Why is this MID a mofo gimp?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Here's the kill in bg, i killed hiddenwarrior (scrolled back)


Then he loged in in HIB to swear...
Translate: Gairein: I will hit you face you fat fagot (hiddenwarrior)


Who's the fagot here?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Lache, had the same thing when i killed a alb in df who was exping.
He logged a mid char and started babbling on why i killed him and bla bla.

Pretty funny, nerf belgian btw :p

p.s. Zin in duel met mijn zerker? :> Jij buffed ik unbuffed natuurlijk :)


Dec 23, 2003
Eyeball said:
p.s. Zin in duel met mijn zerker? :> Jij buffed ik unbuffed natuurlijk :)

Zin in duel met mij SC'd 2h crush ogre armsman ? xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Eyeball said:
p.s. Zin in duel met mijn zerker? :> Jij buffed ik unbuffed natuurlijk :)

ik heb geen buffbot en ik ben er ook 100% tegen, nerf 2 accounts imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
In response to various posts.

1-The first screenshot does NOT say "You killed Hiddenwarrior!" or "You examine Hiddemnwarrior. He is a member of an enemy realm!" ...in fact something as basic as damage messages are not provided and so the screenshot is pointless and proves nothing.
2-If what the thread starter say is true, he may be using a friends account to send the message (nothing wrong with that).
3-He may also have asked someone on Irc to send that message on his behalf.
4-2 accounts is supported by SI (as in you cannot log in a third account, it tells you that you have 2 already logged in....if running 2 accounts was illegal, why doesn't SI only allow you to run one instance of DAoC instead of 2?)
5-Perhaps he plays a different server mainly and only came to excali for a BG romp, delete, change realm and reroll with /lvl 20 anyone?

The guy is obviously a toss-pot judging from the second screenshot, im not defending his actions, but be careful when you accuse players of something like crossrealming as the poster has provided NO proof that Hiddenwarrior isnt a Hib.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Faeldawn said:
In response to various posts.

1-The first screenshot does NOT say "You killed Hiddenwarrior!" or "You examine Hiddemnwarrior. He is a member of an enemy realm!" ...in fact something as basic as damage messages are not provided and so the screenshot is pointless and proves nothing.
2-If what the thread starter say is true, he may be using a friends account to send the message (nothing wrong with that).
3-He may also have asked someone on Irc to send that message on his behalf.
4-2 accounts is supported by SI (as in you cannot log in a third account, it tells you that you have 2 already logged in....if running 2 accounts was illegal, why doesn't SI only allow you to run one instance of DAoC instead of 2?)
5-Perhaps he plays a different server mainly and only came to excali for a BG romp, delete, change realm and reroll with /lvl 20 anyone?

The guy is obviously a toss-pot judging from the second screenshot, im not defending his actions, but be careful when you accuse players of something like crossrealming as the poster has provided NO proof that Hiddenwarrior isnt a Hib.

1 the screenshot say, he died, also it say get 1rp. why would i lie anyway..
2 not about he send something with whatever what or how, but more like what he send... istn't it normal that hibs kill mids? he killed my groupmate also, thats a reason to swear at him?
3 same as 2 imo
4 who said that 2 accounts is illegal?
5 dont care, no reason to swear tbh

He was a mid when i killed him, the char on hibernia was lvl1 btw.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Deadnala said:
1 the screenshot say, he died, also it say get 1rp. why would i lie anyway..

He was a mid when i killed him, the char on hibernia was lvl1 btw.

If a hib dies next to you, you will get the same message.

My point is your first screenshot doesnt prove anything, its worthless :)

No idea what i mean on point 4 tbh, was rather stoned when i posted that (made perfect sense at the time tho :eek:) ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Faeldawn said:
In response to various posts.

1-The first screenshot does NOT say "You killed Hiddenwarrior!" or "You examine Hiddemnwarrior. He is a member of an enemy realm!" ...in fact something as basic as damage messages are not provided and so the screenshot is pointless and proves nothing.
2-If what the thread starter say is true, he may be using a friends account to send the message (nothing wrong with that).
3-He may also have asked someone on Irc to send that message on his behalf.
4-2 accounts is supported by SI (as in you cannot log in a third account, it tells you that you have 2 already logged in....if running 2 accounts was illegal, why doesn't SI only allow you to run one instance of DAoC instead of 2?)
5-Perhaps he plays a different server mainly and only came to excali for a BG romp, delete, change realm and reroll with /lvl 20 anyone?

The guy is obviously a toss-pot judging from the second screenshot, im not defending his actions, but be careful when you accuse players of something like crossrealming as the poster has provided NO proof that Hiddenwarrior isnt a Hib.
1. It does show Pomos getting XP and an RP for his death therefor he either killed him or had something to do with his dead. Meaning he's not a Hib
2. I don't care if it's been translated correctly it's pathetic. Either way feeling so pissed off because someone killed you in Battlegrounds is quite franktly SAD AS HELL!
3. Using IRC to talk to others has been proven time and again to mean relic raids etc getting leaked out. It can't be banned but it's sad that people need to use it to send messages like this or chat to thier mates about how they WTF PWND.
4. 2 accounts is supported on one pc but not on 2 different realms of the same server, so it pretty much says what you implied it should - stops cross realming.
5. Weak idea and ultimately if he was so pissed off with having died in battlegrounds it'd be rather SAD again to go deleting to spam insults too someone dont you think? :touch:

What he did wasn't crossrealming at all (didnt give out any vital realm info after all) but if translated properly it does seem rather sad and pathetic :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Faeldawn said:
If a hib dies next to you, you will get the same message.

and i take it ur still stoned! it also displays him getting both RP and exp when that mid died! so NO WAY is hiddenwarrior a hib on that screenie... so how bout u stop smoking that weed ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
hiddenwarrior is from midgard. grp'ed with him a couple of times myself and he didn't sound unfair at then but i wont commit anything about this as i wasn't there.

/tvez - 35 skald


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
It's kinda sad but reporting him from cross realming is a bit nasty. He's just a kid,after all.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Ctuchik said:
and i take it ur still stoned! it also displays him getting both RP and exp when that mid died! so NO WAY is hiddenwarrior a hib on that screenie... so how bout u stop smoking that weed ;)

Sorry, cant resist pointing out your flaw, you'll kick yerself when you realise ;)

I does'nt say he killed hiddenwarrior, it just says Hiddenwarrior dies (subtle difference, but significant).

He does get xp and a rp, but that could come from anywhere as he has not actually killed Hiddenwarrior you cannot simply assume that that xp/rp has come from him.

Hiddenwarrior is most likely a mid (later post from a mid confirms that, unless you believe in conspiracy's ;)), but the actual screenies show no real evidence of that :)

All by-the-by as it isnt really important anymore (or at the time either tbh), but assumption unchecked can truly be the paraphet of ignorance.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Well if exp and rps would come from some1 else then why does it get earned after the death of Hiddenwarrior? I mean shouldnt it have been another ds there instead??
Ofc he might not have actually killed the bloke but he has been fighting him...

It only tell us/you/me/him/whoever... that the bloke isnt a hib aight? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
RS|Phil said:
It's kinda sad but reporting him from cross realming is a bit nasty. He's just a kid,after all.

There is nothing in the CoC about haveing accounts in different realms if i remember it right. :) Unless you use it to report/spy against RR's and such.

Man id love to have yet another 2 accs, just so i can log on to hib/alb and /t <insert randomname> "U stupid mutt, why you killed me, im gonna rape your house and burn your wife etc.. Coz im uber troll!!"


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Maybe he deleted all his mid chars and moved to hib just to be able to give you a rude /send? :clap:

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