Wizard RA's



OK, just dinged in at 4L6, I've got 3 points in the bank and am considering spending them, or waiting another level and spending them. Either way... I have these so far, with an unbuffed HP total of 840 (yes, crap, I know), which caps at 1182.


Augmented Acuity 3 (+18 Intelligence)
Wild Power 3 (+15% chance to crit)
Mystic Crystal Lore 2 (50%-ish in-combat power boost)
Serenity 2 (increased power regeneration)

Any suggestions?

At the moment I'm considering:

1. Aug Cons + Toughness + Mastery of Magery (+6 cons +3% hits +3% DD dmg)
2. First Aid (300hp instaheal)
3. Ethereal Bond and wait another level for EB2 (3% max power per level)


raging power might be handy too... another mcl but 100% this time.


If I were in the same situation I'd take the first choice you've proposed. Hps are quite important in RvR I think.

2nd one is quite nice, since it would heal you for over one third, but since it's not usuable in combat (I believe), it's not really a great help imo.

3rd one: well, more power doesn't really help I think. With Serenity and MCL you're power should be fullish all the time in RvR anyway... except if you wanna nuke down a whole zerg on your own :)

Raging power is surely cool, but first of all I don't know if it's worth 10 Points and 2nd I thought Wiffle was referring to the 3 points spare he has atm.

edit: I'd like to ask something too by this opportunity:

I got 6 points spare atm, but I don't really know what to do.

Atm I got:

Aug Acu 2
Aug Dex 1
Serenity 3
Wildpower 1

I was thinking about saving up for mastery of concentration since I heard from several other wizzies that it's pretty cool. Costs 14 points though... Wildpower 3 would be nice too I think. Purge doesn't really help (imo) since remezz is easily done...


MoC is really only useful for ice wizzies and other PBAOEers. Run around a bit until you find Gobarnachta, he'll show you how it works :)

I'm of course going to recommend my own choice of RAs (otherwise I'd respec), so I'd go for Aug Acuity 3, then save points for Wild Power 2 and 3. The extra crits you'll get really do add up. MCL2 isnt sensational compared to MCL1, but I'd go for that once you've got the other stuff.

Edit: for now I'm going to go with option - I need the extra hps and I think I'll crank up my MoM in a few levels time as well. For now though I'm going to be item hunting, though I don't want to get rid of my robe, as I am very shallow and like looking at it, thinking "ooooooo".


MCL1=30% insta, MCL2=40% insta. Not worth it.

Edit: bah noticed you already had it :(

Someone had a nice spreadsheet somewhere about most efficient order to take Wild Power and Master of Magery in respect of increased damage. Think it was somewhere on Hibbie Mage boards on VN. Maybe on page 10 or something, been a while since I saw it.


If I where in your position, I'd start working on my casting speed too, MoArt ... 3% faster casting per level... You already have Acuity 3, so pumping 1 point for 3% faster is worth it (imho)...

I'm probably going to get MoArt lvl 3 (in the end)... I've got about the same HP as you (unbuffed)... It'll help win cast-battles between other casters... (or I hope ;))


What I lack in health I make up for in uberdex and v-high int as well. Can't remember the stats off my head though. Casting speed isn't so much of a problem, I just wan't to be able to hit harder and last longer. Anyone got any viagra?


Heres a list of my RAs

Aug Acuity III

Aug Dex I

Aug Con I

Toghness I

Serenity I




(Might have left something out)

Now I have 7 pts to spend which I think will go into MoM III but I've also been considering saving up for purge. I know remezz is still possible but it will be fixed in 1.53 I think it is.

This gives me unbuffed (with help from items) 223 int, 166 dex, 134 con and 1025 hps unbuffed.

MoA is definately worth it (MoA II = +60 dex) and with lowered cast time on fire dds in 1.52, yummy :)


For levelling purposes, MCL is a must.

