

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Did anyone bother pre-ordering one of these or hoping to pick one up?
I gotta admit when the pre-orders for gameplay happened I ordered one, mainly on a whim, Zelda does look really awesome and I'm thinking it may be worth it for this alone but I'm still a bit Miiiiiiiiiii! (see what i did there?) about it.

I only started thinking about it now as I just got a confirmation email telling me I will deffo get one on the release date.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Stimpy said:
Did anyone bother pre-ordering one of these or hoping to pick one up?
I gotta admit when the pre-orders for gameplay happened I ordered one, mainly on a whim, Zelda does look really awesome and I'm thinking it may be worth it for this alone but I'm still a bit Miiiiiiiiiii! (see what i did there?) about it.

I only started thinking about it now as I just got a confirmation email telling me I will deffo get one on the release date.

No because after the gimmick has worn off it will get put to the back of GAME/HMV and have the usual 3-7 games released for it per year all of which are Mario Party 594 or whatever number they are at releasing it.

Zelda? looks good but anyone kinda bored with Zelda?

Red Steel flopped big time and the other games are not worth mentioning.

Plus too many good games coming out for the 360 atm to even think about a Wii in January we have Lost Planet/Alan Wake, 2 killer apps. I really see no reason to even think about another console because devs like Capcom/Epic have hit the zone with the 360 and we are now seeing true next gen games.

I am just too reluctant to buy a Wii, Nintendos track record with their last 2 consoles has been horrible both flopped big time and i can't see the Wii doing great once the new control system honey moon wears off.


Dec 22, 2003
Aada in 360 pluggin, wii bashing NON SHOKA.

I ordered a Wii, am velly excited and think its going to knock socks off the 360.
The fact that Wii preorders now out number PS3 preorders speaks for itself tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gonna get one, but not preordering. Will try to pick one up on release day regardless and failing that ill just wait until it becomes readily available. Not keen on paying overpice for it either as we will do in Sweden for the first shipping (most stores that do preorders sells it at around 370 euro, which is 100 euro more than its supposed to cost etc).

Dunno if ive fallen for the hype or not but im excited about how Nintendo seem to want to go back to the roots of gaming and create good gaming experiences and not just flashy gfx orgys. Saying that, out of the initial starting lineup of games there is really only Zelda that has caught my eye, but will probably download some nice classics as well. Then we will see if its worth keeping it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Tilda said:
Aada in 360 pluggin, wii bashing NON SHOKA.

I ordered a Wii, am velly excited and think its going to knock socks off the 360.
The fact that Wii preorders now out number PS3 preorders speaks for itself tbh.

I'm not bashing it at all i'm just pointing out that Nintendos track record on their last two consoles has sucked hence i am waiting to see if it actually makes it past 1 year old like the Gamecube did not.

Oh and i think you'll find the Wii preorders outnumber the PS3 because

A. The PS3 costs alot more.

B. The parents are looking at the price tag and thinking fuck giving my kids a £600 console when i can get one for £180.

C. The new control system looks interesting which by hell it does i'm just not 100% sure it's going to take off.

I'm sure alot of other people are seeing how the Wii does first before shelling out the cash on something that might be another one of Nintendo's failed products. AKA N64/GC.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Reckon for me it's a combo of the games (counted a fair few i'd like) and the virtual console (one or two disappointments with that but it's still looking good) that's compelling me to buy one.

I'd like to think that i'm neutral erring on the side of a Nintendo fanboi with this, but this generation's gotten out of hand, it's actually kinda annoying that so much smack talk is being exchanged about the three consoles (ooh, Microsoft are evil, the PS3 is expensive, The Wii is an underpowered kids toy).

Seriously, I wish people would grow up about it, the two companies most in competition appear to be Sony and Microsoft wanting to be the central hub of the living room, with Nintendo simply making a games console, is that so wrong?


