Why Midgard is never going to get the relics back

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I am just trying to imagine u chatting up your next door neighbour Mr vonStrugleheim, bet u offer to smoke his chimney and clean his pipes in the most alluring aggressive tones :D


ROFL this thread is teh funny.
Oh and Sigurd, I'd seen more threatening behaviour from a ball of cotton wool than you. You suck. :p


just one word..............


well actually thats 4 words, but hey what the hell im tired


God Danm tis post tis da funny...Sigurd I bet you could win the para-olympics in the discipline "Running with my brain in a paperbag under my arm" . U gotta be be the silliest goatsuckerbird around. And treathening to kill peopel, whom you dont know how big or mean they are could get you in trouble BUSTER . I guesse it would take me bout 5 second to rip u skimpy lil boddy apart limb by limb in RL , and if you wanna try it and come somewhere near Denmark , I'll show you how a REAL viking handles maggot sucking prats like you. Just to give u a little picture friend , if you should feel lucky, my lower part of my arm ( below elbow ) messures 47 centimeters , thats prob more than your upper-arm you silly little kid


Originally posted by slapmesilly..
It requires TEH FhORCE~!!!!1

(And no, klav not ALL of my pics are from your box :p I got some other sites aswell ;))

Bah slapme .. tell me .. or else i'll cry :( :( ... lol :)

Originally posted by stu

help me help you

LMAO!! Classic stu :)

Originally posted by reinnon
and for all you know cenestra may be a 3 time heavyweight boxing champion.

Bah reinnon .. you gone and let my little secret out ... yes you may as well all know I am the real reason that Lennox Lewis is thinking of retiring .. he is too scared to get in the ring with me ... LOL :)

Originally posted by Damon Doombring
God Danm tis post tis da funny...Sigurd I bet you could win the para-olympics in the discipline "Running with my brain in a paperbag under my arm" . U gotta be be the silliest goatsuckerbird around. And treathening to kill peopel, whom you dont know how big or mean they are could get you in trouble BUSTER . I guesse it would take me bout 5 second to rip u skimpy lil boddy apart limb by limb in RL , and if you wanna try it and come somewhere near Denmark , I'll show you how a REAL viking handles maggot sucking prats like you. Just to give u a little picture friend , if you should feel lucky, my lower part of my arm ( below elbow ) messures 47 centimeters , thats prob more than your upper-arm you silly little kid

Goddamn Damon you really are great ;)

Originally posted by Solid

I am just trying to imagine u chatting up your next door neighbour Mr vonStrugleheim, bet u offer to smoke his chimney and clean his pipes in the most alluring aggressive tones :D

Lol Solid .. you crack me up m8 :)


Originally posted by Sigurd Volsung
1) No-one cares apparantly.
2) The realm is full of self centred idiots.
3) People in midgard don't like helping other people.
4) Blejisarious or whatever thinks he is in charge
5) Apparantly, people under level 50 are useless little shits with no purpose.
6) This game is getting old now, people are quitting every day, soon they will all flock to some other mmorpg (or even better, off a cliff)

YO! :D
tired here atm, but try to write so u understand anyway.
3, i think its up to everyone if they wants to help out or not.
Like hey help me get last 0,3 to ding. fun for the person that helps out? Not really.

But to point 4 now
What are u talking about? Think i am in charge? Eh?
And why is it even so bad?
I do bad cause i perhaps take intiative?
Thats wrong thing to do?
And i dont even take that mutch intiative latly just tired of it.
So if u are a genius as it seems u think we do so bad atm.
Whats your ideas?
And oki u said u where trieng to fix a relic raid before.
How? What was your magic plan?
I am just curious.
Never even heard about your name before.
Anyway why so pissed on me? :)
If you wanna open your heart i am here now.. :)
Anyway i hate attidude like you have atm
you complain on stuff, but what are u doing to make stuff better?
Nothing what i have seen.

And if u arnt noticing many ppl making jokes atm about you,
and u complain on this realm.
And it seems many dislike you to.
You have never thaught about your personality is seriously fucked up or so?

Anyway if u have something to complain on my gaming u can give some more info so i can understand why u are complaning.

but u should know to lead a army u need to be able to handle ppl.
u cant act like u acting atm.. ppl will never listen to you.
Just giving some advices.. need to be calm and sutch.

anyway hope u write back.

Blejsarus 50 thane
Blejsisarus 50 Shadowblade
GM of Eye of Odin.



Hi, Danskmacabre here..

DONOT post Post those Joke pics of mentally retarded people with joke text under them.
They are not allowed here...