Toughness is pure shite, gave Odysseus 27 extra hp - not worth even 1 pt.

With WP 1 I'm critting constantly and I never run out of power. More WP is the way to go imo.

(This is from a theurgs pov ofc).


I actually have Long Wind I :D

How on earth do you get above 850 hp then? I'm at 810 (about) now and can get a 67HP belt from DF, giving me around 870hp, but thats it, if I go any higher I either lose resists or +fire items...



expensive but so damn useful in some situations.
Toughness is pure shite, gave Odysseus 27 extra hp - not worth even 1 pt.
Get some buffs of hakke first, doing this i got about 50 more hits for 1 realm skill point, thats a bargain :)



i would keep em and wait until 10 points

dunno if its that good but PURGE seems to be nice

at least would give us casters a chance to run away from the mezzed group ur in, who knows maybee survive it.

cause i don't seem to encunter clerics with a group purge or something , if it does exist.



"at least would give us casters a chance to run away from the mezzed group ur in"

Great, thats the albion spirit we all know and love.

"clerics with a group purge or something"



Originally posted by old.Wildfire
"at least would give us casters a chance to run away from the mezzed group ur in"

Great, thats the albion spirit we all know and love.

"clerics with a group purge or something"


ok ok
maybe not run away but take ur distance from main group and start nuking again, sound better i hope


my baby wiz (lvl39 now) has MCL1 and Aug Acuity1 from his BG1 days *cough* What is the next 6 points best spent in? ie whats the best bang for the buck? MCL clearly rules but I have that already :(

EDIT: nm gonna go with Aug Acuity II, MoM I, Serenity I and Wild Powah I :)


You cannot be serious Hotrats? There WAS truth to that messed up rumour about increased con/HP when bought increases effect of it? Oh dear that's so silly. And here I went as Cleric and bought it without buffs on. That's it! RA respec! Lucky I have 2 left still.

For Wizard:
Aug Acu 3 - 10p
Concentration - 10p
MCL 1 - 3p
Wild Power 2 - 4p
Mastery of Magery 2 - 4p
Mastery of the Art 2 - 4p
Long Wind 1 - 1p
------------------ 36p

In short.. Concentration, MoA, LW for avoidance rather than soaking of damage.


Although Wildfire, running away might sound 'chicken' but it might save your and your groups life if you can take enough distance... Even if you get followed by a tank or wizard, you take that person out of the battle that your group faces...

I've read tips that a few leading Wizards on US servers gave... And all gave 1 tip... Run from tanks and hope that either the tank gives up the chase, or another member of your party kills the tank...

I'm no good to my group when I'm dead in the first 5 seconds of the battle... Or when the cleric is doing his best to keep me alive from that 1 tank smacking me for 400+ damage each swing...

I'd rather (try) and take get max distance to the enemies and kill them from there...

Thus the reason why I have Long Wind, when I run (out of melee distance ;)), usually tanks give up and turn towards the rest of my group... After which I get to blow them up :D

So if I would get purge (which I'm not sure about, if I'm the only one in my group that uses it, I'm dead anyway), the thing I'd do after using it would be running...


Well the way I usually do it is stay at the front to get the first (often critical against hibs) hit in with a bolt against a bard, caster e.t.c., then start nuking. If you get someone beating on you, turn around and run straight back through the other members of your group. I don't know if this works for the general alb population, but with my guildmates anyone who is seen beating on a caster has a life expectancy of about 4-5 seconds. Then you're free, behind the other players in the group, and can start bolting/casting again as you see fit.


My best tip is to get an armsman to /stick and protect you, he can then slam whoever tries hugging you. (/Salute to my favourite shield of steel, Vindicator:))

Btw, I tested longwind 1 which pretty much sux imo. You need at least II or III to really benefit from it. But then thats just my opinion, I do, sometimes, spend alot of time running in circles trying to shake someone off.


