Why don't healers rezz?



Ok. Fight at MTK and a few mids dead. Does the healers rezz? Nooo. Instead everyone is chasing the much larger force of Albs to MMG just to get killed. If u would have rezzed BEFORE chasing after them the outcome might have been different. Anyway, I just wanna know why u don't rezz ppl. Is it cus we are lower lvl than u or is it summin else? Healers should heal and rezz and buff imo and not run into a zerging Alb army and die. I thought this was a realm war and nothing else. Just pisses me off to see ppl standing next to your corpse, healing themselves and then run off. Why chose a helaer if not to help others?


this happens in hib sometimes too dunno why i think healers just get abit carried away and sometimes forget


Rezing is FUN! i could be off killing people!

but nahhhhh, ill stay behind rezing, thats the point of rvr isnt it!? to see how many people you can rez?!


Reverant Mezz

where as my healer can buff/heal/rez my main purpose is CC depending on the spec but having said that i still rezz ppl if i arnt upto my neck fighting, its polite to and i know i would expect the same but having said that some ppl tend to only rezz ppl they know....


Yep as a shamy I could stop and use my gheto rezz, then watch as a stealther kills you, then kills me as im left with no mana :p

or i could use my high cave and fight (think i'll use the cave) no offence to anyone but far to many watch there own backs, typical rvr goes few in grp die healer survives \o/ yey grp rezzed, or grp survive healer dead "release mate its quicker than us finding a rezz for you" grp runs off to farm more rp, leaveing dead rezz guy to take long trip back.....

If you want a Rezz ya wait, rezz is a gift not a right of spamy dead guys.....


Originally posted by Envenom2
this happens in hib sometimes too dunno why i think healers just get abit carried away and sometimes forget

Usually it means the rezzer is either out of mana from a previous battle and doesn't feel like sitting around being a target and holding up his group for your convenience to regen his mana..

Or when he has mana he'd like to save his limited mana (you can res 2 lvl 50s with full mana if you're lvl 50 for the people that are unfamiliar with res) for when his group (that's usually rushing off to fight some ppl) gets in an engagement..

at the moment it's incredibly hard for any healing classes in RvR to get a decent mana regen going in RvR with the pace of things.. you either need a camping session which I've come to discover in hib is not a favourite option or you need some decent mana regen players like mentalist or bard (usually a 2nd bard because speed is still prefered and 2nd is endurance)

PS: For everyone who does not know and whom I haven't told in capital letters: a better resurrection spell does NOT take more mana than the worst one.. it ONLY takes more time.. Resurrection mana is based on the lvl of the person resed compared to your own level.. it's half your mana for an equal lvl!


Rezing is FUN! i could be off killing people!

but nahhhhh, ill stay behind rezing, thats the point of rvr isnt it!? to see how many people you can rez?!


If you wanna chase ppl and kill em LvL a bloody skald or a zerker or runie whatever. The class name alone is a dead giveaway its called a HEALER they are the primary Healing and REZZING class of the realm. Luckyly Albion immproved alot in the way that most clerics and specialy Paladins take the time to rezz ppl. And yes sometimes i do stay behind to Rezz instead of chasing, Rezzing is one of the reasons i decided to play the paladin in the first place.

But hey I have an idea, let the skalds do their Hp recovering thing while the healers chase targets /sarcasm


Originally posted by Arthwyr

If you wanna chase ppl and kill em LvL a bloody skald or a zerker or runie whatever. The class name alone is a dead giveaway its called a HEALER they are the primary Healing and REZZING class of the realm. Luckyly Albion immproved alot in the way that most clerics and specialy Paladins take the time to rezz ppl. And yes sometimes i do stay behind to Rezz instead of chasing, Rezzing is one of the reasons i decided to play the paladin in the first place.

But hey I have an idea, let the skalds do their Hp recovering thing while the healers chase targets /sarcasm

healers/druids want to have fun also. and rezing, is NOT fun.
however, chasing after enemys, getting rps etc is.


In defence of healers

I have been killed so many times, solo, as i rezz the fallen.
You stick it out, you rezz, you rest, you get ganked because "ALL THE MIDS" (not just the healers) have run off to chase or gank some enemies. I dont rezz anymore solo for this reason. It is not up to a healer to hang about and get killed trying to rezz someone not in his party.

Have a go at the rest of the classes for this. Healers cant solo. We have to have protection. We are in a grp of 8 to look after those 8 really anyone else takes a bit of a side line.

You should have a healer in your grp to rezz you.

Besides, we dont get any realm points for it so why shuold we? Just to be nice guys? Our grp is up ahead getting realm points, we are to far away from them while we sit and rezz others? Hmm, think about it. Would you do it?

Firehairlives(50 Thane)/Softouch (50 Healer)


I agree with eblessair and firehairlives on this one. If the mids run off then sorry its release and back to your binded position. Mana regen takes quite a long time even if you have the highest mana regen spell. You do get something from resing them sometimes, which is called a comment called thanks.

Resing isnt fun but it sure as hell gets you alot of friends.

