Wings RvR movie.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
saw this film and wasnt the least impressed.

as quoted: "300mb of DF spam gets boring after the 3rd time someone makes a film about it"

not one challanging fight.

good host though


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
saw this film and wasnt the least impressed.

as quoted: "300mb of DF spam gets boring after the 3rd time someone makes a film about it"

not one challanging fight.

good host though

Hmm, didnt your early movies have lots of you just 2hitting low rr people basically? WOuldnt call them challenging :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Corran said:
Hmm, didnt your early movies have lots of you just 2hitting low rr people basically? WOuldnt call them challenging :p


1) they got flamed to hell and back for it aswell

2) i wasnt rr8 ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Corran said:
Hmm, didnt your early movies have lots of you just 2hitting low rr people basically? WOuldnt call them challenging :p

Giff more movies with me in em tbh :p
+1 :p

Ow and DLíng


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
For a first vid it was good. Better then my first one :)

Most if not all high RR fights u had SL up it seemed.

Nice to see how u managed to turn around some of the fights aswell.
and DF is nothing nowadays.

I give it 6/10 and looking forward to your next one.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
thats not ture and you know it :p

yeah its about the same as Diamondback and Frosty Gaze. :)

Liked his fight against Vagure? that high rr SB. He missed his first attack and got PAed by the SB :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Bubble said:
yeah its about the same as Diamondback and Frosty Gaze. :)

not like Frosty Gaze! I wish it was :(

DF/DB -> Hamy/Leaper/Rib Sep

don't underestimate the power of a direct-off-evade stun for a Critspecced assassin, especially if the target doesn't purge the stun. It's devastating.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Cylian said:
not like Frosty Gaze! I wish it was :(

DF/DB -> Hamy/Leaper/Rib Sep

don't underestimate the power of a direct-off-evade stun for a Critspecced assassin, especially if the target doesn't purge the stun. It's devastating.

yeah i know comeback is the pre style (or used to be) for Frosty Gaze.
but since the nerf Dragonfangs been pretty much the same as diamondback for hibs.

Could be worse, could be a movie of me spaming anytime styles on my rr2 Slash inf and outdamaging a rr8 sb :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bubble said:
yeah i know comeback is the pre style (or used to be) for Frosty Gaze.
but since the nerf Dragonfangs been pretty much the same as diamondback for hibs.

Could be worse, could be a movie of me spaming anytime styles on my rr2 Slash inf and outdamaging a rr8 sb :p

the only thing nerfed on DF is the stun regent. the dmg stayed the same and still does a heck of alot more dmg, in general.

Still getting hit, at times, for 400+ on DF.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
the only thing nerfed on DF is the stun regent. the dmg stayed the same and still does a heck of alot more dmg, in general.

Still getting hit, at times, for 400+ on DF.

I thought Hamstring chain did more damage


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
the only thing nerfed on DF is the stun regent. the dmg stayed the same and still does a heck of alot more dmg, in general.

Still getting hit, at times, for 400+ on DF.

dunno if u noticed it but DF is a lvl 50 style, so u have to spec quite high for it ^^ and if they had nerfed the dmg too then it'd be a totally shit style to spec for

'bout the movie... nice work, doubt that u, grivne, had this many high rr-s in all your movies together as there was in this one so i wouldn't say a thing if i were you :touch:

so well done Simba, go get dragon knight, it goes well with dragonfang :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
the problem with being a mid stealther is, you don't get to fight those squishy mid stealthers! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Cylian said:
the problem with being a mid stealther is, you don't get to fight those squishy mid stealthers! :D

you get to fight the rog inf zerg tho :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Well guys, all i can say is thanks for the nice replys on my movie.

The only reason why do i have stealth lore and som up is because i have som up 2/3 times of any time duration. And i think i miss many enemy stealthers without sl, if i have sl down, then we can easily miss each other with any stealther.
About dragonfang.
I'm started saracen infi and fully buffed with aug str2 i only have 312 str.
In my sc i have 80 str. so i might can get 340 str with aug str3, and a better sc, but its still few for speccing slash.
Dragonfang is a level50 style wich means i have to spend my points on 50 thrust, and there aren't any other good style on thrust line. the only good style is the level29 back style but even garrotte does better damage then pierce. the 2 anytime combo on thrust line starts with the detaunt style wich has really low chance to hit, and low damage.
however df is still a good style but my df got purged 8-9 times from 10 times, as i purge the diamond back allways too.
Oh and dwera Hamstring does better damage still then df, so its not worth to spam df, only mercfils spamming df after evade.
Oh and battler or malice can't be activated as thrust wich means i miss the battler charge, malice debuff and malice charge.
Atm i'm trying to use malice in left hand or in my back with 6+8 slash to somehow survive any ranger or hunter with fz.
So i don't think thrust is still a good choice for any starting infiltrator. Too bad i can't switch to brtion/slash. Really.

About next movie.
Because i received soo many nice words about this movie, i will make new movie, but later, i want to spend a few time without gamecam and fps lag, and for to make another good movie, i need good fights and good recordings for it. A movie like this is not just from me, its from the others behavior, like Mordennar who killed those adders :)

And on my next movie i'd like to have a bit more fights with hibs, but not much of the hib stealthers soloing atm, and i used to duo with some friends, but i don't want to make a movie from that.

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