Why Do Peeps Add ?? --not QQ--


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
ok...if ur going to start QQ to any1 at all in this thread...just dont post ..its not a QQ thread!!!!

mmk, just wondering ...in thid mostly y do peeps add..is it coz they still aint 350rps (cap) ??
or is it .. FOR ARTHUR!!! ??

all i know is i capped my rps AGES!! ago on my NS and learned not to add..so i dont add on any1's fights anymore unless the hibbie /yell's .. then u jsut gotta help'em :mad: :twak:

remember... NO QQ!!!! :flame:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Also finding this quite frustrating, i try my best not to attack the soloer's when i lead a grp, but i always find that if my grp engages multiple enemies the person that i left has now caught up and added on my grp's fight. Should i kill the soloer's and face the whine .. or leave the soloer's and face the adds .. Lose/Lose situation.


Jan 22, 2005
I think people add because they want a title, maybe? I don't see the benefit of RPs in thid, Aug str/dex/etc II or whatever doesn't make that much of a difference, or purely the fun of killing, or for ePeen reasons (deathblows etc)


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
its just each to their own i guess, some ppl like to get involved in every fight they see and enjoy playing that way. others get their enjoyment from duels etc. its a question of quality or quantity really and if everybody was all the same it would probably be very boring and there'd be nothing to talk about.

i totally understand the point about groups who dont attack a soloer and getting kinda annoyed when that same guy comes and ''stabs them in the back'' as it were. but in my opinion steamrolling a soloer isn't quite the same as that soloer ''adding'' on a fight involving that group. doesn't it add abit of variation and a challenge when a stealther pops mid fight? but i suppose it happens in most fights with the large number of stealthers about... a tricky one.

i can only speak from personal experience and the EV guys Elkie, Riddz, Hamro n co always left my infil alone so im fairly sure they didnt mind me jumping in now and again in certain situations (i took a shine to ridz when he was on his bard :worthy: ) - mostly because they then preceded to kick my ass aswell :p

makes a change to see a good topic btw :clap: keep the replies coming


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
because someone has a hardtime getting rp/kills themselves

I could not be bothered typing anything more elaborate ;P


Jan 22, 2005
Coldbeard said:
because someone has a hardtime getting rp/kills themselves

I could not be bothered typing anything more elaborate ;P

Somehow I agree with the comment Manisch said in your sig


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 23, 2005
ppl add for title, deathspam, /stats and rp (if not capped). simple.


Dec 26, 2003
Jorof said:
Also finding this quite frustrating, i try my best not to attack the soloer's when i lead a grp, but i always find that if my grp engages multiple enemies the person that i left has now caught up and added on my grp's fight. Should i kill the soloer's and face the whine .. or leave the soloer's and face the adds .. Lose/Lose situation.

Nothing personal yet everyone who counts themselves leet on these forums say they dont kill soloers in their fg yet every group I meet solo kills me (If I dont mez them first ;P) - never found a group that didnt - so something dont add up...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
people add because 1) don't have a buffbot, 2) are newbies, 3) want title, 4) don't have the 1337 skillz that are needed in thid right now.. or you're the one who get zerged, 5) they're lame ;p


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
adding cause after spending hours running around solo looking for a fight or just something other then a mob to kill getting quite frustrating running around that long just to be gang raped by 1 FG after another and then finaly se a fight that you might have a 5% chance of getting 1 rp closer to RR12, well then adding is kinda only way ahead.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
rynnor said:
Nothing personal yet everyone who counts themselves leet on these forums say they dont kill soloers in their fg yet every group I meet solo kills me (If I dont mez them first ;P) - never found a group that didnt - so something dont add up...

Ask around, i've definatly left some soloer's :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Dimmer said:
adding cause after spending hours running around solo looking for a fight or just something other then a mob to kill getting quite frustrating running around that long just to be gang raped by 1 FG after another and then finaly se a fight that you might have a 5% chance of getting 1 rp closer to RR12, well then adding is kinda only way ahead.

well i was kind of talking about thid only m8...good i wish i culd get rr2 in thid let alone rr12 :p

Rhori said:
people add because 1) don't have a buffbot

i always run solo and unbuffed on my NS transparentluri...except for 1 nite about a week ago wen 2 infils were duoing...which i dont mind as much as u would think (bit of a challenge) but wen they kept on jumping me in the middle of a fight...come on :p i got pissed ...so my duo pwnt theirs ;)

kk well i guess i see the point now..albs want titles too :(
i am gunning for master soldier myself atm

ps. nerf FH smilie limit : twak :


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I add all the time and love killing soloers ... when solo ofc !

