
Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
I really want to congrats with all mids playing WLs for the great class they play ... They can kill a mage full res, con, hp just with their istant cast for then vanish behind a wall or running away ... I think we all should reroll mid and go play a WL coz this is the really way to play this game, maximum dmg with minimus gameplay and ability... going to delete my chars and reroll istantly mid coz i m sure this game needs more WLs... Ah! and ty Mythic for this great char that stuck with this game really nicely:worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Am i sther? Kyus wizzy, kiuss minstrel, kiiux sorc r sther for u?
Anyway if i was a sther where the question change??
I could expect this aswer by some1else not from u ...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
kiuss said:
Am i sther? Kyus wizzy, kiuss minstrel, kiiux sorc r sther for u?
Anyway if i was a sther where the question change??
I could expect this aswer by some1else not from u ...

Can someone translate this into English please? :)

On topic, Locks should avoid using their AoE through walls. Haven't seen it much in Europe yet, but try US servers and watch them clean out and cap a tower without even setting foot inside.

Oh, according to Mythic, it's not a bug :)

Latuvu Kmk

Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2005
Na kyuss, i only meant they are a bit weak in Thid, not like in RvR ...

I have nothing against you ... but if you start qq'ing about wl you can do it for bd , sorc , bard ( in thid ), vamp , theu, etc ...
You'll never stop :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Sigh, not another WL whine post :(

Yes they suck and they should be nerfed, nothing we haven't heard millions of times before!



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Vamps r worse than warlocks tbh. I disesed a vamp today in Leirv and yay , nice to see this had fuck all effect on his HoT. Im max cave btw, and yes it landed. But didnt effect him at all, nor his spd buff despite lowering target spd on normal people. To me this is a bit gay, almost as gay as thier end drain being an interupt, not sure on range but it normally hits me as i go to bolt from full range so im assuming 1850. To count also the 250 dmg per claw vs my capped heat resists <admitedly not with buff resists up but still>.

Warlocks die easy to nukes , warlocks have slow casts once thier instas are down. Im not gonna say thier not overpowered because i know they are. But then so is stupid hibby baseline stun. And bainshees nukes..

Ect.. Ect.. theres a lot worse than a warlock :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
knighthood said:
Vamps r worse than warlocks tbh. I disesed a vamp today in Leirv and yay , nice to see this had fuck all effect on his HoT. Im max cave btw, and yes it landed. But didnt effect him at all, nor his spd buff despite lowering target spd on normal people. To me this is a bit gay, almost as gay as thier end drain being an interupt, not sure on range but it normally hits me as i go to bolt from full range so im assuming 1850. To count also the 250 dmg per claw vs my capped heat resists <admitedly not with buff resists up but still>.

Warlocks die easy to nukes , warlocks have slow casts once thier instas are down. Im not gonna say thier not overpowered because i know they are. But then so is stupid hibby baseline stun. And bainshees nukes..

Ect.. Ect.. theres a lot worse than a warlock :p

Its the power tap you must be refering to which interupts you.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Perf said:
Its the power tap you must be refering to which interupts you.

Thats the one :D
Green thingy or red thingy something or other :p

is annoying anyway hehe


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
U can quickcast root/mezz a vamp and run or take distance for nuke... u can kill a WL but he sure will istant dot u and till die or go near 0hp (and be jump soon, as we all know)... only think that make me feel angry is u can play good and kill a vamp ...but u can t play good and kill a wl w/o die or take great dmg (1v1 ... group is other story)... if then u consider keep battles....
But i m sry for this tread i was only really demoralized at that moment for the costant go to keep take dot die release...


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2005
kiuss said:
U can quickcast root/mezz a vamp and run or take distance for nuke... u can kill a WL but he sure will istant dot u and till die or go near 0hp (and be jump soon, as we all know)... only think that make me feel angry is u can play good and kill a vamp ...but u can t play good and kill a wl w/o die or take great dmg (1v1 ... group is other story)... if then u consider keep battles....
But i m sry for this tread i was only really demoralized at that moment for the costant go to keep take dot die release...

Yeah Shammies with Quickcast rock :cheers:
As for warlocks, mine doesn't nuke for more than 110 with his LT, thats around 160 damage if i fire it from a chamber, then i have to cast the rest of my spells normaly (which means 4 sec cast time...even the dumbest of casters can interupt me). The insta dot is now a pretty low delv, it does LESS damage than the shammie AoE dot (tho it lasts 1 more tick) which is normaly only enough to kill a Crappy /level caster if they get no heals.
You can't have a Chamber AND the level 24 Lifetap.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
mids have Warlocks and BD's
hibs have Vamps, Aminists and banshees to a certain extent
albs have theurgs and crush mercs,

Just make an OP toon of your realm


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
knighthood said:
To count also the 250 dmg per claw vs my capped heat resists <admitedly not with buff resists up but still>.

The Claw is Matter Dmg... but there is a Heat DD.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Umgrud said:
The Claw is Matter Dmg... but there is a Heat DD.

depending on spec the claw can either be heat (SM spec), cold (dementia), or matter (VE spec)..VE also has a heat based DD.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
kiuss said:
I really want to congrats with all mids playing WLs for the great class they play ... They can kill a mage full res, con, hp just with their istant cast for then vanish behind a wall or running away ... I think we all should reroll mid and go play a WL coz this is the really way to play this game, maximum dmg with minimus gameplay and ability... going to delete my chars and reroll istantly mid coz i m sure this game needs more WLs... Ah! and ty Mythic for this great char that stuck with this game really nicely:worthy: :worthy:

It's actually a very good idea, everyone roll a WL and actively play it for a while. When Mythic see everyone has rolled one they will look at the class again and hopefully nerf them back into the dark ages. People that play them are the sort of sado's that use guides, hacks and god mode in other games. they don't like a challenge so always play easymode.

btw I rolled a WL on Pry called 'Anker WithaW' will not play RvR and only did it to get numbers up so Mythic take a look at how many are being leveled.

Having played all 3 realms on various chars I think WL, Banshees and Animists are all totally OP in siege conditions. No char should be able to do sufficient damage to insta kill any lvl 50 char. The bug abusing Banshees will get their nerf soon enough I guess and some will be taking a few holidays from the game. As for Animist unkillable shrooms are a joke. I'm pretty sure they know how and where to create these.

/rant off

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