Why does Brite keep getting banned?


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Haha Unity Alliance. Still remember the big fiasco with it when we left (lords of england that is) :D

What a different game it is today :(

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
The question to ask is 'Why does Brite keep getting back on this board after numerous bans?'.


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Because he is from "oop North" and has fuck all else to do with his time.

Preston! He's allright is Brite. Anybody got his MSN addy for me? PM me with it if you could <3


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
GOA used to have official boards but they got rid of them because they didn't want to answer questions or see problems

A problem ignored is a problem solved after all!

no they closed those boards because the comunity on there was even worse then it is here. i dont think i ever saw *one* post that didnt have one form or another of the famous "die IRL" in the first 3 posts.

so i really cant blame them for closing it.

the GOA run boards were probably the most hostile boards ive ever seen, comunity wise.

if u wanna blame someone, blame the people that forced GOA to close it. not GOA.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Haha Unity Alliance. Still remember the big fiasco with it when we left (lords of england that is) :D

Hehe yes - classic fun and frolics - who was it with that immortal line

"Can someone get us out of this chicken shit alliance???!!!"



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ctuchik: Don't forget that GOA had power to ban people from the forum, use some temporary bans on the account itself, etc. if such things happen, and if you get banned from an official forum, it wouldn't be nice to make new alt logins, right?

So GOA had powers to keep that place nice, but they didn't care, and when this led to the most offensive forum community built up. Yes, the good people moved when they seen GOA didn't care, the people who enjoyed lack of active moderators had a good reason to stay. They were free to post DIE IRL. But lack of active moderators, this natural selection that happened because GOA didn't care, was a good excuse to close down the forum because GOA didn't and doesn't care.

Do GOA care about the cluster?


Part of the furniture
Sep 11, 2005
Far to many Alb mods imo, he wouldnt have been banned if he'd been r00d to the hibbie's :kissit:


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003

Dont really have an opinion on the topic at hand to be honest... so i guess this is classed as spam.


Just a few things to say...

Most people tend to go by post count, rep or even if your with the "in crowd" here on FH. What most wont know is there are a select few people here who have been around For longer than many of the "regulars" here have even known that DAOC existed.

Just because i dont spam the crap outa the forums doesnt mean that i wasn't here during US and EU beta and have watched the evolution of the game from those Glorious days of carefree RvR and discovery, to the sad state of affairs that this game has nowdays.

I would tell you why i think the game has declined... but it would not be popular so ill keep that for anotehr discussion i think.

As for Jupe... well, he was a scummy alb infiltrator in game... right back when this thing called DAOC kicked of, I (and many others whom the current "generation" probably have never heard of) was there with him, i was there in the E&E team, i was there i was even there at THAT lan party, in which he whipped me senseless at FPS games... :/

The old times were good... bah i sound like i am 90 or something... you know... we even Role-played... back then (omgthe horror!!!)

The game introduced me to some quality people in its day... and i thank it for that.

One other thing...

ROO... finish that damn story! i finished mine... its only fair!


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Hehe yes - classic fun and frolics - who was it with that immortal line

"Can someone get us out of this chicken shit alliance???!!!"


im gonna put my money on it being monkey

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Heh, Brite has always been a fairly capable player but has enjoyed griefing both on forums and in game a little too much.

The surprise for me is not that he has been banned, but that people are debating it.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
yes he did used to play daoc
he is the owner of the forum, he pays its subs as it were. he doesn't really need a reason to ban someone :p Though he seems the sort to only do it if he has a reason.

Isn't Deebs the owner?

Also does brite summon alt accounts like his bd pets?

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