Why to nerf stealth :)



Are assassins going to run with groups unstealthed to keep up ? Are assassins going to join the zerg and share the spoils ? Or are they going to hunt alone, like they (mostly) do now. The answer is obvious to me. I imagine the only assassins that will group are the stealthbots with see hidden that we will no doubt see (and the group focused assassins that exist now, albeit in very small numbers)

when i want to go solo i go solo, but as in pve solo is boring, and i enjoy more running around with a good group in rvr. i live a lot longer, get buffs, speed, healing, and in return can spot the stealthers and get them ganked, and surprise casters in groups we come across :)


The only people who ever want stealth to be nerfed are the no-skill twits that can't avoid a PA or react fast enough to being shot. I agree the drawtime achievable by some archers is a little unfairly fast in a 1v1 situation, but... well, don't move alone ;)

After mythic nerfed the archers in the US, people just realised that hibernia's stun+nuke caster hordes were just as big a problem. Even more so after bards get their ranged instaAE mezz...

People just whine whine whine at whatever appears to be killing them most. I happen to think hib casters' BASELINE stun is overpowered, and I'm also more than a little pissed that mythic's solution (resists lower stun time) did more to nerf minstrels and anyone with 42shield, than it did to nerf the hib casters... but anyway, now *I'm* whinging ;)


So you have to be unskilled and clueless to be shot by an un-findable enemy? Even if you're in a group?

Or need to be unskilled and clueless to be unable to find an assassin that doesn't unstealth when he rez-kills you.

If you ain't stealthing, you're easy RP.

pre-1.50 (which we still are) the stealthers are out of line...

post 1.52? haven't a clue yet.. I'll tell you later. Looks a bit better now though. Stealth isn't the be all and end all of RvR. It's still powerful, but the button doesn't come marked 'god mode' ;)

Stun+nuke is nasty... but you can at least see that coming ;) and resists will let you survive a bit.

The main problem was the insta -50% heat resistance+stun+nuke+nuke... which meant stuns always hit for 9s.
But they made the resist debuffs castable again in 1.52.


Originally posted by klavrynd
Dannyn , how much of a "protect the minstrel" whiner you are on the forum

If there were 3 NERF! threads for your class every week, you'd get a little protective too. maybe one day people will realise we're not uber, but until then, suck mah whine


Originally posted by Fingoniel
If you ain't stealthing, you're easy RP.

pre-1.50 (which we still are) the stealthers are out of line...

post 1.52? haven't a clue yet.. I'll tell you later. Looks a bit better now though. Stealth isn't the be all and end all of RvR. It's still powerful, but the button doesn't come marked 'god mode' ;)

All right, that's not an unfair statement i guess.
Non-stealthers being easy RP; why? Because they can't hide from the zerg. Note that, post-1.50, assassins still CAN hide from the zerg, every bit as effectively as before.
And, might I add, the "stealthers" are not out of line; the archers are out of line. If you find you get owned by assassins constantly, then - pay attention folks - you are an idiot and i have no time for you. It's not hard to make assassins miss their perf. If you get owned by minstrels constantly, then either they're in a better group than you, or you're not in a group at all. Or you're alone, in which case... shut up and take it.

Post-1.52.... well, archers and minstrels really will have taken it on the chin, and assassins will still be merrily ganking the SAME IDIOTS THAT RUN IN STRAIGHT LINES 24/7 AND THINK ASSASSINS ARE UBER.

God but I'm fed up of these posts. In a patch or 2 these same idiots will be complaining that they always die to hib ganksquads because of bard instaAEmezz and stun+nuke casters. Or something. Whatever's currently beating them, they'll be right back on the boards complaining.
Unfortunately there's plenty of tactics to avoid dying to assassins, whereas I can think of very few to counter being stunned and then nuked for 400 every few seconds. Or instamezzed and then jumped by 4 tanks. Shrug.

Bye now, must go level my infiltrator.


