Why the extream moderation all of a sudden?



As above.

Why have locked threads and edited posts become commen place here? when i first came onto these boards threads were left open and only the most utterly extream and stupid threads that were asked by forum members (That would be people who arnt mods ^^ ) to be closed were so.

Now threads get closed because

1) Youve backed yourselves into a corner, example of this is Lonewolfs post stating everyone who posts on this forum after 6pm has no life and yes im was going to reply to that post but i couldnt because it was locked for no reason other then Lonewolf putting his foot in his mouth for the 100th time.

2) Someone posts something in general to have abit of fun and you close it to take the piss, example is alot of posts by Gunnerr and Sol about why Mod's have become harsh.

3) Its a flame post that either mentions one of the mods or is related to them in any way, fair enough but when players come under flack they dont have the conviniance of being able to close it like you do.

Post editing.

Has been ver rare that i've seen a post edited up till now but some laugage has been cut from some posts, fair enough people swearing for the fun of it isnt funny but you mods seem to let some people away with it more then others and the fact is if your going to edit swearing out then do it to everyone or dont do it.

Reasons why i think this has occured.

1) You've got abit excited because youve got another "goon" in the mod gang (No offence figure of speech ;) )

2) Ted's been whinging about clearing up the forums

3) Seeing as these are pretty much the main english server forums the GOA guys think that it's abit flamy for the noobs and want it cleaned up and noob friendly for SI

4) Youve just decided to flex your forum might and show us scummy members who the real power on the forums is.

You say your player moderaters?

Tilda is a player mod, the rest of you havent got a frikking clue what goes off in daoc, Damini's never hardly been seen and Lonewolf plays an inf that his missis leveled for him that he plays once in a blue moon.

Well thats me done for a while, i'm sure you'll find something offencive in my post and lock it after about 30 minutes as per usual.



I closed the tilda thread because I felt it had run its purpose. I didn't close it because it was criticising a mod, or else I would have done that ages ago and not once it got off topic.

You've got it completely wrong Poon. We don't close threads if they are criticising mods at all, infact we actively keep them open until everyone has said what they wanted to say. After that we close it. And people do have the ability to close their own threads, and if they aren't the thread starter they can always contact a mod.

We can't moderate swearing from everyone. There aren't hours in the day. So we moderate where it is excessive where we find it.

I said we got in a player moderator to compensate for the fact that me and Brinx aren't current with whats going on with the community.

I think your argument is very flawed.


Ok, a break down of the threads in the section and why they have been closed.

wtf - closed by lonewolf, in order to stop further arguments about the banned user. Personally I would have left it open for further discussion, but I'm not the only mod here.

hurrah - closed by me because it was started by someone with a banned account in order to just be an irritation.

To Chaos Theory - closed by Brinx because of the behaviour of the mentioned above banned forum user.

Thinking of Coming Back - closed by me because of the language and behavior of the subsequently banned user hijacking the thread from its original purpose.

So all of these closed threads relate to one issue, one user, and aren't part of an endemic.


Fancy working from home ?--- edited for CoC reasons
^^^- funny post to a obvious scam site

DToC - Anybody using ---- multiple links posted to ilegal macroing tools, not edited
^^^^- post about using macroing tools + links

I kinde dont see the logic in it


We're not bots, we're human. And add to that its a thankless godforsaken task, for which you get virtually no gratitude and a hell of a lot of grief, surely the question shouldn't be why are you modding this, but rather why the hell are you modding at all?

Edit:// And even obvious scam sites have their fair share of suckers. If someone hands over their password AND their credit card details from a site found here, then cries about it, what are we to do?

The other programme is at least recognised by the community, was discussed and then official verdict from GOA was recited.

Halo | NS

Look, stop fucking moaning about moderators all the time. This server forum is just full of whinging brats pissed off because they didn't get Tilda's job or something.

The mods here do a good job stopping pricks like you lot getting out of control. They don't get thanked, they don't get payed yet they spend a lot of time looking after this place.

Barrysworld is a privilege not a right.

If you don't like it then don't come here.


Originally posted by AbPoon

1) Youve backed yourselves into a corner, example of this is Lonewolfs post stating everyone who posts on this forum after 6pm has no life and yes im was going to reply to that post but i couldnt because it was locked for no reason other then Lonewolf putting his foot in his mouth for the 100th time.