That said, I wouldn't mind having a 360 once they release the box with the 65nm cpu and integrated HD-DVD.

Plus I hope my preorder comes through, really wanting to see how Trauma Centre turns out for it, even if it is largely a rejig of the DS version.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I managed to hold myself off until it was released in the US (2 days ago). After reading the overwhelmingly positive reviews (especially from usually cynical forums like SA) I'll be pre-ordering today :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Tilda said:
Aada in 360 pluggin, wii bashing NON SHOKA.

he is right though. nintendo has its exclusives, but then they do about 500 different games based around the same thing. everything else is just ported from another console.

DS is a league of its own of course.

FuzzyLogic said:
Seriously, I wish people would grow up about it, the two companies most in competition appear to be Sony and Microsoft wanting to be the central hub of the living room, with Nintendo simply making a games console, is that so wrong?

no its not wrong, but we can still look at the pros and cons :) the cons of nintendo is what i said above and the controllers are pretty shite usually too. this magic wand thing just reminds me of the DS and the stylus, except on a bigger scale. and the stylus lost its novelty for me after a very, very short time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I am going to pass for now, I'll get Zelda for my gamecube.

I am going to wait for a few more first party Nintendo games to be released before I take the plunge.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Tilda said:
Aada in 360 pluggin, wii bashing NON SHOKA.

I ordered a Wii, am velly excited and think its going to knock socks off the 360.
The fact that Wii preorders now out number PS3 preorders speaks for itself tbh.

Wii is out this year, PS3 is out next March. Not think that might have something to do with it?

Anyway, not that interested in Wii. Nintendo games aren't really my thing, maaaaan.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi said:
Wii is out this year, PS3 is out next March. Not think that might have something to do with it?

Anyway, not that interested in Wii. Nintendo games aren't really my thing, maaaaan.

PS3 and Wii are both out in the US



Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That's the most pointless website ever?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I would have pre-ordered a Wii if it wasn't for the fact that i absolutely hate the idea of a T.V remote as a controller. If they used the Nintendo64's controller it would be a different story.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Fana said:
PS3 and Wii are both out in the US


Most pointless comment ever? I was talking about the UK you tit. Preorders are hardly an issue if the console's already out now are they? Use your brain illiot!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
That is prolly because they are had 200 thousand ps3 ready for release day, no?

I have a Wii on pre order if i get it i will flog my 360 for it and kill some time till march. I do think i will get bored with it really fast and im thinking i might bin the 360 and the Wii and get sky HD but who knows :) If any of my mates get a Wii i will play one to see if i think it will last.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
tris- said:
he is right though. nintendo has its exclusives, but then they do about 500 different games based around the same thing. everything else is just ported from another console.

DS is a league of its own of course.

no its not wrong, but we can still look at the pros and cons :) the cons of nintendo is what i said above and the controllers are pretty shite usually too. this magic wand thing just reminds me of the DS and the stylus, except on a bigger scale. and the stylus lost its novelty for me after a very, very short time.

Exactly the only exclusive Nintendo has is something based on freaking Mario, the only games that get released on the CUBE is something to do with Mario.

I hope the Wii does well but the last 2 Ninty consoles i bought both failed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi said:
Most pointless comment ever? I was talking about the UK you tit. Preorders are hardly an issue if the console's already out now are they? Use your brain illiot!

Someone told you that preorders for the Wii outnumber preorders for the PS3 and that this "speaks for itself" - you then said that is faulty logic because the PS3 isnt out until several months after the Wii, whereupon I then pointed out that in the actual sales figures for the two consoles, released almost simultanously in the US, the Wii has a clear lead over the PS3.

Relevant? I think so. But thanks for insulting me and calling me an idiot I guess, you are a true internet hero.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Well hopefully, Aada, the third party developers who've pledged themselves to the Wii will stick around with more joining them this time round. It's to Nintendo advantage that the development cycle takes less time and costs less than the other two consoles on the market (no source to back that up though, just hearsay).

