Tilda said:Link to a bad review of RedSteel? Havent heard anything bad about it.
Aada said:Anyone else see the COD3 review for the Wii? 7.3 not even any multiplayer.
nath said:Yeah but who cares? Strikes me that the Wii isn't designed for that sort of shit - it's designed for its own style of games. Someone already said it's not trying to compete with the other consoles.
nath said:Yeah but who cares? Strikes me that the Wii isn't designed for that sort of shit - it's designed for its own style of games. Someone already said it's not trying to compete with the other consoles.
Skyler said:Not all of those reviews are bad, and not all reviews show whether you'd like a game or not.
They are good for a subjective opinion, but I wouldn't buy every game that got a good review and avoid every game that got a bad one.
FuzzyLogic said:Aye, Nintendo won't have their online structure for third parties up until early 2007(?) which is a shame and i'm hoping it's not going to be simply tacked on. Microsoft certainly have the advantage (a bigbig one) with their Live service.
Unfortunately anyone wanting the Wii for online aspects is just going to have to join the waytansee tribe and hope it all pans out.
Oh, as far as I know Aada, Microsoft have some kind of requirement for games to have a form of Live functionality in their games, that could very well be rubbish but it's not unthinkable coming from MS, they'd want to push Live as much as possible.
Aada said:That last part doesn't suprise me AT ALL i mean a few years back multiplayer over the internet was PC only then the Dreamcast kicked it off and look at the amount of players it attracted with PSO/Quake etc.
The console market is vastly bigger then anything the PC could hope to be and console gamers have only recently in the last 6 years discovered what online gaming is all about.
The first thing that pops up on any new game forum from people is ''does it have multplayer?''.
And any true gamer will tell you that a story/campaign will only keep you tied to the game for a few weeks at the most before it starts collecting dust, multiplayer gives you something that you could be playing for months even years.
Wii has the potential to become a BIG online with the Wii remote/Wand thing but Nintendo aren't bothered because they think they can keep releasing 4 player Mario party games and hope people will enjoy it.
Well guess what Ninty ? not going to happen.
Wij said:Plenty of people will enjoy Wii games offline. It's totally different.
Plenty of people will also enjoy the 360 online. It's a slick service.
The machine which has no real selling point at the minute is the PS3. It will survive on the PS brand though.
Aada said:MS gave the customers what they want.. the option not forced to buy the HD-DVD player.
Wij said:Plenty of people will enjoy Wii games offline. It's totally different.
Plenty of people will also enjoy the 360 online. It's a slick service.
The machine which has no real selling point at the minute is the PS3. It will survive on the PS brand though.
PLightstar said:The main thing that the PS3 cannot compete is the Online Service the 360 has a complete architecture built from the ground up the developers have a pre-designed package to work from. But the PS3 is all odds and sods some of it is taken care of by Sony other parts by Xfire and its kind strange which means you are guna have different set-ups and user names, just makes things over complicated, kinda reminds me of PC gaming but then again thats rather simple in itself.
Not sure about the Wii's friend codes though it is tied to one machine, the idea of remembering a number instead of a 'gamertag' seems a bit strange but my mate says hes got the same thing on his DS and has no problems.