Why do we get no news????



Im starting to get really pissed off with this, how come when i go to the french and german pages they have had more update than us.

now if its "the servers are coming down at 10:30am" thats fine, has nothing to do with us, but alot of stuff that gets posted there is not.

GOA say they want to be fair to all (like not patching english server, as it will be unfair to french/germans and they would come to our servers)

So be fair and let us have some damn news as well.

Also just i little extra, if all the french and germans would come to our servers because it has a better version, goes to show they dont mind playing it in english (hell they did in beta) u should have left the game in english and just kept the different severs for what is spoken on that server, like it was in beta.

Would have saved a lot of time and hassle


I think Mythic should undertake english servers since it seems GOA are some bit biased...


Yeah good idea, if Mythic can manage the jap version, im sure they could handle a coulpe of uk based ones




are you incapable of hitting the reply button.

this is the 6th thread saying exactly the same thing.



Well as u can i can hit the reply button.

if u read the title and u think oh i see this kind of post lots of time before, dont bloody read and then complain about it.


Been quite a few of these I must say. I guess people try to make Kemor notice one, hehe. :)


Nice try m8

As you have seen the title of the other threads why not complain in them??

I defended your right to complain - I have that same right. Use the reply button and reply in threads already created rather than create another thread to post you own opinion. Its basic forum practice.

If you keep creating countless duplicate threads and I will continue to complain about it. Its spam. We all got annoyed with people spamming the new 'old' forums all over the shop and this is the same thing.




I agree with Raziel....
News (see below) are displayed on French page of Camelot.
Obviously no news on English page, only a new "stupid" javascript cursor...
This at least means that they have learnt how to download and install Dreamweaver extensions.... well done!
Btw... the main page is still made for 1024x768...... all usability experts say that the webpage must be optimized for 800x600 ......

Questions & Réponses Mythic

Sanya répond encore une fois aux interrogations pratiques des joueurs sur le Herald. Cette semaine essentiellement des explications sur les objets à bonus.

En savoir plus >>

L'équipe de DAoC - Europe

Questions & Réponses par Mythic : résumé

Régulièrement, Sanya, chargé de communauté sur les serveurs US, fait le point sur certains aspects du jeu méconnus ou non documentés. Voici un résumé de ses dernières interventions pour tous ceux qui ne lisent pas couramment l'anglais. Bonne lecture !


[insert whine about lack of news]

[insert whinge about GOA Webpage]

[insert complaint and generally be anal]

gee, I should be shocked but I'm not...

bunch of complaining idiots here as well.


The French news page just has direct copies of the news from the Camelot Herald. You are right in as much as the English page gets absolutely bugger all in terms of updates though.

Also, Spug tell me where you live so I can come and use you for a doormat.


Sure, Fort Atla, I'll be waiting, I dont make a good door mat though, I'm too lumpy


Nice scheme Spug!
But it lacks of a last element!

[insert whine about lack of news]

[insert whinge about GOA Webpage]

[insert complaint and generally be anal]

[insert a idiot here that complaints who complaints]


I'm quite happy to be that idiot, theres a far too large saturation of the first kind...


Originally posted by Ayeye
all usability experts say that the webpage must be optimized for 800x600 ......
Ewwww, 800x600 in Windows :)
Even in DAoC the screen is crowded in 800x600


Tell me Sfxman do you work for a web agency?
I think no


Personally I know that most people recommend 800x600 as the standard... but lets face it... the only people I know that still use 800x600 are my parents, and the occasional person at work with crap PC's...

so its because of these people that we're still expected to go for 800x600...

personally I'd rather see 1024x768 become the standard now.


Ehm Spug I was arguing not about what you like more.

The standard in internet for making websites usable is 800x600.
Any web agency that has learnt at least a bit of usability knows that.
Have you ever heard of Jakob Nielsen?

And moreover the workplaces are full of crap Pc or crap Monitors!

old.Burgess Prime

I hate GOA. They're useless. I wish they'd post more news. I wish Mythic ran the European servers. I wish we were patched by now... :sleeping:

Gimme a break.

What possible news could GOA have to post? For example, regarding the 1.48 patch. They said: "Patching is happening now". They will say "Patching is complete." But, what, we need more news in between these two? To tell us what?

"Patching is slightly more done than last time."
"Patching is now somewhat further through than the last report."
"We're not done translating the patch, but we very nearly are."
"Okay, we're so close to finishing it, you just wouldn't believe it."

You expect a release date? Consider this: they set themselves a tight target to get it out as fast as possible. They miss the target, and there's uproar from the whiners. So they set a loose target that they have a better chance of hitting. Uproar from the whiners, the date is too far in advance. So, they set no date, work as fast as they can, and get it out as soon as possible.

Of course, cynical people will subscribe to the belief that they don't issue a release date so they can work as slow as they want to, because they LOVE pissing the customers off. Cynics. Gotta love 'em. Nothing quite like dwelling on the negative aspects of everything.

End rant.


and of course you saw the part in my post where I disagreed with you? no? oh right, thats because it wasnt there...

I agreed, 800x600 is the standard, but its restrictive.

and yes, a fair few work machines use low spec machines, but these are generally the ones without web access...

but I didn't come here to discuss the percentage of PC's with different rezzes, I stated my opinion... you disagree? shame, but it doesnt change my opinion


I'm with you on that Burg...
personally theres no point in inventing news, just to put something there


Of course, cynical people will subscribe to the belief that they don't issue a release date so they can work as slow as they want to, because they LOVE pissing the customers off.