Nothing like adding on the alb zerg on mid-bridge and soaking up that n00b /level lifetap while killing 1 or 2 :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Jorof said:
Also finding this quite frustrating, i try my best not to attack the soloer's when i lead a grp, but i always find that if my grp engages multiple enemies the person that i left has now caught up and added on my grp's fight. Should i kill the soloer's and face the whine .. or leave the soloer's and face the adds .. Lose/Lose situation.

to be honest....is there many grps leaving soloers be in thid or real rvr?
not afaik...I got more experience beeing steamrolled by a fg and /ruded rather than be left alone....thats why i play my ranger in thid so i can avoid fg´s by my own choice instead (or go nuts and attack a fg which i do occasionally=P)

regarding add or not add, I do what comes in mind atm 1 vs 1 I normally let be but if its like a warrior vs a druid....well thats not 1 vs 1 imo...thats a easy kill for the warrior, then i would probably help the druid out.
many ppl asume scout,rangers,hunters to be just there for adding etc..and I have added a few times too but i dont mind beeing added myself either (trying to play with my own "rules").
Regarding rudespam and laugh etc....its just lame imo but if thats what makes people that does it feel good about themself, so be it.
I personally never spam any emote more than maybe /wave and often /military =)

My thidranki ranger is "Kvistfritt Kvastskaft" btw =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
The fact is that wen u run out of Mpk u now there area load of peeps out there who are going to try and gank u solo or not,

i must say wen playin my SB i get very annoyed wen i get added on, i had a few good duels over the weekend, but mostly it was just constant addage, now i dont mind if i get ganked while trying to take out a caster, because i have a serious advantage, but wen i am fighting a fully done up tank i think i should be left gif it a go.... tbh thid aint gonna change, its always gonna be a zerg fest with /lvl20`s aka cannon fodder and tbh ganking them is fun.....

one last thing, i would just like to say in the spirit of the ganking solo`ers statement.. it is reasonable to gank one if they add ofc but.. like i was by our most courageous zerging albs.... chased half way around thid as a Sb by 5 people...this is just sad... soz for the QQ


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
I must admin if I spot a stealther on a bridge I will kill, regardless of I am grouped or not.
Most if not all stealthers in Thid have/do kill casters on bridges. Pretty annoying in a small group you suddenly notice you are 1 man short because he got 1 shot by a PA.
If you could allways be sure they did not, then I would proly leave them alone, but you cant so...
Visibles is another thing, Tanks I leave alone if grouped and /Beckon if running my reaver solo. Casters you pretty much kill on sight.

Also ppl forget that not everyone in Thid run with a lvl 24 templated capped rps toon, most are just passing by to get a few rps for some skills, trying their new class in some fighting and then move on. You cant really expect them to live up to the perma lvl 24 players high morals.
Remember if you PA kill the same person enough times he will at some point come back with friends and kill you. Bear that in mind. :)

Also having the discussion here is also pointless, since 80% of the groups ganking anything in sight dont read FH. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Find the whole argument about adding very annoying.

If you are a healer and see a duel where your realm mate is definitely going to lose do you heal? If you do, chances are they will yell at you, if you don't....chances are they'll yell at you.

Same for combat adding, should you add to help save a realm mate or just sit and watch them die?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Dec 26, 2003
(invisibletank) said:
ok...if ur going to start QQ to any1 at all in this thread...just dont post ..its not a QQ thread!!!!remember... NO QQ!!!! :flame:

Heh disguised whinge - QQ more! :flame: :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
(invisibletank) said:
i always run solo and unbuffed on my NS transparentluri
I never said that people without buffbot don't play solo :p, I don't have a buffbot too, but I don't add either because I don't RvR with anything else then my cleric :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
rynnor said:
Heh disguised whinge - QQ more! :flame: :puke:

no i aint QQin tbh m8...i dont mind sum1 adding on me coz i am used to it nowadayz..mmk
i just wanna know wat others feel about the whole idea tbh, most just bitch anyways...
if sum1 dies coz i didnt add and they pm me i will just stealth..smile happily and say..u didnt ask for help..u just got owned
if sum1 asks for my help well then soz...but i will help...not too often that i do it tho coz i dont just unstealth and watch a fight wit pop corn on my lap

:flame: :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
its a realm vs realm game not a 1 vs 1 game for me, I wont think twice about killing a soloers, regardless. Many a time in a group playing squishies i get targeted by the soloers (fire wizard, minimal defence/cc = easiest target for stealthers) and nothing's ever thought of it, so i cant see why i should think twice killing the soloist, it is war in at the end of the day.

I dunno maybe i search for some of the RPG aspects the game, i aint into this idea that, i am the best or even want to be the best in the BG's, thats kinda pointless in my opinion (Reminds me too much of street fighter and later tekken i spent many a hour on, after school/street fighter and later pissed with mates sitting around kicking each others asses uptill 2am on tekken), however i do enjoy a good battle, i do enjoy taking part in the unfolding keep seige, how the battle starts at one tower, when that falls the enemy falls back to the CK, how you seige the walls while still holding ground at the seige equiptment, working together looking out for each other, fighting off the enemy, making the hole in the wall, all advancing, taking more ground than trying to use different tactics to get into a well defended keep. than the final satisfaction of taking the CK.

