Why do we playing in Hibernia/Prydwen?



I play here mainly because i like hibernia :)
have meet many friends and we have been many fun moments
could not even thinking moving to midgard/albion anymore
And also i like challencing position for us

PS: Never let Jarakin near Glacier giant with his staff ;)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Nedowiz
Oh do I hear the familiar SoTL comment.....Cornell dont you know there is not a single SoTL player that has EVER died if not outnumbered at least 10/1 ;)

Of course :m00:


Hi guys :)

Hope you dont mind me popping in, but I'd just like to say that Mid was my first Realm and I developed Noita who was my first char there and so on, then I decided to take a little break and made an Alb or 4 or 5 or was it 6 on Excal and just hated it, didnt like the classes, didnt like the countryside the mobs, the dungeons, I really dont know what it was but something just grated on me! So all my Albs met untimely deaths and I made a little trip to Hibernia.

Well, I started a warden and from the very first few levels I LOVED her and Hibernia....unfortunately by this time Noita was level 42 or so...and I do love Midgard so I've put her on hold.

All I can say is that I have a great deal of respect for you guys,as do a lot of Middies... to be the force you are with the numbers you have takes very good players, lets face it, anyone can be strong when you have 100 friends to back you up.

If I was rerolling........well Hib/Pryd would be very attractive, perhaps because of those very good players, or the fact that Im half Irish and can relate a little to the folklore and so on I dont know or maybe cos I think Firbies are really cool :) Anyway, for the record, I chose Mid/Pryd cos it was the smallest server population (less lag hopefully) and I now live in Scandinavia and have always been fascinated by Norse Mythology.

Have fun :)

P.S. Can someone say Hi to Locomo for me please, hadnt seen him for ages and then at Crim tonight I see him all dead and flat... sent him a /kiss but I think he was /releasing and missed it :(

Thanks :)

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten


Depends on the type of person you are.

Mr(s). sheep, follow everyone else, wants to be in the biggest realm so you can say you are super uber lewt dood and owns everyone on the other realms.

Mr(s). wants a challenge, plays the underdog. Doesn't care if they are hitting their head against the wall all the wall.

The biggest realms on each server seem to have the most idiots (and before you all start flaming ALL realms on both servers do have idiots).

I joined Pryd/Hib because it was the underdog and I liked the look of the classes/races. Joined Mid/Excali for the same reason. Tried Albion in Beta, so wanted to try the others. I like to play races that aren't 'normal' - all Albion classes are human, Hib and Mid have much more interesting races. All realms have similar classes (very broad generalisation).

Pryd/Hib seems to have more 'mature' players who are there to have fun, not to race through the game as quick as possible, not to slag everyone in the party off if you all die etc. Also has a good community spirit and most people are friendly and fun to group (or just chat) with.



One of the nice things about Hib/Pryd is that we are a smaller population compared to the other realms and servers :).

I generally find that means the popular XP spots here are considerably less overcamped and that the population as a whole is a lot more layed back and friendly than what I have experienced elsewhere.

There are many well organised Guilds and great players here that figure strongly in RvR. Its not like we are demoralized or have poor morale because of how strong Alb and Mid have become, on the contrary it gives us an incentive to fight knowing that we face overwhelming odds ;).

This is a realm where a new player can potentially make a name for themselves and make a difference, can the same be said for others ?.



Personally, I dislike playing a fairytale elf in a teletubby landscape



I play here because, um... I dunno, I just started here. :) What's wrong with it? It seems great to me... Although I only started playing yesterday... But my character is level 11 now so there's no turning back! (I know that probably seems low to a lot of you :p).


my reasons for playing in Hibernia/pryd:
1: look at that grass! never saw it that green!
2: we're not many, so we know each other.
3: why not play Mid: too depressive, not enough colour
4: why not play Alb/pryd: they have no honour(okay albs, flame me! get set, ready, flame!:D)

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