight" players. (fully believe in Realm vs Realm and so happily add)

That leaves me with some sets of friends to run on agramon in groups or semi groups- or to run in random empty zones/take towers-keeps(pve towers sucks).

Alot of people then assume that as your a small group/solo you gonna add n your fight and take you down without getting a chance.. I have actually in past couple days gone on irc for the first time in over a year to talk to people that do this to me and explain that i wont add on them, however if they constantly zerg me down that i would likely change that attitude. Some willing to listen and others dont give a damn.

You - im not sure about. Got a bad view of certian members of your groups, yet i respect some the others. Leaves me in a position where i got to decide if i want to piss the rest of to get back at the others :( Most time i not willing to though


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Corran said:
I wont run with random groups unless im helping gop out.. but they just harm teh reputation that i am trying to build sometime as certian members are "add on sight" players. (fully believe in Realm vs Realm and so happily add)

That leaves me with some sets of friends to run on agramon in groups or semi groups- or to run in random empty zones/take towers-keeps(pve towers sucks).

Alot of people then assume that as your a small group/solo you gonna add n your fight and take you down without getting a chance.. I have actually in past couple days gone on irc for the first time in over a year to talk to people that do this to me and explain that i wont add on them, however if they constantly zerg me down that i would likely change that attitude. Some willing to listen and others dont give a damn.

You - im not sure about. Got a bad view of certian members of your groups, yet i respect some the others. Leaves me in a position where i got to decide if i want to piss the rest of to get back at the others :( Most time i not willing to though

you did something wrong if you only can do mini grps. alb/ pryd had/ have good players, maybe try to play with them instead of be gimping around


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Xxcalibur said:
you did something wrong if you only can do mini grps. alb/ pryd had/ have good players, maybe try to play with them instead of be gimping around

I can think of only small number of good rvr clerics.

2 only run in guild groups
1 runs only in high rr groups
3-4 normally taken up in other groups

Bg friars ... can think of 3 decent ones. 1 only runs in guild group, 1 i dont see often and 3rd normally in PvE

BG pallies... about 4 decent ones. 1 only runs with guild, 1 taken up most nights, 1 often taken up most nights and 4th one i dont see that much now.

Sorc... hahah... so many PL'd fotm clueless ones around it funny. Normally i have to mezz on my theurg else we loss the initial mezz.. quite funny. Even some in the rvr guilds are really poor.

That just for the main things.. filling in rest is doable though.

And i didnt say i cant get groups, just i have an issue with the fact i wont group with totally shit people that stand no chance. I have had offers from 2 rvr groups of people to join them. Thinking about joining with one them but i have to see how it goes with a couple of test runs before i willing to leave a guild of friends for it. I also beginning to fill in more in evita's groups but it brings a total different setup so more thought needs to go in it. And onto of that i often run in high rr PuGs and have done so since RR2 so i cant really be doing to much wrong (though I really aint that good yet mind you, still learning something new everyday)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
less qq , twice you was asked for group, you was afk both times :E

now our thug is back , tough luck


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
toxii said:
less qq , twice you was asked for group, you was afk both times :E

now our thug is back , tough luck

invite me i'm fotm :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
pjuppe said:
although i must say that the evita-grp seems more prone to add and are often found with other ppl, but accidents happen :)

but mid caster and healers can do better straefing then albs:twak: , and i have never seen a whole FG jumping from a tower like some mid groups can do...:eek6:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
toxii said:
less qq , twice you was asked for group, you was afk both times :E

now our thug is back , tough luck

Not QQ about lack of groups, please point out where i was oO

Just stating about them being hard to setup if the regular groups are setup (mainly being yours/straef-evita's-KF-and in sominstanc Retribution).

I get plenty of groups still as said however i dont always want to be grouped or as i do actually have a life outside game im doing other things (aka afk omg) so i cant group up when they being setup and as they normally all start within a 1hr time spam (7-8 = group setuptime often) you can be waiting awhile before spot comes up.

I enjoy the game running solo and in small groups anyways as you can have a laugh, or i dont want the pressure of running into opted group, especially if i know im only staying a short time online. Also factors to take into account.

So going by your post.

Less qq about me being afk Toxii :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Corran said:
I can think of only small number of good rvr clerics.

2 only run in guild groups
1 runs only in high rr groups
3-4 normally taken up in other groups

I don't only run in guild groups.
I never run in high RR groups.
I mostly solo.

Guess I don't belong to the good RvR Clerics list then :(


Dec 22, 2003
Andrilyn said:
I don't only run in guild groups.
I never run in high RR groups.
I mostly solo.

Guess I don't belong to the good RvR Clerics list then :(

you guess right!!11
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