Furthermore, Unless this thread gets more constructive pretty fast, I'm gonna lock it.



well do not flame little Sigurd, please read the REAL story I posted on the Amazons guild forum on April 24th, 2002 regarding a hunt with Sigurd

(Amazon Justiciar)
04/24/02 08:05 AM
Re: On a lighter note...

Cant leave this post without a few anecdotes of junior and more senior members around our fabulous realm:

- Numia was in Yggdra. She was hunting in a group with Lonits/Elonyth "special" friend (a level 25 warrior with little intellectual capital called Sigurd) and two more skalds of the same level range. We got ambushed by albs in the typical sadistic "we show you how great we are"-way. This means group stun, then they finish one off, sit down, talk in strange languages, bow, dance, jump, stun u again, kill the next, same procedure until its little Numia left.... Then they suddenly run away...

I ress all in joy of my unbelievable luck and guess what...
... they come back and play it again !!!


- so little Sigurd stands up and shouts "lets take Albion!!!". We are bewildered and shocked. So he says "look at /realm, they still have 2 keeps in their hands lets go and take them, its easy... ".

- Deeply impressed the first timid questions of the other two group members, both noobs, start coming up.

- When I venture that 4 lvl 22-25 mids are perhaps not enough to storm keeps he calls me chicken and dumbass. Naturally i officially offer my resignation from the group, but the other two want to stay with the healer.

- So valient Sigurd runs off alone in search of the lost keeps telling us he will conquer keeps for Midgard finding some friends on the way as at this early hours of the afternoon they are not guarded...


- Naturally it does not takes long and we get the first message:
"Sigurd was killed by a shivering presence"

- Guess what message little healergirl Numia gets 30sec later:
"Damn u got me killed, now come and ress me !!!!!!!!!!!!"

- So little innocent healergirl goes there and resses this nice young warrior but cannot reframe teling him that this is
a) the wrong way to go and
b) not the right attitude to talk when making a ress call.
(I wont mention in this post the "nice" reply I got after having come there to ress our friend.)


- 5 minute later: "Sigurd got killed by a Istalf Snowtracker" (this lvl 35 mob has a camp over the hill from the shivering presences and work in teams like human groups).

- Our little healergirl Numia waits anxiouslay and there it comes:
"Almost killed my first Albs, with your help we can take this Alb keep over here... Now come and ress me"

- Stupid and good natured as I am we go up there and ress him. After he recovers he asks us to join in and take the Albion fort. Again I tell him that these are monsters and not Albs and this is a respawning camp which u cant take... He runs off angrily telling me he will get his friends to take this keep and I am too noob for this game.

- At least I gather all my little courage to tell him that this is it. No more ressing for today, before we return to our cute chisellers and nip memphits near the gate.

- Our group then started counting the death messages of valient Sigurd with different victim teams he found to fight in with. We counted 6 death messages by the Istalfs before he left the "Albs" for this day...

Anoushka Polyxenia
<Amazons of Midgard>


just in case you wondered:



Sigurd Volsung can we try and keep the expletives and extreme personal attacks down to a minimum mate, reading it scared me, god knows what it may do to little kiddies



It's quite amazing how you've managed to alienate yourself from a large portion of the population.

Some of your posts seem quite rational, others seem to be the work of a raving lunatic (alcohol?).

Anyways, I fear the only way you're going to go forward from this is to sort yourself out big time. I suggest you take a break from this game which is causing you so much grief. Come back when you've learned that the greatest living being isn't yourself, and that a little humilty never goes amiss.

You'll probably have to start new chars though as I, along with a lot of people, will avoid your current ones like the plague.

I feel rather sorry for you.


LOL @ Anouschka :D

Hihi, that post made me laugh so hard.

Sounds something like Don Quijote :)


Anoushka that is soo funny :)

Oh and Sigurd , I have never met you but from your posts I never want too . There are complete dicks on all the realms , I can honestly say I have'nt met many on Pryd/Mid tbh . I think you have just worked yourself up over petty matters and judging by Anoushka's post , you do it quite a lot .


I had visions of Sigurd trying to take Fensilar in that story Anoush.


a disgrace

Sigurd u are a disgrace to your guild and realm.
I dont want to be stigmatized or disgraced from being in the same guild as you, what u do reflects on all of us. Since i was not allowed to kick u from guild, i will give in my own resignation.
u brought shame on me... something i will never forgive..


OKi a couple of points :

1) silly thread
2) people indeed prefer emain zerg to keep defense/offense due to RA arrival
3) Sigurd watch your language mate, this board can be frequented by underaged
4) The "regulars" and co, why put yourself on the same level guys, im amazed really
5) From the BW forum we have turned this into : " Post anything and you'll regret it " forum
6) Are we a bunch of bullies who like to gang up on a person ??? Please dont let me be thinking we arent bloody civilised.....

