Will we get a COOP Server ? GOA Please answer!



Well, in my opinion GOA must give us a COOP server and that fast, becaus I know I will leave for US servers it they dont give it to us :)

I have been waiting for something like this to happen all since the game first got gold. Finally a friendly server, with a lot of landsape to cover. Cant wait to play the expansion on a server like that. Well while I'm at the topic when will we get the expansion ? A year ? Half A Year ? A month after US ?


I'd suggest using RightNow to ask for one. I did, they said they were discussing it and would announce it soon.

I'm also considering swapping to US servers for the coop server


I've never been able to get a kick out of beating stuff that neither exists, knows nor cares that you beat it, personally...
On the other hand, if you're willing to buy another account and start levelling all over again just to take keeps from NPCs and zerg new and 'exciting' epic mobs, then erm... have fun... :/


Will those CO-OP server sell Kingsmill bread cause my one down in town does?


tehre are soooo many better co-op jokes than that :p


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Will those CO-OP server sell Kingsmill bread cause my one down in town does?

I hate that bread, it always disintergrates when I slap on the butter.


i think co-op is an excellent idea :D be our chance (the daoc community) to finally duel those annoying peeps from other realms and give us a chance to find out just which classes are gimped and which are not :D


ok whats a co-op server?? like pvp but no killing players?


I hope we never get one, daoc is all about rvr or pvp imo.


I hope we never get one, daoc is all about rvr or pvp imo.

yeah, but some people find playing the game more interesting than the emain zergs, wait... RvR it's called.

I find the game more enjoyable whem i'm kiling great beasts, etc, meeting new people, and having a laugh. Emain, at the current stage of this game, is not fun


One set of people posting "whats the point", another set saying "this is a great idea".

Bottom line is PvP and RvR are not everyones bag. Both suck imho, but thats just my opinion. If they start a coop PvE server, thats where I'd play. Am I bad, mummy ????

My big hope is that the the PvE server will attract the opposite of the types on the PvP server. So it should be full of sensible, non-griefing grown ups :clap:


Oooo I certainly hope so. I think I would play on the co-op server too. 'RvR' is certainly not fun as it stands, and even less fun for a Healer.


lvl 50 on the CO-OP server would be pretty boring though.

Lets go and kill the WoW for the 100,000th time!

At least on normal zervers at 50 you can kill the WoW for the 100,000th time, OR go zerg in Emain.


I think the CO-OP server will bring many more players to DAoC in the long run. There are many EQ players looking for a new game, and most of them dont want PvP at all. They will be very intrested in the CO-OP server, so will I. The biggest problems with the DAoC world today is that it's in fact small. Not really that much to explore but if you open up all realms there will be quite a lot to cover.

And when you reach lvl 50 sure you wont be able to PvP, but what is the diffrence ? Getting bored killing human players or getting bored killing NPC's? I said it before and I will say it again, this server is a must for the European market we need this server and it shall just be one English server like the PvP server. Becaus this will be tremendus large world where 1000 players simply is not enough at all.

And if you are lvl 50 you will have enjoyments like dueling, maybe start unofficial compitions amongst players vs players. Where you can compete to be the Champion of all realms just like all thouse compitions in EQ. Maybe MYSTIC some day will make it possible to reward champions and make these tournaments official. This is just one opertunity others are that it will be much easier to spec your character becaus you will not need to mind about RvR spec. A healer can concentrate on healing and no so much mezz. And just think about setting togheter the perfect team of chars from sevral realms. Maybe armsmen and warriors working side by side can be a really good combination we will have the chance to se this in a civilized manner, that we will not have on the PvP server. Just look at the PvP servers in USA, they was super popular for a week or so, now they hardly reach 1000 active players even. Well a CO-OP server will be the refreshing wind that DAoC have always needed, now they will be able to compete with EQ in a larger scale than ever before!


I think Co-op server sound great, ill make a mend healer cos it would be fun killing gobbos with a Hero/Zerker/Runemaster/Eldritch

would make a diff seeing OTHER ppl in loyon rather than seeing armsman after armsmen and wizard afer wizard, i wanna be a skald too running around all over the place without the bloody need to flick instruments ALL the time...


Albi = Nerfed... oh i mean balanced

Lance Spirit in mmg-campings, SoS, Vanish: Nerfed?

Alb hasnt been nerfed in a significant way, they were balanced with the smite-reduction. The fact that they have no insta-CC is poor design, not nerfing ^^


and who knows.. Co-op might get alot more goa events? perfect place to do it... one big event across all 3 realms..

for those who love PvP and hate Co-op .. i feel the other way around :) as does many people ive talked to, they liked the idea of the pvp to be able to go anywhere they want .. but when the co-op got announced that was more what they were after.

When you hit 50 theres the big dungeon in SI ... with entrymobs as hard as HighLords, no easy match there.. or the boss and his knights in the Big alb dungeon .. they are just -insane- i tell you....
read about it here.....


I enjoyed the PvP server in that it let me take a char from one realm to go enjoy content in realms I never played much.

