why did u become a {Insert Class here}



Did a ranger cos i thought bow was way cool , found out i couldnt solo shit and never got groups, scrapped him at 21.

Tried a Warden, they are poo, no offense :)

Landed with a druid, didnt particularly like standing at the back healing all the time but i ALWAYS got groups and still do for RVR, spam aint the word.

Now i run my Druid for RVR and Raids etc and helping out and i just sort of fook around with all other classes, not really found another i like as much as my 8 foot tall, big titted, piss stained firby bint :)

Did do a chanter to about level 32 b4 i realised it was same as Druid except i am not stood at back i am stood in the middle of mobs and it hurts more cos of stoopid tanks who dont understand tank orders :)

RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH DRUIDS !!!!!!!!!!! :bazbeer:


Made a hero cous i whanted someting big and strong.
Made a chanter, whanted a char who could do hige damage so i speced light for solo and got him to lvl 50. respeced to mana.
Made ranger cous my chanter got killed alot by scouts and i whanted py back, my ranger is only lvl 39 afther almost a year :)


Good quesyion, I ask myself that same question everytime I log my mentalist on, only thing I've come up with is that I'm a glutton for punishment. :p


first char was a elf.. wanted to make him a blademaster but couldnt :/ so rolled a celt bm and deleted it at lvl21. Played mid for a while because a friend played there.. but cba with the dull environment and went hib again (home sweet home). Stuck there ever since with my Lurikeen champ


Started with a nature/regrowth druid cos off pet, dots, buffs etc. wanted a character that could group or solo equally well and nature druids rock.
However got bored of healing all the time in groups and soloing became too slow so tried a warden, liked the idea of always being welcome in a group and being able to *cough* fight and heal. As it turned out I really enjoyed it, doing a mixture of tanking and healing whilst levelling up took some of the monotony out of xping.
Have to say for PvE wardens are the puppies nuts, unfortunately when it comes to rvr they can be fun but very frustrating.
Now I'm working on a ranger, by far the most fun character I've tried in the BG's so far, wether I've got the patience to take him all the way... time will tell :)


I made my bardie because i've seen them all walk around me and play cute songs... that's when i got interested. After level 5, when i saw i could heal and buff and groups just giggeled around me, i thought my songs are really good for them and continued... Further up the road i realised I love helping others, i love to heal and rez (Rexmundiiii!!!! remember BG? :) ) I love annoying everyone, playing the lullaby, mezzing... Was a wonderful experience.
It _IS_ a wonderful experience.

My other chars are just for fun. But bardie... bardie is my love!



Originally posted by azshara
i made a shade cos it was fotm back in the old days... :rolleyes:
then i rolled a bard cos i was bored and stopped lvling shade...
now my bard will never be lv50 (and ppl think i spam too much when i play/played it)

Hi Ass :E


First was a BM because a fast dextrous dual wielder sounded soooo cool. Got all the way upto lvl 10 then found I couldn't afford the armour to exp without a group so decided to try a Void eldritch because they're Uber spell casters....pffbt!

In the end though i'd read loads of reports about how rangers were suposed to be THE best RvR class out there and how all the best RvR groups had to have one as they were brilliant (this was ages ago, like before the first post release lvl 50 in hibernia)....so I rolled one and loved having self buffs so much I kept it.


void eld like many others, after seeing how high the damage was in prima guide! ;p

sleet was just an alt i started while waiting on a lift one day and found it fun to play :)


warden, because there were hardly any around when they were still gimped :)


Wanted a class that could duel wield, add in the reason why i joined hibernia ( Elves ) and you get Elf nightshade :)


Originally posted by Ebonn
Wanted a class that could duel wield, add in the reason why i joined hibernia ( Elves ) and you get Elf nightshade :)

can u msg in game? ifu log on? lol ^^ pls hehe


i wanted a lurikeen, and i wanted a melee char, at the time i didnt have a choice


Originally posted by squalion
can u msg in game? ifu log on? lol ^^ pls hehe

Not playing atm, and not intending to play in the near future, ill be back though sometime, somewhen.



im reading the posts here and im like...

... wtf, i like killed u all some 50+ times each :p

i guess i made my infil then to own j00 arses :p


Originally posted by zlair

im reading the posts here and im like...

... wtf, i like killed u all some 50+ times each :p

i guess i made my infil then to own j00 arses :p

yeah right, huge grats to you+buffbot+infzerg :rolleyes:

true infil :ROFLMAO:

Roo Stercogburn

Made SM because wanted to try a caster pet class after seeing others playing them in EQ and no matter what else I play I always come back to it.

I saw bonedancer as an extention of this as I loved the idea of controlling loads of pets. I'm rather proud of my fairly precise control of Junior and was gutted you don't have proper control over bonedancer pets to any reasonable degree. (See various BW threads in past for my rants on pet AI and so forth).

On Hib/Ex made a hero because I fancied a tank type though stopped levelling him at 24 - not because of BG, but I think I'm really not a tank person.

Made a druid and am approaching 50 with it. Its my chillout char. Just log on, find a group, spam group chat with nonsense and focus pet with tiny heals. Been randomly spamming peeps I see posting on BW at times too just to say Hi :D


I had a mage in Mir, and I love taming mobs (various) then runing down into SV mines just to see how far I could get with them. So, in Beta I rolled an Enchanter (from Mythics description Enchanters 'control magical creatures' ), then found out it wasn't quite the same. Had fun with him anyway, but tried out other classes, and the one I stuck to was a champion, so post beta thats the first character I rolled. :clap:

Rolled a Nightshade cos I liked the idea of spellcasting assassins :rolleyes:

Tried a ranger, but couldn't get into it.

