Musejedi said:50% :/
Think we could petition GoA to have this community nuscence removed?
Manisch Depressiv said:Community what?
Ethild said:How can I complete this poll without a Rising Force or Savage Conclave to vote for.
Nice twisting of the argument. It just feels that you are bragging about killing them with the reaverbomb, when it clearly is nothing to brag about. Have i gotten the wrong impression? Ìf so, please enlighten me..Manisch Depressiv said:Ofc the Reaver is ordered to only bomb FoPs.
Eregion said:Where did i say that? I just got the feeling you used that little clip of yours to brag about killing them, when it's just nothing to brag about.. I might be wrong ofc so please enlighten me!
Musejedi said:thank you for adding yet more to your trolling bank of retardedness, if you'd like to pick through anymore of my posts for spelling errors, please do continue to do so! (There will be many, if you met my mother, you'd know why)
All the while, please remember that you are shit, you'll always be shit, where as some day I might actually learn to spell.
have a nice day!
mirieth! said:i've never even played against them as i quit prydwen a long time ago, but i voted for evita's group anyway, just because it's a group run by a moron who buys his characters. shows the standards of the other 7 people and manisch reinforced my pre-conception that they're all idiots. grats on another vote anyway!
Manisch Depressiv said:Well I never met you. But people calling other idiots they don't know that doesn't wake any interest in me to ever meet you. People with prejudices are usually full of shit and I rarely find anything interesting in them.
This ain't a threat but no one beside of my relatives who know me and who have the right to call me so has called me an idiot before in a face to face situation and if someone would do I'd prolly punch in his face or just laugh as hard as I can (and punch him then). But I assume your inhibition threshold is only so low via Internet where you can hide behind your anonymity and troll all day long.
You prolly even don't know who the group consists of and who the regular replacements are but go ahead and call some random people idiots.
Brite said:time for the legendary pictar
Manisch Depressiv said:Did you log after my BB debuffed you? Wanted to piss you off a bit, since you run around making fun of my Armsman staffing him and stuff.
such a comeback, cant you answer the question instead? do you find it 'skilled' to win with a reaverbomb?Manisch Depressiv said:Go and take some enlightenment pills. Might help.
mirieth! said:i've never even played against them as i quit prydwen a long time ago, but i voted for evita's group anyway, just because it's a group run by a moron who buys his characters. shows the standards of the other 7 people and manisch reinforced my pre-conception that they're all idiots. grats on another vote anyway!
Manisch Depressiv said:I actually looked up the word of yours in a dictionary since english is not my native language. And I didn't find any close matchings. The only two meanings that came to my mind at this stage of the day were "nonsense" and "nuance" and both don't make any sense for me. But go ahead and call names for going on you because of spelling errors which I never did and never will do.
Jesus christ, some people really need to grow up...
Ethild said:How can I complete this poll without a Rising Force or Savage Conclave to vote for.
Edlina said:The word WJ was trying to type is nuisance now gogo dictionary!
Eregion said:such a comeback, cant you answer the question instead? do you find it 'skilled' to win with a reaverbomb?
blejs said:the "BO" group thats around atm is a setgroup tho, just we only done 1 day together with all 8 and 2 others with some replacers
Consists of
Me SM rr9
Dilandio Pacci rr9
Silvermane Auger rr8
loddish Berserk rr8
zerach Savvi rr9
*Stonee BD(close to rr7)
Thrash shammy rr6
*Konstantin Savvi rr5
*: Prolly :]
bigchief said:Would be nice to see this group not instantly adding on all fights in future. Same goes for alot of the groups mentioned here tbh. Not like you can use the excuse 'were low rr and cant win', yet still like to think of themselves as wanting fg fights.
Would just be good to see some of these groups showing all the others a little respect and leaving fg fights alone when really most of these mentioned would rather have fg vs fg fights than a zergfest (with obvious exceptions ofc, WoV etc).
With the current iRvR situation fights are easy to find, and alot of groups will go away from the zerg to get fg fights. Mids mostly atm seem especially bad at chain adding on fg fights (this is guild grps im talking about not randoms). Most albs won't leave the villa area so rarely albs adding on our fights, hibs are somewhat differing. Some add, some don't. From what i can gather about Excal rvr adding isnt a huge issue there amongst the guild groups, would be a shame to end up with a server of 2k+ active population all insta adding rvr when we cluster because of a few guilds that cant respect fg fights.
blejs said:Yesterday we did 2 "adds". 1 time was VP fighting some middis high in the forrest, so couldnt see what happend really. Already said soz for that on irc.
Second time was albs vs hibbis. And we joined in, and i dont think this is a problem to add.
We got added our self atleast 2 times yday, 1 time when we fighted hibbis and albs joined in ( dont have a problem with this ).
And second time VP came when we had added on that alb vs hibbis fight, and was going for some hibbis. Wasnt a big of deal shit happends
Those i can remember from yday atleast
TheBinarySurfer said:If your opinion mattered to me, or in fact you werent a quitting joke of a player (see i played prydwen when you did a long time ago and i think i know who you are), then I'd care about what you think.
Since it doesnt carry on posting and pretend that i give a shit and am crying IRL just like your mother must have done when she saw what she'd raised.
Oh and yay we won!