7) Sigurd, mate, im affraid your comments got you the denial, If i were you i would reroll the char and the forums Alias. Either this or face life of exile ingame forever bud.

Be Cool, Stay Cool, Live Cool

I dont care if anyone listens to what i wrote, this is a forum and i have a right to express my opinion freely <within limits>


Dansk and Lonewolf said it nicer than me, I'm the tired old detective with one day until retirement (Ohh dear!!) and they are the new enthuasiastic recruits who still believe in humanity and so on, but if people persist in posting *those* pictures I will get their accounts banned. Consider warning delivered.

Or, alternatively, I will just get my friend who has just had a beautiful downs baby Jack, to come on here and explain personally why posting those pictures make you a complete arsehole, or my live in lovely whose uncle also has downs to tell you exactly where you can shove those links. Swearing is swearing, people may get all Micheal Jackson and "Think of the Children" about it, but nobody gets *really* upset by a simple expletive ("Oh my god, I just read the word C***, I weep for humanity"), but these pictures can genuinly hurt people and cause them incredible upset.


Rofl@Anoushka's post.

If that was his idea of a keep raid, my bet is that the relic raid he supposedly staged was of the same caliber. Sigurd finds a full group of people level 30-40 who wants to help him take the relic, perhaps even ports to Hadrian's wall, then run out to find the relic keep. Runs into the waylayers and thinks they are albs. Gets killed a bit outside the mmg. Hehe. And then he wonders why noone wants to help him...


To sigurd: I am truly sry to hear you spek to ppl like this, mainly because i didn't realise you was THAT stupid. Expect to be removed from Guild next time you log in (if autoremove dont work - then expect to be romeved in 5 mins).

and if you really think that your guild will support you in this you are even more stupid than i imagined possible in a human being.

If your only reason for NOT leaving DAOC was your guild, then good luck (i think you need it) with your life.

As guildmaster of Call of Heimdal i can not and will not accept ppl behaving like this, so to all fellow mids plz accept my apoligy (spelling) for not seing sigurds real (fucked up) personality before so we could get rid of him sooner.

Call of Heimdal


Just let me play deils advocate for a minute.

Damini if you did not have any friends or relatives with downs, would you still think those responsible arseholes?


I've been desperatly looking for a Coc on these boards but didn't find it.

I'm sick and tired of moderators bitching about the Down syndrome pictures. Agree, some people might find those offensive, but it's time you become consequent on that matter and moderate ANYTHING that might be offensive and not only the down syndrome pics. Eg. How many pictures with homosexuals are posted? Ever thought of homosexual people being offended by them? They still stay on the board.

I myself have a relative with Down syndrome and i am not offended by these pictures.
As my uncle says (my nephew has Down syndrome) : It's horrible but life goes on.

Moderators should be objective and consequent and not go ballistic on something that gets them on their horse.

Stop the sodding political correctness !

ps : i'm not gay


> Moderators should be objective and consequent

He may be basing his selective moderation on a theory that there are more people with the Down syndrome playing this game than homosexuals. Statistically unlikely but some days it sure as hell looks that way ;)



I thought they were disgusting way before I met my boyfriend, and I just used that to illustrate that people near by are affected by this, and not just the hypothetical. People who are mentally retarded can't argue their own on this board, people who are gay can. You wouldn't go up to someone on the street and say "Haha, you're a retard" so why the hell should you be able to here? The gay pictures are more light hearted, usually taken from comedy pictures, rather than lifting a picture of someone who is genuinly disabled and cruelly labelling it for your own amusement. Sure, some people might take offence at the "THIS THREAD IS GAY!" links, but the people that do can argue as vehemently against them as the next person. A very close relative of mine is gay, and she'd be able to rip you a new one verbally if you slagged her off. Uncle Johny wouldn't be able to understand why you were being such an arsehole about it, and so its the people that are close that have to put up with the hurtful remarks. Therein lies the difference. If you think your uncle will be cool about it Klavrynd, ask if we can have a picture of your nephew and we'll have a caption competition with it, and have some real giggles. Wouldn't want to be hypocritical eh? Or would that be completely different?

The CoC says that basically anything you wouldn't say to someone face to face, you don't say here. You can find it by going through the process of starting up a new account.


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Uncle Sick(tm)

Damini, Klavrynd...

I would be a liar if I claimed I didn't laugh about some of the Down pictures... and the wife gave me a slap on the back of my head.