I stated that I spend my time on here during the day and not after 6pm because I want a life

Implying that I don't want to spend all my time on the board

Where the feck did you get the idea I think everyone who comes on here after 6pm has no life

And where the hell did you get the idea I am never on here

And where the hell did you get the idea I close threads willy nilly, maybe the "wtf?" thread could have remained open and for that I apologise to any involved but I just felt the last few posts on it was going over old ground, but I have talked to Damini about this over PM and its all cool

As for playing in game and Light, so what my girlfriend levelled Light I have played Lonewolf and Shabba upto 41 and 37 and I levelled Light to 34

And anyway I don't need to justify myself to you on how much I play but just to quench your curosity I have Shrouded Isles on a US Account and will promptly be returning to the UK when it arrives here, which much experience and knowledge my account is still active and I do pop in now and again

As for closing posts only posts I usually close are ones regarding CoC problems as it prevents the individual or individuals reposting a link or comment and kills a problem before it starts

Hope that responds to you bringing my name up in a negative light, excuse the pun ;) heh


Originally posted by Sibanac

DToC - Anybody using ---- multiple links posted to ilegal macroing tools, not edited
^^^^- post about using macroing tools + links

I kinde dont see the logic in it [/B]

If you read the users site he has taken the CoC breaking areas out of the product and Mythic will hopefully be making a statement regarding it now

If they state its still breaking the rules bye bye its gone

This isn't a case of we love mods and hate normal people it just isn't the case please believe me#

Oh and in response to Abpoons quote that users cannot close flame threads yes they can the originator of the thread can close the thread you could do it now with this one if you like


Lonewolf, I did not mean to imply that there was any bias, just sametimes what seems like 'random' moderation happens.

I just ment to say that both post where a bout things breaking the CoC (yes in case DtoC this may change in the future) at this point in time.
It still doesnt make litle sense to me one would be edited and the other one not.

Sorry if i offended sameone.


No offense mate at all, a super ok

Its just I was a bit clued up on this one and seeing as I am not a super mod, I believe that one of the them will notify the necessaries and delete or close as needed

Hence the reason I did not close or edit the thread, thats all

Hope that explains it


Closed threads is not the worst problem, atleast you can see what has happened. It's when your posts begin to 'disappear', and creates flawed arguements it starts to get annoying.

Either the forums are bugged, or some mods have removed posts without telling. There was a comment which was replied to earlier in another thread. Several replies to that comment has mysteriously vanished, but the starter comment that ignited some flames is still there.

Bugs? I don't think so.


Users can delete their own posts you know

I don't know of any mod deleting a users post without telling them

Hope thats ok


I know one of the users that got his post deleted IRL. He did not do it.

Also, isn't there a timer on deleting posts? The posts concerned had been there for a couple of days.


Check the DToC thread again - I posted Mythic's and GOA's official responses there.

As for posts disappearing - perhaps the original writers deleted them? Okay .. re-reading (dang! you guys post fast!) I see others have raised the same possibility.


A couple times there have been roll backs, where a post or a thread has disappeared. Note, a couple times in total. Other than that, we won't delete a thread unless its really superflous, rude or upsetting the flow.

For example, in the trading forum we would be more likely to delete a spam thread than elsewhere, because it annoys the traders.


Originally posted by AbPoon

Maybe people should think before they post instead? Maybe people should go read the TOS they agreed to when they originally registered their account? Maybe people should be more mature in what they post (ie, post fun stuff by all means, but most people's idea of fun stuff on this forum involves insulting someone else)?

I don't see any problems, and welcome the mods doing what they're suppossed to. Is it really that hard to stick to the rules you agreed to?

(It's still hardly extreme when you have thread titles such as "Twats at Lan" and the same group people posting in that thread starting equally unreadable threads every day).


i have had a post deleted once, still don't understand why, but there you go.

if a thread is pissing me off or offending me: i dont read it anymore. Mods are not really important to me. I am glad they are here remove the truely offensive/racist etc. stuff tho

imo Lonewolf is the best mod, tilda and damini are a bit unpredictable its true, but then i guess everyone has their own personality...

and i do think that someone, somewhere has asked for a tighter reign on these forums, i don't think anyone is that stupid not to be able to see that.


All I know is we attempt to please most of the the people most of the time, its just not humanly possible to please all the people all the time

We are only human as Damini said, such is the life of a person or persons in an authoriterial position excuse the spelling

If you have any real gripes which really have bothered I welcome you once again to e-mail or PM me or the other mods and they will be more than happy to help

Besides Abpoons tone in his post, he is completely entitled to his opinion and it is welcomed if it helps us to make him happier by addressing things that bother him



Aye Mods what i expected to reply with but i'm not in this for an argument i just stated how i saw it and thats how my view will stay.

