Why nerf friars?




state reasons im confused, friars hit hard agreed, we cannot take a lot of dmg though.....

help please.....


the only bad thing i can think about when it's concerning friars is that dex doesnt go up with the levels

dmg like a tank (or better) , self haste buff, self end regen, leather armour+evade+self stacking af buff , self buffs, speccable parry. they can heal, cure , and res

so either they're perfectly balanced or they're overpowered (or all other classes suck)

Carlos Bananos

It is just usually considered unfair when a healing class can outdmg anyone else.

(eg Smite Clerics, Doctors in AO etc..)


Originally posted by klavrynd
the only bad thing i can think about when it's concerning friars is that dex doesnt go up with the levels

dmg like a tank (or better) , self haste buff, self end regen, leather armour+evade+self stacking af buff , self buffs, speccable parry. they can heal, cure , and res

so either they're perfectly balanced or they're overpowered (or all other classes suck)

Dex doesnt go up with levels, so mythic fixed that by giving them a self dex buff. Friars are great it seems 1v1, but are a melee class with poor armour and low hp, so find it harder in zergs, dont see a need to nerf them


Yeah and zerker can one shot people and 2-3 hit tanks..... funny a zerker saying a friar overpowered:rolleyes:


Zerka's can't heal or buff themselves.

Oh and lets not forget that they come from midgard, the supposed 'Melee' realm... would you like me to go on?

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Yeah and zerker can one shot people and 2-3 hit tanks..... funny a zerker saying a friar overpowered:rolleyes:

Ever seen a friar duel a zerker?


Midgard melee realm?you sure?:D i know it's suppose to be it doesn't seem so though,friars do not need to be nerfed look how many play them?one of the least used classes in daoc...


Friar imo:

easy to kill (trust me), but if you leave them unchecked they will wreak havoc

friars wont get nerfed because its one of the least played and lowest Rp earning classes....


Don't get me started on Friars :) I've posted many arguements on the 'Damn Friars' thread but I'll try to summarise them from personal experience...and please bear in mind that all these points are made in light of the fact that a friar is a healing base class, no matter what you say. If they were meant to be tanks, they would be in that base category.

Friars hit as hard if not harder than armsmen
Friars hit twice as fast if not faster
Friars can easily get up to the same level evade as an assasin
Friars have a decent parry
Friars can heal (maybe only a little if they are battle spec, but its a valid point)
Friars have armour thats equivalent to chain when you take into account their absorb buff
Friars have a self celerity chant
Friars have an style end reducing buff (name another class that has that?)
Friars have an end regen buff
Friars can get IP!!!
Friars have 1.5 spec points a level (midgard seers only have 1.0)

I've seen a friar take out 2 proper level 50 tanks at once with hardly breaking a sweat..warrior and thane. A frair hits my shadowblade for 500 damage...There is no way you can justify that kind of power from a healing base class, they tear everything apart, that should be what your armsmen and mercs are doing...not your healers. Tbh there is not one class in the game that would stand a chance against a friar solo...except maaaybe a champ. I've played both midgard and hibernia and I've not met one person who doesn't think friars are overpowered.

You compare that to any other healing base class in the game and you'll see its a joke, really annoys me especially as I play a healer and have to suffer with having absolutely no melee capability whatsoever and I dont get the 1.5 spec points to make up for it, at least a druid can have a pet and a cleric can have some smite.

All I would request is to tone them down a bit, lower the base damage of their staff and nerf evade a bit cos it's silly.

Carlos Bananos

Ask Vireb, theres not another class in game he can't reliably beat.

He walks all over zerkers, afaik only class he has problems with is BMs.

old.Rei Ayanami

BM's = weak vs. crush. He has problems with Champs


personally i think LW/Slam Hero is the most powerful tank


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Midgard melee realm?you sure?:D i know it's suppose to be it doesn't seem so though,friars do not need to be nerfed look how many play them?one of the least used classes in daoc...

1. Enter DF
2. Move around in Alb side of DF

then tell me again it's one of the least used classes :p

1st Room : 1FG Albs - 3 Friars, 1 Cleric, Mincer/Infil,2 tanks
2nd Room : 2 Friars
3rd Room : lonely Friar
4th Room : Friars in every corner
5th Room : 2 Friars in a group of 5

There's a friggin' Friar Zerg growing in those forsaken halls !


Erm i have played alb a year now i know what is and what isn't:p


agree with hellskor, there is not a low population of friars, they are as frequent in rvr as any other class


I have to admit i think they are over powered.. the amount they parry and evade is silly, maybe mythic could just lower (not to much :p ) their dex buffs. Cause if i remember right that is what controls their damage output and evade.


There is no way you can justify that kind of power from a healing base class
lol... Friar as a healer is either a gimp healer or a gimp fighter. Doesn't really mean a fucking thing that they are a healing class.
They are either the crappy healer of a group and thus a gimp at staffing anything to death, or the heals bring maybe 200hp if they are a staff/enh spec.