Co-op server would be great - PvP and BG1 are about the only things left in the game that I actually enjoy at the moment - it would also remove some of the focus on level 50 and would hopefully allow a bit of roleplaying?

Sounds Win-win to me?


Sorry Chesnor , but you really made me laugh out loud with your attitude of

<My big hope is that the the PvE server will attract the opposite of the types on the PvP server
So it should be full of sensible, non-griefing grown ups >

but in a thread earlier on the "accidental pushing of the winkey"

<Hey if you are the kind of muppet that can't play a game without accidentally pressing a key on your keyboard you didn't mean to, then THANK FUCK I DON'T GROUP WITH YOU MORONS!!!1111

Hhhm I hope I dont have to group with you on any server :) :)


yeah great idea add more servers and we will havee 300 people playing on each.


I wanna know why? You get to lvl50 then wot?


Gaheris, the US cooperative server is great! I'm having a blast with my little lurikeen heroine, and players are friendly and helpful. It seems that copying characters over from other US servers is taking a long time (I saw one guy say it took him 10 hours), so a lot of people are just making new characters. It's also fun to see some of the SI beta testers with their new races .. the Inconnu look amazing!

The sooner GOA get busy with a cooperative server, the sooner the player base will increase.


if you race to 50 on this server, then you're a fool

the goal of the server is to meet new people, and to explore the 3 realms without getting ganked by some powerleveler just outside the capital cities.

This server has immense RP potential.... imagine a guild outing... luri heroes, troll shamans, saracen paladins, firby druids amongst the horde of other classes.

Could be a blast


I agree, I think the sound of a Co-Op server sounds a lot more attractive to me than a PvP server.. but thats just my opinion, whatever melts your butter really I guess.

I know if they give us one I will at least give it the benefit of the doubt and try it...see you there... maybe ;)

Toodle Pip

Generic Poster

I'll admit, I'm having second thoughts on the Co-op server.

First I was thinking you'd have nothing to do at higher levels, except to XP like a zombie and get to lv50 for nothing at the end.

But now I quite like the idea. You will not have to pick a class that is 'uber', you will not have to follow pre-made templates to be 'uber', being the top PvP class will mean nothing anymore.

Finally, you can play the class you want and spec to some crazy template without fear of being an RvR gimp.

I think I'll roll a smite cleric :p

Generic Poster

Some info on the VN board, from the link posted above:

just got back from a Developers raid on Caer Sidi the uber dungeon. Every mob in there drops 100 quality items, its raid only, meaning all the mobs are like highlord difficulty. We made our way to the final zone fighting alot of cool mobs. One of which would immobilize you by dropping a 300lb weight in your inventory. hehe. Another would adapt to whatever style weapon you used, forcing you to change constantly, if you didn't he would toss you down a slime pit. Another could only be harmed by thrust weapons. Then we got to the top of the tower and the 4 riders of the apocalypse are up there. Fames was the easiest. The next one was Fumos I think and he summoned the spoils of war, lots of weapons and stuff that beat the crap out of you, and they hurt too, 700 damage hits. The next one was Murdos or something and he was the hardest, he whiped us but the guys from mythic rezed us. He summons swarms of pestilence. Giant roaches, Giant Mosquitos, all really hard mobs. Lastly was a tank mob that could only be harmed by clerics, if anyone else hit him he full heals. Then Apocalypse himself showed up. He was massive, had huge wings and could fly, he was probably the coolest looking monster I have ever seen in any game. And he procceeded to fly up and do this 1000 damage aoe nuke on us and summoned every single mob we had killed so far. We were dead in about 12 seconds. The guys from mythic said it takes 200 people to kill him. All in all we got 20 or so 100 quality drops. Apocalypse if we had killed him would have dropped alot more to add to the pile, had we been able to kill him. After being whiped out, we went to CS to auction the items and I won this one
Fate Slayer's Chitlin
102 af 100 quality 35 bonus
con +21, str +21, dex +21, quick +21.
64 damage dot reverse proc at level 50.

errrrr.... woooooooot!



Bonedancers will own!


Originally posted by sharma
I think Co-op server sound great, ill make a mend healer cos it would be fun killing gobbos with a Hero/Zerker/Runemaster/Eldritch

would make a diff seeing OTHER ppl in loyon rather than seeing armsman after armsmen and wizard afer wizard, i wanna be a skald too running around all over the place without the bloody need to flick instruments ALL the time...

gah! you'd go to Lyonesse?

Not bother exploring the interesting places... you'd have the choice of Dartmoor, Sheeroe or Malmohus...
(or any of the frontier dungeons without the risk of being PKed, including all of DF)

it's a cool idea, not my cup of tea, but I like the idea :)


Co-op will be great imo.

I will not delete any normal server character since the occasional RvR can be fun once in a while but just the thought of a big, Big , BIIIG stretch of land covering all 3 realms to cover and to explore .... aaah, many will love the idea. Will be nice to fill up slots there of everything you ever wanted to make for fun or everything you can't make due to one UK server missing to play 3 realms.

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