Ah well, time will tell.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
soze said:
That is prolly because they are had 200 thousand ps3 ready for release day, no?

I have a Wii on pre order if i get it i will flog my 360 for it and kill some time till march. I do think i will get bored with it really fast and im thinking i might bin the 360 and the Wii and get sky HD but who knows :) If any of my mates get a Wii i will play one to see if i think it will last.

I think you'll probably be killing some time till September ;)

One thing in Nintendo's favour this time around though is it's not really in competition with anyone, you can't really compare it to the PS3 or 360, they also have that little thing called the DS still selling over 100k in Japan alone every week, thats going to give developers alot of confidence if they can develop the Wii as an extension of the DS, though saying that I am still a little skeptical about whether I should keep my pre-order :D


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Nintendo have said that the Wii is aimed as a second console for most buyers. They don't expect it to compete with the 360 or ps3.

I for one will be buying one, the price point and launch games make it worth while.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Stimpy said:
I think you'll probably be killing some time till September ;)

One thing in Nintendo's favour this time around though is it's not really in competition with anyone, you can't really compare it to the PS3 or 360, they also have that little thing called the DS still selling over 100k in Japan alone every week, thats going to give developers alot of confidence if they can develop the Wii as an extension of the DS, though saying that I am still a little skeptical about whether I should keep my pre-order :D

I'm going to ignor the first line i refuse to belive they will delay it again ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
The wii's cheap but how much are the games for it and which format do they come in?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I do so hate this "xxx console doesn't have these exclusives" and all that. I don't like the whole exclusivity thing anymore. It was alright when you had in house devs from Sega or Nintendo developing their own games and obviously retaining them to their own console. But between Sony and MS it's just a huge 'buy studio xxx' or 'pay studio xxx' for exclusives. That's not really entertaining and I think the consumer loses out.

It's not nice to buy a console and then be restricted from ever getting a certain game due to one company getting an exclusive license for it. I find it very offputting and while I see why companies do it, it's only hurting the consumer.

I understand that all consoles must have exclusive titles, but it's just getting tiring for me I suppose.

Nintendo consoles are typically fun, fun with real life friends and entertaining, but not serious involving games like the other two. I liked Zelda originally but I am pretty tired of it, Mario games are fine just like Sonic games, don't mind them and Mario Party is awesome. The Wii looks like it will have innovative, bizarre and original titles, both by the nature of the controller and the general whacky minds of many of their developers.

If you take a price:fun ratio of all three consoles, the Wii will come out so far on top it would almost make you wonder why to ever bother with the other two..


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Only thing stopping me from getting a Wii is that the WWE games for the GC were all complete gobshit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
~Latency~ said:
The wii's cheap but how much are the games for it and which format do they come in?

They come on proprietary optical discs (not DVD's) and first party games are supposed to cost 50$ (note, taxes are not included in US prices) - 50 euro in the EU. So expect games to be 50-60 euro depending on program house and level of complexity i guess.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Skyler said:
It's not nice to buy a console and then be restricted from ever getting a certain game due to one company getting an exclusive license for it.

i agree. i would love to see resident evil or something on the xbox but i doubt its gonna happen. for me though, xbox has the best exclusives which is why i chose it.


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
Resident Evil 5 is due for release on the 360 as well as the PS3.

The Wii has it's own version coming along, I thought it was the Umbrella chronicles thing but maybe somethign changed.

I've also heard rumblings of Microsoft being interesting in obtaining Capcom as a 1st party developer. I sincerely hope that never, ever happens :(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ch3tan said:
Nintendo have said that the Wii is aimed as a second console for most buyers. They don't expect it to compete with the 360 or ps3.

I for one will be buying one, the price point and launch games make it worth while.

What launch games? Zelda? thats the only game that has had a decent write up the rest have been poor at best.

Redsteel looked great but sunk faster then the Titanic.

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