I don't really see that? even if LW 1 only allows 5 seconds (haven't done tests myself but others say longer and my experience does too) longer sprinting then that's still enough distance between you and him for him to not be hitting you in melee and for some casters runbuff to kick in. The one thing I CAN agree with is that once a majority of tanks get Long Wind 1 to catch you then you naturally need need lvl2 to benefit.


Originally posted by Tigerius
The one thing I CAN agree with is that once a majority of tanks get Long Wind 1 to catch you then you naturally need need lvl2 to benefit.

Better take tireless1, cheaper. The snare RA for tanks will nullify any running from melee distance tho, if a tank chooses to spend 14 points...


Tireless is more an in-combat regen... Dont know how well it helps with sprinting longer...

But its only 1 RA point, and most tanks have either used up endurance with moves OR wont waist all their endurance chasing 1 caster and then having none left to slash up tanks...

At least thats my experience... But it happens far too often that I simply gets mezzed (and I have no purge) and because of Pbt (which then stops) I get Slammed first and then they kill me...

Leaving my Long Wind unused :p

But it has helped me several times now... It is only 1 point, and although I havent tried, I think it does let you sprint just that tad longer...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Tireless is more an in-combat regen... Dont know how well it helps with sprinting longer...

It "unlocks" end-regen... Won't seem much I guess, but will let you run a while longer and it's cheaper than LW2. On another note, get Tireless5 and LW5, unlimited sprint (or as close as possible) :p


Ive got a few points saved aswell. At the moment i have:

Augmented Acuity II
Wild Power II
Serenity II

Thinking about either Wild Power III, or AA III and then pumping up MoA.

Is Wild Power III a noticeable increase over WP II? If not ill go for MoA II. Capped dex of 158 just isnt enough dammit :)


Originally posted by belth

It "unlocks" end-regen... Won't seem much I guess, but will let you run a while longer and it's cheaper than LW2. On another note, get Tireless5 and LW5, unlimited sprint (or as close as possible) :p

I think longwind 5 on its own is unlimited sprint :) but not had anyone with enough RSPs test it for me... :)

(long wind 3 + friar saint's vigor is unlimited sprint... saints vigor is a 2 point endurance regen... long wind 1 + warden end chant is unlimited sprint... it's a 4 point regen... this makes me think lw 5 is unlimited)

Tireless isn't much use for running farther... what it is good for is regenning endurance whilst running between fights, normally if you fight one lot, run off to the next fight, you'll still have no endurance left. With tireless 1 you'll have regenned about 1/5th of yer mana bar depending on how far you've ran. Also lets you style that much more on keep doors ;)

It's not bad for 1 point, but it's nothing spectacular :)


MOC is defently worth i for a fire wiz
for when tanks go for u in zergs or when u get jumped solo etc
can even solo stealth classes with it


I have like 7 realm points available.

Saving for either

Mastery of Concentration or Raging power.

Dunno what to choose? Any sugestions?

Kurik Master Theurgist <First Cohort>


Wild Power 3 owns you, I would get 4 but cba to save up.

I would however say that I think MOC and Concentration are both a waste of RPs for a fire wizard - Concentration in particular is far too expensive for what it's worth, and MOC is really only useful for PBAOEers. You're better off spending all those points on other RAs.


moc IS usefull for fire wiz either u use it wrong or u havnt tried it enough


i tend to agree with walker tbh. limited rvr xp as a caster true, but ive seen plenty :)

picture this: tank charging u about to start beating ur brains in, ping MoC, u now have 15seconds of quickcasts which equals i dunno potentially 5k+ of dmg @ lvl50? assuming the cleric is alive and unmezzed and on the case a certain death just turned into a win.. i'm sure there many other occaisons too: we know hibs like spamming that interrupt spell, dont even know what it actually does but it does interupt if nothing else - again with moc no probs. getting aoe'd? again moc to the rescue... the list is endless.

It is fookin costly tho :p

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