Why.... :-(



Why was most of you albs so rude, got answers like fuck off, and go and die u n00b, when i started my char there, and asked for some help. So now i'm in Hibernia and got some help right away, 20 gold for starters and a few lvl 7-10 magic items, so i reach lvl 10 in no time, thank Hibs for your kindness. I will repay it on Prydwen, while the albs there will suffer my wrath...
Like tonite 1000 rlm points from kickin alb butts..


Well if i understand your post right you are mad at us for not giving you money when you came begging. Lets make this clear...it is VERY irritating that every time i enter cotvillage 3-5 noobs start spamming my chat window with messages asking for money. Well where do you think we get our money from??? Yes thats right, we earned it... we started from scratch why cant u? Go out and hunt instead u will probably get money much faster and then u get that litte thing called exp while you are earning that money. And there is even guilds that are begging from other guilds..they want us to pay their emblem etc. Why dont those guilds take all their members and hunt or something? In time you will have your emblem and you can be proud of the fact that you all earned it together.

Well maybe i read your post wrong (i doubt it though :p) but still, to all u beggars out there no matter what realm... Hunt for your own money goddammit.


oh dear Gwandyn, wish i had your post as a macro to reply for all beggers :)


I just recently started to be more carefree about money and bought a whole load of nice clothes... now beggars wont leave me alone...

Its wrong to |expect| money from higher levels.

Im glad you gone to Hib to be honest otherwise you wouldve just annyoned everyone here.



No it's not money i was after, it was about where to go, to find armour drop, and stuff like that. I never ask for money cept from guildmates when doin tradeskillin that will benefit us all.

On of my questions where.

Do you have any pointers for a commin paladin?

And the answer where.

No, go fuck yourself.

After this i logged and joined Hibernia.
And asked a similar question there
and a lvl 40, told me to stay put and he would show me. When he came he gave me 10 gold and a complete set of leather armour, and a sword. And told me, just to get me started...

So i wont even bother with Albion any more, cept for rvr later.


like there aren't idiots in hibernia .....

i mean: you can't judge the realm on a few lamers


When I'm bored I sometimes go to Camelot Hills and watch the extreme lowbees kill stuff. And I'll save their ass if they're about to die.
I also always give advice if they ask me, point them to nice xp spots or give them speccing advice.
I don't give cash to beggers though, i hate them, but advice from me is always free.


My point..

My point is, that peps dont have to be rude, when askin for pointers.


Think it's because the realm is so much bigger and so many more ppl play there.

On Excalibur/Albion if you as a high lvl run into the lowbie zones it's crawling with n00b chars of which plenty fire questions at you. Some are annoying, others not - but sadly many higher lvl ppl simply ignore em all.

On for example Prydwen/Hibernia new chars are a lot thinner spread, so less often as a high lvl you're spammed with questions/requests, so less faster you get tired of them.

Any friendly n00b question ought to be answered though ...


If you wanted advice you should have asked an advisor...

I flag my self as a advisor from time to time when im feeling helpfull.. also most (atleast some) of the people around your level would have been people alts so you could have asked them for help.


flag myself as advisor?

i have no problem with people asking me how to spec etc but idd... come into camelot.. can u give me 10g for a new sword? ahum? :p


Tried it...

Tried the advice but none answered. Ohh one did sorry i'm busy in the barrows....


Been playing a druid alt on Prydwen for a while and havent got/recieved any help. Oh apart from can u buff me. So where are these helpful hibbies?

I have no problems with giving people advice. However, people coming up to me and asking me for money to help their guild.....

As if i dont have enough guildmates to help:)


I'm an advisor too... can't answer everything but I know some stuff...

Theres usually about 20 people on - because one person is nasty to you you're condemning the whole realm?

I've yet to be begged for cash on the advice line but if I do I'll /ignore the little freak that does it. :) (after giving some friendly advice that he earns his own cash)

There's three things that'll get you that kinda reply:
One, begging for cash.
Two, asking really impolitely 'Hey you tell me what armsmen should do'
Three, asking a total freako (which is possible anywhere)

I imagine situation three happens as much on Hib as on Albion, just you were luckier on there.



Well it was not just one, and since i wanted to become a paladin, i asked around Could you please give me some pointers to an paladin wannabe. I asked about 15-20 paladins under 2 hours one tell each, and got 4 really nasty answers, i will not post them here but i'm sure they know who they are..