Who cares if they nerf it anymore, i am dropping the spec on my scout anyway. No fucking point anymore, and yes I am pissed off tonight aswell as you might notice so things come out in a maybe slightly exaggerated or over-reactive way.
Reason? See hidden is a ridiculously powerful skill to give to assassins who already rule the RP tables. How does this help to balance stuff out? It DOESN'T. You could say that you are taking RP from scouts away and giving it to the assassins. The thing that pisses me off the most is that the freaking skill is passive, making stealth for us scouts practically useless considering that assassins are so bloody popular.


There are 10 times more infils than sb's, and 10 times more sb's than ns's ... so scout gets it easy, AGAIN


Re: Solution 3

Originally posted by Molten Lava

And pls dont tell that Sorc is more then Mezz...if I wanted firepower I would have chosen Wizzy, If I wanted to debuff I would have chosen Cabalist :)

Thinking like this you will never become a good sorcerer if you think like this.

1 hit stay stealthed is a little strong at but when it kicks in it will (for me) take away my grey con autoganking ability, or blue in the case of mages.

But seriously lvl difference do so much get to 50 and do you still get onehitted everytime, then you are allowed to complain.


Combat mode kinda not stops critical shot :) i love wizards and 2 handed weapon guys running around in combat mode, i can crit shot them anyways :)


nerf realm population eh Eleasias?
SFXman m8, assassins aren't top of the RP tables, archers are. Especially next patch; once they unstealth even with one-shots, assassins are nothing like as good RP-farmers as they are now. They have to find soloers basically; trouble is, all the minstrels and archers will still be trying to solo (a lot of the time...) and will get slaughtered in droves by the assassins. It's the sad fact that, from 1.50, it takes more skill for an assassin to kill a caster with a friend than it takes to kill an experienced stealth-spec scout...


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Dannyn, the argument about stealthers RvRing 2x as much as other classes is silly. The reason they RvR twice as much as other classes is because they can stealth, derr!! :p

And Brannor, as for "asking for other classes to handle stealth better". Please tell exactly how we are expected to do this. Tell me exactly what someone can do when exiting thier realm gate when its camped by an invisible, undetectable foe? If that foe were a non-stealther it would be easy, keep your distance, report location to friends etc.. In the case of stealthers, you eat dirt, then say meekly in gc "enemy stealther at Yggdra gates". By then its too late. In reality the only way to counter a camping stealther is with another stealther. How annoying.

Mythic have kinda messed stealth up. They nerfed archers (a justified nerf, but over the top) by giving the other primary stealth class See Hidden. So rather than archers ruling supreme in RvR, we will now have Assassins.

I don't want to see assassins get nerfed, but I think assassins getting See Hidden is wrong. Not because See Hidden is overpowered, but because it is overpowered in the hands of other stealthers. Should be given to other classes that dont get a great time in RvR, summoned pet classes maybe.

You answered your own question. Group with a stealther with see hidden . Thats your defence against stealthers. Archers been nerfed alot we have a hard time getting groups and stealth is the only thing left to us for defence. I honestly think spell casters are way over powered and should be weakend so they can not mez or cast the pbt effect.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
nerf realm population eh Eleasias?
SFXman m8, assassins aren't top of the RP tables, archers are. Especially next patch; once they unstealth even with one-shots, assassins are nothing like as good RP-farmers as they are now. They have to find soloers basically; trouble is, all the minstrels and archers will still be trying to solo (a lot of the time...) and will get slaughtered in droves by the assassins. It's the sad fact that, from 1.50, it takes more skill for an assassin to kill a caster with a friend than it takes to kill an experienced stealth-spec scout...
Excuse my post last night I was a bit pissed off due to reasons I sahll not post here.
But hmm... I am very confused as to what I will do with my scout, I am only L35 so Bulls may still be "repaired" in a sense. I think I will just see what other scouts do (high-level) and after the situation has calmed down I will ask someone for advice.

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