Wicked New cheat for SP



From www.jediknightii.net

Exciting New Cheats!!! AndyB Sunday, Apr 14 - 5:21 PM - 14 Comments
I've just got an email from David Mackintosh and it's all very exciting!

The email describes how to enable 2 new attack stances (with new moves) and also Jedi Mind Trick Level 4.

In this new level 4 mode you actually take control of the enemy you have used it on and their weapons! I have tried it and it is very very cool.

It appears to have been an option they were considering implementing as the method of walking around uses a display screen like the security cameras use.

To enable this (in single player only), enable the cheats as usual (HelpUsObi 1 in the console) and then type (without quote marks) "SetForceAll 5".

This will enable the 2 new attack stances. So far all I have been able to tell is that there is a second fast attack stance but with different moves and another heavy (red) attack stance but the moves only use 1 hand.

More information as it comes in.

Once again many thanks to David Mackintosh for that information.

Go check it out now and have some more fun on single player!


Someone go test it for me... i'm in work and can't :(


Yeah i know the feelin m8... Cmn guys.. Someone have a play 4 us :)



Yep, this works. Had a play earlier with it.
Had great fun taking over the NME and walking them of the nearest long drop LoL

As to the attack modes......

You get one extra Blue and Red attack mode. Not played much with those though.


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