In reply to the comment Healers are ment to heal and res only that is BS!. We buff you and mez and stun. We stop the enemy escaping or zerking. If you dont like the way healers play then bugger off to albion or hib as thats where most ppls are going.


I didn't say only. Just that when u see healers coming from telekeep and the rest of the force is at mmg and a few ppl dead in front of the tk, they just run off - alone. Makes me a bit... confused. But ok. Now I know how u feel. Just wanted and answer.



The worst excuse I've ever heard, Mana regeneration takes so long, baaaah.
Rez your realmm8s before moving on, is the ONLY right thing to do, no excuses not to.

Remember, it's not you and your guild/group against the other realms but you and your realm. Maybe some day it's you laying there waiting for a rez.

HELP YOUR REALMM8s and be a TRUE teamplayer and not an EGOfreak who doesn't deserve ANY help from others


well aslong as i have my grp with me and not charge away, i will ress u.
if i see dead mids i always say in grp : wait got some ressing to do.
if the grp stays great ill ress u, if not sorry cant stay alone out there to get killed.
most of the times my grp stays and allowes me to ress the dead tho.


Healers always rezz if they have time, if like your said there charging to fight then Healers need to be there since they are the main CC.



the only time I don't rezz is if I have no mana, or no protection to get to you(even then I normally die trying). But also remember, it is easier to keep someone alive, the it is to constantly rez after a fight.


Good Healers will always stick with their group. Sure its realm warfare, but the healers first responsibility is always to the group, if the group chases the enemy, you follow. It is really tiresome reading 'healers should do this and that' in RvR. Healers should do what they want, they pay, they play. If you really think it is the 'duty' of a Healers to res every corpse they see you are an RvR n00b. The only Healer who you should expect to res is the one in your group, if you don't have a Healer in your group then WHY NOT ?

And Arthwyr, of course you stay behind and res, you are a Paladin, the premium gimped RvR class in the entire game. You ressing is the single biggest contribution you can make to your realm in RvR. The Healers strength isn't in the fact we can res or heal, its in our mezz, thats what wins battles, not ressing every corpse we see. Hell, if we did that we'd be sat on our asses all the time we're not ressing :/

Also the day Middy healers take advice from Albs about how to play RvR is the day Middy truly goes down the pan :p


Originally posted by Chenuba

The worst excuse I've ever heard, Mana regeneration takes so long, baaaah.
Rez your realmm8s before moving on, is the ONLY right thing to do, no excuses not to.

Remember, it's not you and your guild/group against the other realms but you and your realm. Maybe some day it's you laying there waiting for a rez.

HELP YOUR REALMM8s and be a TRUE teamplayer and not an EGOfreak who doesn't deserve ANY help from others

You ask most long-time lvl50 players in hib if i have rezed them before. chances are i have, and im sick to death of being left behind alone rezing.
so stfu


I laid dead on the hill f Excal...a nice lvl 49 cleric stands on TOP of me..I think to myself "Yippy, a rezz"...this lovely lvl 49 cleric stands on me and smites...and smites...and for the third time smites...and then runs off in chase after his prey....and no rezz for little dead me...but hey, I'm sure I made a nice carpet for his smiting feet. I won't post his name because I'm just not that vengefull.


Originally posted by Eblessair

You ask most long-time lvl50 players in hib if i have rezed them before. chances are i have, and im sick to death of being left behind alone rezing.
so stfu

LOL, then don't play the fucking class! People say that archers shouldn't whine about not getting grouped because they chose that class themselves. Do you see a pattern here? Heh, a guy with the ability to rezz stands there and does naught? If that's not inconciderate then..


And Arthwyr, of course you stay behind and res, you are a Paladin, the premium gimped RvR class in the entire game.

RR4 premium gimped class in the game hoping my realm abilities will help me set the class straight a bit. But thank you for you understanding of the weakness of our class.


To Eblessair

Why should I stfu ?.
Off course you should stick with your group, but leaving people behind isn't right when you got the ability to do something about it.
I miss a lot of action because I stay and rez sometimes, but I know that with the rez ability comes a responsibility > Keep your realmmates going.
So if you're tired of rezzing people chose another class. It's expected of you as a healer that you heal and rez people.
We all got our spots in the machinery. Even pallys (as cannonfodder and secunda rezzers).


I always stays and rezz, unless its the we gotta move, the alb zerg is 10 secs away-- ;)

Also beeing a bard, group usually stay with me (or notice that im not around, OOS anyone?)

Many times tho I rezz the rezzers and move on if group is going somewhere.


People who say it's the healers job to go behind the people and rezz... and dont see any action.

They are stupid. yes STUPID!. There is no fun in standing back and ress people.

When I played my healers my main target was my group and guild mates. and I didnt ress people outside group if low on mana. Because then if albs/hibs come I would be OOM and wouldnt be able to do anything.
I always did ress if I had mana.

I really dont think many healers chose to be a healer because it is so damn fun to ress people.