If they are so goddamn overpowered then why the fuck are they one of the least RP earning classes? Explain that and I might begin to understand the point behind stating that they are overpowered.
Before someone gives me a valid reason claims such as the ones in this thread are complete and utter bullshit.
Just go here and look at the top TWENTY friars....
#20 has 54,000 rp?
"Wow... friars are too über for my liking"


Because there's no real friar rolemodels?

Azal etc start farming rp like a maniac -> everyone rolls an sb
YMCA is the terror of mmg->half alb rolls a zergfil
Vidx and Zedorf take out 700fg in some lordroom -> lowbiechanterzerg

say infil and there's 20 names that spring to mind, same for chanter, theurg, sb, etc but when you say friar i can think of 3 maybe 4.

anyhow, i try to stay away from friars


-ouroubouros (might be spelled wrong)

to name a few :p

friars are great in duels
they are 1 of the lowest rps earners though

dont forget we have the strength relics, it helps tons in melee


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting

Tbh there is not one class in the game that would stand a chance against a friar solo...except maaaybe a champ. I've played both midgard and hibernia and I've not met one person who doesn't think friars are overpowered.

Every class has it's weakness, My shammy can take friars out without breaking a sweat 1v1, Friars are great against tanks, poor against casters.


Friars don't need nerfed - they're only nasty because they're self-buffed...

stick buffs on a pure tank and they'll be far scarier.

Just one too many shadowblade gets upset that they picked the stick-wielding maniac and not the weak little caster...


And since when is a class not overpowered cuz they are low on the earned rp charts? makes no sense to me at all... Do friars need nerfing? yes I say...could be easily done by decreasing some of their self buffs if you ask me...


I dont think any class should be nerfed (at least no albion ones ;) )

but if you look at it, an armsman should be the albion tank, and there are so many classes that can just own us in duels, i start wondering if i rolled the right class. I think when it comes to close combat there should be no way an armsman can lose if he is at full health and full endurance.


duels are not a measure of class power...

Friars are definitely on the 'good' side of balanced... if anything needs toned down it is their self-buffs... but adding healing to their otherwise-pointless rejuv line will make little difference.

The reason Friars are so good in duels is:
Evade - good against all weapons, with a dex/qui buff evade is evil.
Parry - good against 1h weapons.

they hit with a 2h weapon -> hard to parry. So polearmsmen will find it that much harder (and since the friar has evade they still have some defence), not to mention the crush-weak plate.

That and they WILL have their timered buffs up, they'll have haste available, they'll have end regen.

Friars are very good on their own.

However... put a friar in a group with a paladin and a theurgist - they don't get as much benefit from the endurance chant, or the haste buffs (because they could already use their own). If you throw in an enhance cleric the friar only improves slightly (more hp) whereas the armsman gets more damage, more hp, more parrying etc.

If it were all about soloing I'd say friars would need a big fat nerf... but it's not, it's realm versus realm.

Think of a friar as a sporty car, pretty fast and mean by itself.

Think of the armsman as a high end sportscar with no engine... it's running on pedalpower at the moment, so it's not great.
Put in the engine and it'll burn rubber.


Parry and evade is great in pvp but not so noticable in rvr to be honest. When fighting high purple mobs in DF i sometimes go on a run of 4 - 5 parrys / evades, in RVR it happens very rarely. Also for the big dmg output you have a slow staff, yes this is the same as most big hitting weaps but our poor armour means we dont last long if we miss (even buffed). Also a healing friar in rvr cant really engage in combat as i do in PVE. I have specced 25 in rejuve and the major heal spell is 3 seconds cast time so the few seconds required before you can cast plus the time of the cast itself usually means someone dies as it happens so quickly. Looking at the comparable class in Mid - the Shaman, is far more powerful and group friendly.

Yes friars are a good fun class to play and very powerful in the right circumstances but overpowered no.


its a bit stupid an sb hitting for 1000+ on a scout with crits with a 2h weapon.... and then with left axe... just nerf fs. I stuck engage on a la sb every first hit was blocked (turns out left axe strikes first) while the main weapon still got past the engage and owned me, dead in 5 hits.


some people got owned too much by a staffwielding maniac :p

why should you nerf a good balanced (not overpowered, dont wanna know how many times i got owned by SB, zerkers, hero's, enchanters etc. (ok, maybe that just says something about my rvr skills :p)) class, why not instead improve the other classes, will only make the game better i think


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
its a bit stupid an sb hitting for 1000+ on a scout with crits with a 2h weapon.... and then with left axe... just nerf fs. I stuck engage on a la sb every first hit was blocked (turns out left axe strikes first) while the main weapon still got past the engage and owned me, dead in 5 hits.

Main hand strikes first, not left axe.

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