No I'm not cynical because of that.
I'm angry because surely Goa thought to handle Daoc with the smallest possible group of men (so very less expenses for them and big money coming from costumers): they are too few! (or they were, seen that they said they hired more people now)!
Doac in Europe is quite like an unofficial ultima online server with the big difference that we pay to play.
This is what makes me angry and cynic until I will see they are working hard to improve this crappy situation.

Cynics. Gotta love 'em. Nothing quite like dwelling on the negative aspects of everything.

Ok mate, tell me one positive aspect of Goa, c'mon!
(To have brought Daoc in Europe?? :puke: )


Originally posted by Ayeye

I'm angry because surely Goa thought to handle Daoc with the smallest possible group of men (so very less expenses for them and big money coming from costumers): they are too few! (or they were, seen that they said they hired more people now)!
Doac in Europe is quite like an unofficial ultima online server with the big difference that we pay to play.
This is what makes me angry and cynic until I will see they are working hard to improve this crappy situation.

well, personally any business is going to try and keep costs down... I can't speak for the whole DAOC team of GOA, as I have no idea of its size, but I know they've doubled the GM team, and are looking for a third. I'm guessing this would be the same for the rest of the team.

Ok mate, tell me one positive aspect of Goa, c'mon!
(To have brought Daoc in Europe?? :puke: )

Well, I'm guessing as an ex-UO player, you'll remember the time zones we got support in UO, 3 in the afternoon till 1 in the morning, you get a problem outside that time, you're screwed...

Most support there, and most events, were held on US time...

theres your one thing, don't push me for more though...

old.Burgess Prime

Originally posted by Ayeye

Ok mate, tell me one positive aspect of Goa, c'mon!
(To have brought Daoc in Europe?? :puke: )

But that would be as nebulous as digging up negative aspects, thus invalidating my point. What I'm saying is that the negative aspects are only there if you really want to dig some up. Same with the positive. Things are they way they are. I'm not a huge cynic, but I'm also not a big fat optimist. If I was, I'd say similarly stupid stuff like "well, at least they're using a test server to test out changes"...


Sure you are right about that however mate I think you cannot compare efficiency (or inefficiency) of Origin with Goa!
Maybe it would be better compare Mythic and Origin but surely not Origin and Goa!

Goa has done nothing until now!
Nearly completly nothing!
That's the real problem!

Until now they did the following things:
1) "Imported" Daoc in Europe
2) Betatesting it
3) Pacthed at 1.45
4) saved the world from that hacker that enjoyed to attack servers
5) removed forum from official site
6) did that flash movie "Orthographic projection of the frontiers" that I think nodoby cares to look at
7) Added an incomplete link page to main site (this one was really funny because they used this unofficial board to gather websites and the most funny thing is that they dind't tested that page since the link to daoc catacombs still points to daatlas! MWHAHAHAH)
8) Changed to cursor on the website

I think these things are really few things..... seeing that we all pay 10 euro or whatever to play...... just multiply 10 euro for the total sum of players online in the evening.....


[insert a idiot here that complaints who complaints]

Ahh yes we all must agree mustn't we?

God forbid somebody actually goes against the herd

I think Goa aren't doing a bad job. Yes I think there are aspects that need improving - yes I would like the patch to be released soon. More importantly - I hope all the people who sit here slagging the game/goa/community off piss off and play something else. I am enjoying the game. I have fun playing. I would rather spend my time on this forum whilst bored at work discussing positive things than asking people not to spam the board with countless complaint threads - just post in one complaint thread on each topic - Patches/News/Bugs.

Check your server uptime folks - how often are servers down? Thats doing a good job imo - keeping the server network solid and up so I can play daoc when I get in from work and have some free time.




Tell me one thing though, you play the game right?

I mean, you log on, and play a character?

if so, then GOA are doing their job... sure, we're not on the same patch as the US version, but we're still playing...

personally I couldn't give a bit of monkey poo for whats on their webpage, I don't care because I dont look at it, I pay my 6 quid, and I play the game.


LegoPirate that thing I wrote was in reply of Spug where indirectly he gave me idiot so I did it too with him so please forgive me ;)

Tell me one thing though, you play the game right?


I mean, you log on, and play a character?


if so, then GOA are doing their job... sure, we're not on the same patch as the US version, but we're still playing...

But you forgot again that we pay and we get no update (in reasonable time).
(btw What wouldl happen if we would pay Goa only when it patches?)
So what are the 10 euro for?
I mean, I buy a game and I pay when I buy the CD.
So I "own" the game and I espext NO improvements (yes and I do not pay for patches or bugfixes).
But if I pay a subscription to improve the game and to get support and I do not get them both (in reasonable time) , then someone is doing wrong.


thats where our beliefs differ then, I don't think we're paying for the improvements, when I purchased the game, I didn't purchase it expecting them to implement x, y, and z... I purchased it for the game at that point in time, same as when I purchase any other game. my money is paid for the game I play.

Same as when I initially purchased UO... I didn't buy it, then complain they were taking their time releasing the lost lands, or Third dawn, or any other project in the forseeable future.

anything that gets patched in is a bonus to me, in the mean time I'll continue to play, so I continue to pay.

The bonus to me with this game, is I don't have to rely on US friends being around, and me having to schedule my game time for midnight...


LegoPirate that thing I wrote was in reply of Spug where indirectly he gave me idiot so I did it too with him so please forgive me
you give good idiot :p


argh neverending stoooooory

Better stop here! :D

Obviously we see that thing from two totally differents points of view :)
Which realm are playing for ?

Ok now better I return to work, I have to finish to translate a website and to optimize it in 800x600, and to add a funny link section on it!


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