Solo or in a group regardless, your just a part of the apposing forces for me, but thats just me and why i kill the soloist, in my view rather them than me.
I'm more interested in whats happening in the bigger battle than to bother with keeping an eye on who's soloing, solo dueling or even just standing their picking there nose.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
kk i see ur point....altho i still do stuff like that .. i leave solo'ers alone, as much as possible (sumtimes solo'ers attack u 1st :( )

mmk well i have a fair idea now and i hope wen peeps read this thread they will see every1's views and stop QQin about this adding shit in the end :p ...

we play this game as a realm...we are meant to crush the enemy and aim for total domination tbh...on my new NS(invisibletank-leirvik toon til rr3) i try to be ruthless and aggressive and help my realm mates as much as i can..i go for ck etc..etc.. and risk getting ganked just to kill 1 enemy and save a hib grp (PAing a cc'er etc)

altho i still like the dueling part in thid and i think i will always feel like thid is a place for fun and dueling instead of..rvr

cheers for not QQin on this thread guys...i am happy if a mod locks it or leaves it open for more views ! :cheers:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Rhori said:
people add because 1) don't have a buffbot, 2) are newbies, 3) want title, 4) don't have the 1337 skillz that are needed in thid right now.. or you're the one who get zerged, 5) they're lame ;p

leet skills needed in thid?!

its fun, most people are there just for instant action and personally i go there purely for a laugh, since when was leet skills ever needed in bg1?!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Some people think in terms of leaching, some people think about the same thing as sharing.

Some people live by a stupid self set code of conduct, some think about it as a war where there are friendlies (help) and enemies (destroy).

Let`s say in real life i will not stand by the side and watch a friend get slaughtered. I will most probably not stand by the side in this game too when a `friendly` gets owned.

imho the greater good (the realm) is more important than any personal archievement (ego trip).

I am utterly disgusted by people of my realm telling me not to do this or to do that cause it disrupts their ego trip.

Some people don`t have a clue imho what MMorpg means. this game is more than duels and counterstrike in a fantasy setting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
lol... well after reading this thread with its interesting and downright original idaes i have come to the conclusion that.... i love to gank solo`ers.. now being a solo`er i guess thats ok but even as my eldrich if i seen a red name appear beside the damned if im not gonna leave him alone... i know from playin a stealther there is nothin worse than fighting a fully kitted out alb/hib getting them down to about 10% HP.. and bam u see a lil bunch of zZzZz over ur head and u think to urself "i nearly swear merc`s cant mezz" and then there is a huge gust of air 8 pets on u a pala numbing u a sorc *edit* 3 sorcs assisting on u and god know how many arrows stuck in u.. then teh infamous /rude ???????? i think this is wat peeps hate... i dont mind being ganked fater the fight.... speaking from experience i will gank the winner but i will let then have at each other first its only fair.... but then again as someone said... the majority of peeps out there dont read this forum so habla babla......

P.S puni gif duel focker :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Somehow I agree with the comment Manisch said in your sig

Thats because you are as equally retarded as Manisch perhaps? Even I dont fail to see that logic.

and out of curiousity, why dont you have your warlock in your signature? Not too proud of it or ? xD


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Thats because you are as equally retarded as Manisch perhaps? Even I dont fail to see that logic.

and out of curiousity, why dont you have your warlock in your signature? Not too proud of it or ? xD

tbh guys lets keep this thread on topic plz...i dont want any flaming etc..:( :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
I am Happy to give free realm points away to adding players so long they hurry up and leave Thid :p

tho i havent play thid in 3-4 weeks :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
TriggerHappy said:
lol... well after reading this thread with its interesting and downright original idaes i have come to the conclusion that.... i love to gank solo`ers.. now being a solo`er i guess thats ok but even as my eldrich if i seen a red name appear beside the damned if im not gonna leave him alone... i know from playin a stealther there is nothin worse than fighting a fully kitted out alb/hib getting them down to about 10% HP.. and bam u see a lil bunch of zZzZz over ur head and u think to urself "i nearly swear merc`s cant mezz" and then there is a huge gust of air 8 pets on u a pala numbing u a sorc *edit* 3 sorcs assisting on u and god know how many arrows stuck in u.. then teh infamous /rude ???????? i think this is wat peeps hate... i dont mind being ganked fater the fight.... speaking from experience i will gank the winner but i will let then have at each other first its only fair.... but then again as someone said... the majority of peeps out there dont read this forum so habla babla......

P.S puni gif duel focker :p

I m sry m8 but all 3 realms r the same, i think all ppl get add (hibs do it when they can) ... I normally run alone or with a friend or 2 and i try to leave soloers (i have to say i never was alive after meet Bane of Thid guild on my solo way ) and if some i was spare it was by hibs and never by mids .... I have to say the few times i was in fg was very difficult to stop groupmates killing a solo enemy ....
Anyway ppl add coz they want revenge on the one who jumped em first, or added in their battle before or coz they reskilled em ... I did it too ... if i got stormroll for lot of time i try to set a gr and get my revenge ... As again if i see a sther on a mage near me can t stay there and watch the mage die ....

I have to say another thingh :p .... I m a warlock hater so i always add on them ( sometime i do on BDs even coz, with all those pets, 1v1 a bd isn t a fair fight :D!!!)

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