Why do the english servers have such a low population?


old.Gombur Glodson

shhh dont tell :) We need loads of people so we can whine more.
And when we get more people we can whine about the servers being overpopulated and all, it will be sweet

/runs off to the crack dealer


Why not just nick one of the germans server and convert it to english.. so 3 UK, 3 German and 3 French ..

You know it makes sense

old.Gombur Glodson

because the current english servers doesnt have enough players


Embattle, grow up will you.

That information is precisely what I was told when I asked in my local EB shop about how themselves and Game were the only stores in my area selling the game.

If that's wrong then I was misinformed. But I suppose it's more dramatic for you to call me stupid instead.

- Pathfinder -

He's a BW Moderator; they have to be fanboys :m00:


I thought the deal with Game was that it got released a week 'early' in Game/EB before being released in the other stores.

But it certainly wasnt very well advertised.
Iirc Medal of Honour came out at the same time and stores would have 40 copies of that on the shelves in the 'new releases' section, whereas DAOC was invariably hidden out back or sold out already.


Originally posted by sickofit...
/...and admires pebr's avatar...

Is_that_you_pebr? /looks innocent

<slaps sickofit... and hands him a cookie afterwards>

Be a good boy now, Mr. Troll....
And yes, the PvP server will be english speaking, meaning I will understand all the crap that will be said by all the wankers playing on it.
Then again, I could choose to not play there myself, but the joy of slapping around some idiot (ooooh... how I have wanted to do that to some people on Prydwen at times) might be too great for me to be able to stay off it. :rolleyes:

"Gimme gold plzzzzzzz!!!"
"Be gone whelp!"
"Gimme itamzzzzz!!!! I am lvl1 and waaaant gl0wy swordz!"
/em reduces beggar to a pool of blood


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I havent seen a single advert for daoc in Denmark either so maybe Wannadoo would wanna do some adverts.

Actualy there was 1 advert in the game magazine, PC PLAYER :)
Think it was them whom also had a demo on their CD, where I tried the game from, not sure though, but quite possitive. I'm sure that it was a Dk magazine though.


Back on topic....

I personally English servers have a low population because the UK still has one of the lowest broadband populations in Europe. Playing games with a subscription model just doesn't appeal if you are on dialup or metered access.

No figures (and this list is from OECD stats, so not all EU conutries are included), but highest broadband penetration in Europe goes (something) like this :-

1. Sweden
2. Netherlands
3. Austria
4. Denmark
5. Belgium
6. Luxembourg
7. Germany
8. Switzerland
9. Finland
10. France
11. Portugal
12. Spain
13. Italy
14. UK
15. Czech Republic
16. Hungary
17. Poland
18. Ireland
19. Greece
20. Slovak Republic
21. Turkey

These figures are a bit out of date, but you get the idea :)

- Pathfinder -

Time to petition the EU for backwater support? :m00:


Don't tell me you've gotten a custom title there Path? :cool:


Originally posted by Jace
Embattle, grow up will you.

That information is precisely what I was told when I asked in my local EB shop about how themselves and Game were the only stores in my area selling the game.

If that's wrong then I was misinformed. But I suppose it's more dramatic for you to call me stupid instead.

U based a statement off that :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Embattle

Originally posted by Jace
Embattle, grow up will you.

That information is precisely what I was told when I asked in my local EB shop about how themselves and Game were the only stores in my area selling the game.

U based a statement off that :rolleyes:

He's partially right, I spoke a coulple of bods in various branches of HMV around London when it came out on retail.
Game and EB had the exclusive retail rights to the game for the first two to three weeks of it's shelf life.
By the time it rolled around to HMV, Virgin etc the initial "hype" (such as it was) had died away and they now regarded it as a slightly stale and somewhat tainted product, hence they didn't bother promoting it.

Apparently there was also some sort of mix-up about who was responsible for promoting it in the UK with EB and GOA both waiting for the other to pick up the tab.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Revz
Don't tell me you've gotten a custom title there Path? :cool:

No - he has promoted himself by excessive spamming and reanimating long lost threads ... ;)


The main reason why its not been so well taken in the UK is

a.zero advertising of any kind
b.most shops dont even stock
c.most shops dont even know it exists
d.anyone with a little sense would be playing on the us servers :p i would if it wasnt for the terrible connections to the us with my 56k mega modem :D


Well, I believe the No advertising reason is probably the major contributor to the problem.
I only heard about DAOC because a friend of mine in the UK was playing it and introduced me to it.
He's only playing coz one of his friends did the same, and so on.

This game seems to mostly get spread via word of mouth.
Many other RPG's friends of mine have not heard of DAOC until I told them.

You see advertisments for EQ and AC etc etc quite a bit.
But DAOC nada...

Oh well.


Originally posted by danskmacabre
This game seems to mostly get spread via word of mouth.
Many other RPG's friends of mine have not heard of DAOC until I told them.

And there is the real killer, I couldnt, with good consience, recommend my friends to come play on my server *shrug*
- low population thats dropping

But if someone had been visiting me the last 2 days, they would probably already have ordered the EU version and started leveling up a mid or hib on Prydwen *shrug*
- the RvR in Emain have been INTENSE

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