It would be easier for them just to answer just no, or no, sorry.


You right about some jerks being rude but on whole its not to bad. Im flaged as an advisor im no expert but been around a bit.
Think managed to help one person other day with out confusing them too much. But if you get a reply saying busy then thats nothing to moan about, advisors are only normal players who are playing the game, they are not Goa people sat in a office bored, but are players in the game willing to try to help if they can, but the last place to start a-z of doac is in the barrows.


Re: Well

Originally posted by Fafnir
Well it was not just one, and since i wanted to become a paladin, i asked around Could you please give me some pointers to an paladin wannabe. I asked about 15-20 paladins under 2 hours one tell each, and got 4 really nasty answers, i will not post them here but i'm sure they know who they are..

It would be easier for them just to answer just no, or no, sorry.

1) You spent 2 hours bugging 15-20 paladins with unsolicited noob questions about being a paladin??? No wonder they were beginning to find you irritating. Regardless of realm or class, the best way to investigate a potential career is to read the countless Boards for each profession. Sure it may be laborious but it will still be a) quicker, b) far more enlightening c) far less invasive of other players who are most probably in the middle of a fight or conversation.

2) Your original post stated that u were looking to become an armsman and yet u were bugging paladins??? Make ur mind up!!!!!


Everytime im in cotswold village i always get asked for moeny... no matter what...

And guess what guys, we are all in the same realm.. you get a lvl 1-5 come up to you, they are not asking for gold, they are asking for a bit of silver...

When you are low lvl 50 silver or so goes a LONG way... its not like thats gonna kill you, and its not gonna make you poor, maybe you did earn your money, but now your in a position to give to lower lvls to help them have a fun time as well as lvl faster... i am always on .advisor and will always help if i can...

Be a bit more hepfull to newbis will you!


Re: Re: Well

Originally posted by strondor

1) You spent 2 hours bugging 15-20 paladins with unsolicited noob questions about being a paladin??? No wonder they were beginning to find you irritating. Regardless of realm or class, the best way to investigate a potential career is to read the countless Boards for each profession. Sure it may be laborious but it will still be a) quicker, b) far more enlightening c) far less invasive of other players who are most probably in the middle of a fight or conversation.

2) Your original post stated that u were looking to become an armsman and yet u were bugging paladins??? Make ur mind up!!!!!

Ok, the error has been corrected, and if you read the text you quoted from the is say's ONE TELL EACH, if thats bugging, i would love to see whats goes on in your guild chats, when guild members ask for helps on quest or are you so enlightend that you know all the answers... And yes i've read on several site's on how to create your char, but if all follow their advice then it must mean that all paladins are just alike, cept from lvl, same stats etc.

I wanted to get more input on what i could train etc. and then make my own choices. But sorry for buggin you.

And i myself have to aggre that 50 silver goes a long way for a n00b, the 10 gold i got in Hibernia, i've used 5, just givin to other n00bs in need.


Originally posted by monkeynutter
You right about some jerks being rude but on whole its not to bad. Im flaged as an advisor im no expert but been around a bit.
Think managed to help one person other day with out confusing them too much. But if you get a reply saying busy then thats nothing to moan about, advisors are only normal players who are playing the game, they are not Goa people sat in a office bored, but are players in the game willing to try to help if they can, but the last place to start a-z of doac is in the barrows.

Yes this i know, but no one answerd busy, must have logged in on a very bad time, when all were suffering from hangover or just woke on the wrong side of their bed, but i wont give Albion another chance...


i always try to answer a question if asked 2-3 questions i dont mind but when its just constant off same person it does get annoying i dont tell em to fuk off or anything i just look m8 im a bit busy atm and normally ppl are ok with that. As for giving money out hmm im not keen on it cos it encourages begging every now and again ill pop into camelot and start giving out items from my vault i dont mind if a lvl 5 comes up askin for a gold or summat after all thats only 1 kill most of the time but its when they come upasking for 20 gold or stuff thats way too powerful for them that i get annoyed maybe u dont agree with that but like someone said its my money i earnt it shouldnt i be able to use it how i see fit without been slanderised for it ?


Whats the big deal bout beggars?

When u started retail,didnt u wished that someone could help u in a reasonable way to get ur char started?
Ok 20 beggars in 5min could be a little too much.but still most of the 40+ chars have 1P+, so 1G is nothing to u,but a huge amount of cash for a lvl 1character. i mean ffs 20 beggars for 1 g is 20g.
last time i recall black dye is 30g,so buy 1 can less and u canhelp 30 new players.


