Why Warhammer failed


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Was I the only one that liked WAR at the start then?
The leveling was the best fun I've had in any MMO yet

Tier one was a lot of fun, but each subsequent tier got more annoying. Also the xp required to level jumped up hugely as you got higher level - just as the game was losing its appeal.

Warhammer is one of very few MMOG's where I didn't get a character to max level, and probably the only one where I didn't care either.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Tier one was a lot of fun, but each subsequent tier got more annoying. Also the xp required to level jumped up hugely as you got higher level - just as the game was losing its appeal.

Warhammer is one of very few MMOG's where I didn't get a character to max level, and probably the only one where I didn't care either.

I though it was pretty easy to get max level, didn't once have to grind really. The only grind part of it was getting to rr60+


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
While I like EvE we all know the one most companies gun for is WoW, like others have said the reality is so many of the other MMOs get released before they are at a good enough standard and they just fade away.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
I think the major problems with new MMO's is that they all expect WoW level subscribers on day one and that somehow magically they'll achieve this and keep their customers with no real endgame plan. None of them seem to realise that even a 500k subscriber MMO is profitable and aslong as they keep aiming for the stars they'll fall short.

I think the only real hope of a WoW killer now is Blizzard's secret MMO or some indie effort that focuses on good gameplay before trying to make the biggest profit ever.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
WoW only got so many subscribers because the release coincided with the boom in the internet. So as more and more people got PCs and access to the internet, it was the game of choice.

As an actual game, its very uninspiring.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Was I the only one that liked WAR at the start then?
The leveling was the best fun I've had in any MMO yet, its just the endgame being a total clusterfuckzergcake that spoiled it after a year.

WAR at the start was fun. Levelling was pretty good, plenty of quests to keep you occupied and scenarios popping up constantly, so it was a case of joining every scenario possible and fill up the rest with experience from quests.

It was just everything after that which was awful for me.

You could play scenarios all day for RP, which obviously got a bit repetitive. At some point if you reached too high RR you were getting a grand total of 1 RP per kill for most kills. Even if your realm totally dominated the scenario - it was quite possible to get fewer points than the losing side. This was later fixed, but it was too late.

Playing scenarios all day and losing 90% of battles because the enemy realm constantly runs organised groups and your realm is absolutely useless. I found it highly annoying that a realm could entirely avoid open RvR but just organise a few groups to dominate scenarios. Fair fights from both sides would've been far more fun.

Open RvR domination which made absolutely no sense. Instead of having formulas which players could understand, they hid the zone lock formula and made it a secret. There's nothing more frustrating than a game where you're supposed to do a certain objective yet you've got no feedback on how much you've got left to go to the next stage.

High end PvE which was just broken from the start. If it takes less than a month for people to reach the highest level, your high end PvE content should be ready from the start. Too many bugged encounters, one hit kills on your group as they didn't add the ward system until afterwards.

PvE dungeon lockout. This pretty much forced people into the same groups each time as they couldn't get back in once completed. So if you weren't in one of the groups it was tough luck. PvE is usually nicer when certain people can repeat the content again to help their friends (healers joining new groups), but Mythic's idea of PvE is to force you to stay out and go again with the same group.

Anti rez auras from anything and everything. High end PvE encounters - no rezzing allowed, fortress raids - no rezzing allowed. So one fuckup and you've just locked out one player from accessing the content. This was just highly annoying in fortress raids, getting one shot from NPCs and nobody being able to help you.

Capital city raids which was just mindless zerging. It was another place where the enemy realm could just not do anything, let you get to their city, then put some effort inside to keep you from reaching the next stage. Yet again this was all at the mercy of some unknown formula which either allowed or denied you from going to the next stage. Of course if you managed to get to the next bit you had more "fun" PvE encounters to deal with.

I could rant on forever with problems the game had... :(


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
When will devs ever realise that 3 realms/worlds/fractions is way more exciting than just 2..?


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I really enjoyed WAR until I got my main to level 40 (which took months because I was playing casually and on alts a lot). Then I couldn't bring myself to play that character again, and lost interest in my alts because I realised I wouldn't want to play them any more once they got to level 32 :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Mark Jacobs is a clueless moron.

According to the article he wasn't.

Or at least not a moron, clueless he were because ppl were ordered NOT to tell him what was going on.

Can't really blame him for that.

Amusing to see a DAoC 2 was in production tho :)

Guess that was the lest hope we would ever see that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
When will devs ever realise that 3 realms/worlds/fractions is way more exciting than just 2..?

just keep everything the same other than a modern user friendly UI and a new graphics engine.

I want my cleric to be interupted so were i position myself is important. I demand a 3rd realm to get away from the rock/paper/scissors /yawn effect of only 1 enemy.

Long live Doac 2 :clap:

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