End of the day.. people sign upto raids then suddenly realise.. wtf its hot and nice outside i'll go out there forgetting to reply or go out for a drink and think.. ah well i'll reply when i get back.. not realising how long they're going to stay out... making constant raids every week during the TOA era (ml9 pet and fop ftw) is pointless.. most people can farm everything themselves thats why loads don't even bother signing up :/ give it a break aberr you'll find more people will sign up for raids if you leave it for a few weeks rather than post a poll raid every single week ;/ .. things like dragon raids are alot different from say.. tg raids.. or darkspire raids.. because if people turn upto a fixed dragon raid they are guaranteed something at the end of the day :/ making constant raids to places where say.. 1-2 good items will drop with a fg of people going is well.. pointless