I dunno tho i give out loads of cash in alb with my high lvl chars but when starting a new alt i couldnt get 5s off anyone to go meet my mates ;)

tbh prydwen hib/mid does seem to have more helpful players ;) but as said above it may be their annoyed a lot less, i know i now use /anon all the time as im getting anooyed at the number of questions im asked when i dunno the answers

eg. whats better for a wiz fire or ice .. . er er er im an arms er er er


dont take me wrong im not trying to flame you.
but hardly think 1 go is reason to quit a realm, but its up to you even if you did meet more helpful ones on another realm nothing to say that would continue later on, ive met loads of people who for no reason have handed over equipment or helped me out and ive met loads who seem to get themselfs and anyone else with them killed, or join group to get xp then do nothing and make excuses up for just standing around.

For record im on prwy server :D didnt notice till too late i had gone in wrong forum. But i do have a nice troll on Excalibur low level though.


Re: Whats the big deal bout beggars?

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
When u started retail,didnt u wished that someone could help u in a reasonable way to get ur char started?
Ok 20 beggars in 5min could be a little too much.but still most of the 40+ chars have 1P+, so 1G is nothing to u,but a huge amount of cash for a lvl 1character. i mean ffs 20 beggars for 1 g is 20g.
last time i recall black dye is 30g,so buy 1 can less and u canhelp 30 new players.

I´d like to have some of that gold then, I have a 41 friar and I have never been above 300gc total yet, and until 1 week ago I didn´t even spend all that much money on dye.. ask anyone in GoL who knows me, I was a walking party banner

just my 2coppers


I think everyone has his own right to judge whetever he wants to give money away etc. Sure, its a nice gesture- sometimes i can give away some golds if im on a good mood or if someone asks for 10s for a horseride thats ok.

But i think u should play the game like everyone else does, when i started i didnt go around begging for money, hell no - i saved and saved for embleem(and 80g as lvl24 is kinda much all spending on embleem). So, i suppose i just think everbody should play the game from the beggining - with no major contribution of gold


from my experience of alts on different realms "all 3 at one time or other" ive foud ALL 3 realms to be similer .

ive started new alts in alb and been started in places i dont know to well to lvl at low lvls . ie lethansis idunno low lvl mobs there . im used to ludlow area to get to lvl 5 fast . so i had to ask for silver to take a horse from Cs to cam gates , most people give me silver straight away for a horse to cam and some dont .. similer things happen on mid/hib if im put miles away from main area . "cos i like to lvl close to main city for training to become that particuler char i want .. and again had no problems getting silver for a horse . but only a few ignore or say no ..

askin peeps for items imo wont get u much ..when i had a;ts in pryd i met a nice guy . name was basil or summin like that . a sniper char . i asked him where ranger trainer was and he shown me . i made a comment about my items being green/gray and shitty arrows so i'd struggle to kill yellows and the guy went to forge n made me a whleset of armor that conned yellow to me and made me some arrows . he also spent 5-10 mins explaining about rangers and where to hunt .

ive had same sorta experiences in alb and mid . from kind people ussually high lvls walking past stop n walk upto me and give me some items ..ive given stuff away and ive said no to people its ussually in the way people ask . if they say GIMMI some gold for stuff i say no if they ask politely and eem desperate i spare what i can "which ussully aint much" damn 70+ silver per stack of arrows is hard to fund if you aint a rich guy :) and solo a lot

but the meaning of my post is .. all realms have same folks in . those who give and those who dont ..

as for asking people for tip on chars u obviously must of pissed them of cos same EVERY time i make a new char on any realm i always do /who <char> and ask high lvls for tips ONLY time they not been able to help is if they about to log . or they busy lvling or rvr . after all i wouldnt expect them to stop fightin and leave there group jut to answer me . other than that EVERY single one of them has answered me and helped with tips/hints and i certainly have never been insulted . so i think u may be exagerating there .


Do i

I have the chatlog, so i can see if i can take the insults out, but then i will have to name peps, and i dont like that, only do it when pissed, and aint that any more since the welcome in Hibernia, had a lvl 47 char buffin me up, so i killed yellow and orange mobs with one hit, wish i had those buff still, couldt play long with them.. :-( but gained two lvl with them...

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