Let the healers do what they want!. You can be irritated at them for not ressing you IF you are in their group.


The case is not as easy as posted.
Healers rez as much as we can, but remember, our first priority is our group. if the group follows the enemy, its our duty 2 follow. without our mezz and the few heals we can get in, the group is surely gonna fail.
A rez aslo takes a lot of power leaving the healer useless 4 some time, we therefor have 2 spend it wisely. other rezzers first, and highlevel chars b4 others(dependent on the situation ofcaurse)
Sometimes it can look strange that a full group runs past u without a rez, and most of the time, that shouldnt happend, but the group might have an agendan; in other words, they r more needed elsewhere and fast.
Most healers i know, rez all they can, and the chars lvl doesnt matter. Remember, rezzing a grey con uses a lot less mana then yellow - purp cons...


Originally posted by Tranquil-

LOL, then don't play the fucking class! People say that archers shouldn't whine about not getting grouped because they chose that class themselves. Do you see a pattern here? Heh, a guy with the ability to rezz stands there and does naught? If that's not inconciderate then..

aye, and at the same time, people who can rezz shouldn't instantly expect one either

I'm a shaman, i use AE casts majority on anything alb/hib :) i'm capable of healing and rezzing, but if i'm the only one who can heal in grp, then my mana stays for 1 bunch of people, my grp, if I've got a POM from a guild m8, then yeah, maybe if it's not holding us up, and ya ask 99% of people who've asked me for rezz, and they'll say that i've done it. rvr or pve.

only time I say no is somewhere like a dungeon where it's aggro heaven, and I dont' think i'll get to you in time.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

LOL, then don't play the fucking class! People say that archers shouldn't whine about not getting grouped because they chose that class themselves. Do you see a pattern here? Heh, a guy with the ability to rezz stands there and does naught? If that's not inconciderate then..

i enjoyed playing as a druid for quite a while, but it has got boring.
you say dont play the class, what do you think im lvling my eld for?



Well as a pally, we should always rezz 1 or 2 before going to battle, Pally dieng full mana aint a pally


Excuse me if I'm wrong but aren't paladins the only class that only use their mana for resing? (dunno if heal chant takes mana)

I personally cannot sit down and quickly regen mana due to BT which drains mana when I stand and regens very slowly when I'm sitting..

If I see someone dead I'll ask the group to either wait for mana or to go to a safe place to regen. Sitting down without BT on is kinda risky since we cannot quickcast it like other realms can (yet)

Sorry if we seem a bit selfish but either go with a group with a resser, ASK a resser if you don't have one in your group or everyone is wiped in your group, I personally do not expect to be ressed or would expect anyone to risk their life to res me in a dangerous place.. Some people think you're egocentric if you do not res them right away and chase the enemy instead but enemy usually comes back with friends and I don't like being zerged sitting with BT down..

I've personally never met with problems with me being resurrected or not. Also never had complaints about resing.

If you don't like clerics smiting and not resing you don't group with them, they have the right to play the way they want and if they want to kill as many ppl as possible instead of save as many as possible that's their choice. You don't have anything to say about other peoples abilities, people are free to spec and play however they want. Don't like it? Don't group with them and don't complain and let them play even though you seriously disagree with their style.



You people have yet to understand the advanced RvR tactics.

Druids have to save their mana, so that they can AOE root over bard's mezz, it's as simple as that...

It's quite vital, cause if bards get successful mezzes all the time, we get flamed for being the mezz realm on these forums. Also it tends to go up to the bard's heads and they become unbearable.

Here again, we see the druid character indeeds fills his old function of retainer of BALANCE.

Eblessair help me explain anyway I'm not too much aware of druid matters...



I just have to say this to the healers who say they basically want to fight during rvr rather than rez... roll a different char and class then.

I chose a melee class because I wanted to get up close and personal. If I wanted to nuke I would have chosen a caster. If I wanted to uber buff other people/ myself, I'd have chosen a shammy, etc. What I didn't do was sit there and think "Hmmmm I want to go and fight the albs/ hibs, I know I'll roll a healer!!11."

I totally understand that during RvR a healer doesn't always have the time/ protection to rez someone. That isn't their fault and the last thing I would do is ask for a rez if it jepordised their position in the area. When someone doesn't res because all they want to do is go fight the enemy, again that's fine... I look forwards to your death message when you die trying to take up a position your class wasn't designed for.

I totally agree witht he opinion of healers such as Garnet, as it would be no fun just rezzing people all the time. At the same time realise, we can't protect a healer as a corpse. But as for the "I just wannah fight teeh aklbs!11" attitude of another healer in this thread (can't remember his name), well that just sucks and is the complete opposite of what your class was meant for. Yes your mezzing abilites kick arse on the front lines, but again, what good is a mez when the ground troops are corpses?

This brings back memories of my ass biting the dust in emain to the alb zerg. Five minutes later a healer came and stood near my corpse as the alb zerg were waiting over the other side of the hill. I messged the healer and told her there were 30-40 albs on the other side. She ran off over the hill and died.

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