Heck, she was right. Should have slapped me harder to get the thinking process kickstarted a little sooner.
I look at my kids and realize just how lucky we are to have them all healthy and developing fine. If my youngest one would have been born with a physical/mental defect and someone joked about her... I would rip the feckers head off. No kidding.

It might depend on just how cynic or just how black ones humor is, I guess. But everything has its limit - I might somewhat contradict what I said on IRC last night... freedom of speech, laughing at funneh pictars etc. but I think it's never too late to start thinking.

Damini is right, when she says that gays could defend themselves and throw cotton balls at you, if offended. Someone suffering from the Down syndrom can't flame back at all... or people close to a kid with Down.. what can they do? Feel helpless rage? Try to get their point across like Damini? Getting called a hyprocrit for being personally offended?

Heck, I am making jokes at others expenses constantly, so you might argue 'pot, kettle, black' but there is a thin, red line...

Common sense

I might swing over this thin, red line from time to time but I never use physical weaknesses, disabilities against my 'targets'.

Damini is a nice person. I respect her and the way she moderates the DAoC forums, showing great tolerance 99% of the time.
The 1% is the percent of your private sphere that ends when hers begins. There is no need to be hurtful to each other.

End of my rant. *shrug*
Even uncle Sick(tm) has his moments from time to time.


I must agree on all what has been posted except :

If you think your uncle will be cool about it Klavrynd, ask if we can have a picture of your nephew and we'll have a caption competition with it, and have some real giggles

First of all, I wonder if you would have reacted so strong if there wasn't a real picture on that image, ie the text only.
Imho the picture wouldve proven it's point evenly clear without it as it is the message that counts and not a kid having the best day of his life (i am assuming he has fun and nothing else).

Secondly, my uncle has accepted the "condition" if i may call it so of his son and he knows there's nothing he can do about it, just like world hunger, land mines which destroy lives in 3th world countries, aids etc.

This might sound very cruel but if you can't talk about something, then the taboo (sp?) only sthrengthens the negative side of the topic (imho again). But then again , this (forum) might not be the appropriate place to do so.

then, on the statements in bold

> Don't post messages in Forums or Chat that you wouldn't say to someone's face

Who's able to tell what me or another person will or won't say into someone's face ?

> upload, post, transmit or distribute any material or information in which the User does not own the intellectual property rights, or any material which is in any way unlawful or which is potentially harmful, threatening, abusive, libelous, pornographic or otherwise obscene, or racially or ethically or otherwise objectionable

1.I do think that the amount of threatening spam form mr Sigur has quite a bit more volume then that one or maybe two pics posted.

2. If you follow those rules you have to be really carefull with words.

eg : you are an idiot

idiot : 1 : a person affected with idiocy; especially : a feebleminded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care
(source http://www.m-w.com )
This sound really offensive to me and fits right in your idea of offensive i'd say

eg : kiss my black ass, fuck you, every curseword you can come up with, fatty, you name it, hell even telling that cassius clay was an idiot changing his name to muhammed ali would give you so much breaches your entire domain should be banned from bw.


No, I wouldn't have reacted so strongly. Its the picture that does make it worse, because its taking an image taken in innocence and then branding that person as the epitomy of all things retarded. Take the example of your nephew, or my uncle in law, and imagine an image of them hijacked and used as a benchmark to illustrate just how stupid someone is being. It's spiteful and its callous. I agree talking about something breaks down the taboo, but images like this associated with these catchphrases only reinforce the distancing and sense of "us and them", and allows for further derision. It does not break down boundaries, but infact reinforces them. This is the reason the spastic society is now called scope, because the word spastic was so associated with being an insult. If showing an image of someone with downs is associated with people saying something stupid, thats hardly breaking taboos but infact reasserting the image of downs syndrome as just someone who is retarded and should be made fun of.

The rules are very open to interpretation, and its applying common sense to them as much as anything. If Mr Sigur carries on with his angry tourettes and threats, he won't keep his account, but hopefully he has calmed down now. It's not being overtly PC, and you know as well as I do that these forums are very laid back compared to some.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Sigurd is a (very) bad example if you ask me...
No one is taking his empty threats seriously.

You on the other hand are a regular(tm).;)


No one is taking his empty threats seriously.


I don't think there's a sane person that laughs with the picture because of the kid posted . It's all about the message and it's a picture of special olympics (imho it'd been alot worse if they just put a pic in that wasn't related to special olympics at all but just a kid with Downs syndrome) but that doesn't seem to change a thing.

Threatening to mutilate, and even murder is against rules explicitly stated in the coc whereas the pic thing relies on the judgement of the moderator, or maybe ethically offensive.

Sigurd seems to have cooled down so the fun has ended anyhow <evil grin> so i suppose it's best this thread gets closed.
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