On another point this wasnt an attack on any Mods in a personal view, i dont object to any of the mods on here just i think that maybe your being abit harsh on some and to slack on others.

Only mod i object to in Lonewolf due to the fact he slags anything DAOC related off, whinges and moans about the game all day long, wrote the biggest load of shite i ever saw about SI and then sung the praises of SWG for days.

Yes Lonewolf SWG looks good but if i wanted to read about it i'd goto the SWG forums you chimp, if your not interesting in the game then............go?

Feel free to send death threats and mail bombs to

Poon Tang
Gunnerr's house
23 Chimp road


i agree once someone closed and deleted my "damini why did u close my thread" thread which i was kinda mad at(not anymore remember cos i have changed etc :kiss2: ) cos i wanted to know why my thread was closed.

also someone edited my picture of yog irl and replaced it with some green background and the words "edited by brinx" at the end




p.s in order to avoid future cases of mr.x was offended by mr.y's post i reckon BW should have:


the option to place this on thread subjects so little kids dont open it and get influenced and try to commit suicide.


again xxx
and :kiss2:


Originally posted by AbPoon

Only mod i object to in Lonewolf due to the fact he slags anything DAOC related off, whinges and moans about the game all day long, wrote the biggest load of shite i ever saw about SI and then sung the praises of SWG for days.

Yes Lonewolf SWG looks good but if i wanted to read about it i'd goto the SWG forums you chimp, if your not interesting in the game then............go?

Oh its you Gunner, the one who bought Winters account

I think ur exaggerating slightly that I slag off anything DAoC related seeing as I have been in the community since the first day even in the beta, and it was one thread I made a comment about SWG and about SI even my signature for the past month has stated I could have been wrong about SI

As for SWG yes I do feel its going to be a better game, and yes my opinion has no grounds as I have not played the game, but then again thats what it is an opinion and everyone is entitled to one

As for SI yes I did think it was shit to begin with, maybe a hasty assumption but to be honest my interpretation of amazing gfx and superb lands was quite dashed when the gfx didn't seem much different except for some blurred jerky shadow coming off characters and water that looks more like a mirror than an actual river flowing, after playing AC2 and seeing those gfx DAoC had alot to live upto and to be honest it didn't pull it off

But once again its an opinion and everyone's view is different

If you have a personal gripe about how I carry myself, or my views I suggest you keep it to PM or in game

As for fact I slag off DAoC all day on everything ur just talking a crock of shit


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Oh and before Gunner crucifies me anymore here is the ONE yes singular ONE say it with me one more time ONE post I made regarding SWG and how I was let down by SI

erm? i neva complained about u posting about SWg....

u sure its me?


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-

Oh its you Gunner, the one who bought Winters account

and? ur point is?


and at least i didnt nick it from my gf ^^

(dont worry damini i neva eva gonna take away ur accnt, i promise!)


Originally posted by AbPoon
Only mod i object to in Lonewolf due to the fact he slags anything DAOC related off, whinges and moans about the game all day long, wrote the biggest load of shite i ever saw about SI and then sung the praises of SWG for days.

Yes Lonewolf SWG looks good but if i wanted to read about it i'd goto the SWG forums you chimp, if your not interesting in the game then............go?

Theres teh cuplrit!!!!!!1111:puke:


could be, who knows with all this moddage going on ;)


Well, imo its true that sum mods are "abusing" their privileges sumtimes, but no1 is perfect and on average they do ok.

ie: Sum posts been edited or removed wo a reason at all (removing links to "funny" pics u can find anywhere and CANNOT harm healthy minds. )

On the other hand i would like to know how those player-mods are selected, theres ppl outthere who could b a great mod and theres ppl outthere (like me :D ) who couldnt. ie: Tilda, she/he has nearly no sense of humor, lacks reading skills and acts like a child. A child with a new toy when u made her moderator... nvm tho.

Anyway.. enjoy the game :kiss2:


Oops sorry guns my mistake

I meant Abpoon

And yeah I was just reminding myself who gunner was out loud I just happen to remember u owning Winters account thats all

Peace no offence intended due to my stupidity


think everyone should cut the mods some slack - its a thankless task, and the last thing they need is more grief. I know what its like - I used to mod pa forums ;)

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