Wanted a healer class, tried a bard but found it too boring, couldn't do anything when you need a song running. So now trying a warden. Also want to try a Valewalker, ELf blademaster (elves are my race of choice, except for Solarius because I thought for a melee class that doesn't get con, the elf was a little too fragile!) and rerolling my Animist to be Arb specced (currently Verdant)

Tempted to start a petition for 16 character slots!


started out with evul little luri nightshade finbahr gimped him to 23 8 months ago hes still there then wanted a luri with a BIG name behmoth and big bomb thought luri chanter NOOOoooo ended up being celt warden great pve shite rvr but will continue with hime anyway love the guy to bits started a hero next guess what focus groups started lvl 18 still there made chanter determined not to do focus groups but still do some but not with grey cons and tanks always welcome in my groups not grey cons though


My absolutley first char (in beta) was a blademaster. I just thought it sounded sooo ninja ;)
My first release-char (first lvl50-char) was a bard... guess what, i rolled it purely because of the speed. :p
The second lvl50-char is a mana-eldritch, because of the pb and the snare-dd. (gotta love 1.62... when AE-snare-dd comes) :)


My most prefered character in every PC or tabletop game where he exists is the Ranger, and it would be my first choise, but then i saw that in DAoC the Ranger had absolutely nothing to do with the concept of Ranger's, might aswell be called the Archer, highly dissapointed i went for my second best the Assasin, never regreted it the least. :)


Weird that , i played a Ranger in Everquest for 3 years and thought exactly the same about the DAOC Rangers.


Yea played an EQ Ranger myself too, only got up to 30ish level, didnt like the game much tbh, and then i found DAoC :)


I made a sheild hero because i wanted to have great defence and be able to stay alive for ages whist having 3 ppl attacking me. Then I found out that sheild was useless in RvR......


I liked the concept of the ranger half melee half ranged attack skill and a mainly solo class. more in concept than in play but still my favorite class. its a roleplaying thing nowadays.

lo rhodo btw:) hope to see you online soon again although i can understand yr sig:*inactive due boredom/frustration* :/


My first ever character was a hunter, took me 3 weeks to get him to level 9 (this was beta, and post mir :p)

Also could never get a group with him, so rolled a shaman. Started a guild with it, recruited random people of which I still have some good friends left over.

One of those friends (Meonic) was a skald in beta, and I thought it'd be cool to run so fast, so made a skald in retail. Up to level 42, then made a hunter, got him to 40 or so. Then I got pissed off with RL stuffs, quit DAoC (after having deleted the skald when being "stronken") for a while.

Came back, rolled a SM, because there were never any of them online, besides i loved the idea of life tapping (this was pre-PBAOE and all that FOTM stuff), actually got 50 with him as 47 dark 26 supp. RvRd a bit, noticed my damage went from 500 damage per hit to 350 with epic armor and everyone and his dog having capped cold resist.

Got pissed off, quit DAoC, (break), came back, tried Albion, tried every class in excistance, got bored, tried hibernia, tried every class excisted there (after having had a 20 champion in beta), loved rangers, didn't love the people that didn't want to group me.

Then SI came, rolled a Troll h2h Savage on the 1st day, was totally in love with it, got 50 with it, and now quit it because [RANT ON] of all the "overpowered/nerf" whines. I'll have to watch Mythic nerf a class I love, so best to leave it where it is now, and to all you fucks who say h2h Savages are overpowered, go play one. [RANT OFF]

I'm very indecesive, anyways going to make a mana chanter today, with the /level 20 command and 2 friends joining me, will get 50 with it, and after that we'll see what happens :)

Bedroc the Hero

I choose to become a Hero as my first choice becase :

1. I have always for 20 years roleplaying on computer and paper, chosen to be a mage. I wanted to try something different

2. The class name hero sounded nice to me. humbe servant kind of guy.

3. Love the idea of protecting the group, taking my death letting my m8s live. ( this was before focus shield pulling mind you :) )

well thats it I think.


Quit EQ after 4yrs+ of playing it, played a 60 Paly there til Beastlord went live then rolled and played a Beastlord to 65, soon got bored with EQ and its endgame.

Decided to try Daoc but was a bit wary of the Pvp, after seeing Pvp in EQ and how utterly shite it was, rolled up a Warden, got groups easily but as a healer, didnt like this role in the game so i rolled up a Void Eldy cos according the Herald they were some ubah nuker or summink. Oh how shocked i was lol, here i was waiting for something to be like an EQ Wizard and i find out my void bolts either miss or resist lol, and no one wants u in a grp.

So then i rolled a Ranger, a class i had admired in EQ but never really tried, i looked over a sites for this class, and decided to roll one up. Found it quite hard to get in grps also, but that didnt matter as soloing is a viable option for the class, got to lvl50 (spent the last few lvls at Fins and then doing as many quests as i could to ding 50). And then decided to try some RVR, played a month or two RVR'ing, learned to Hate and avoid Emain and the ghey homo zerg there, especially the 1fg+ Alb Stealth zerg camping amg :p Tried some Odins, realised that its become just as bad as Emain there now, had a few good keep takes / defence fights in Penines tho, til the Albs roll over you with 3x ur number, but its fun :)

Recently ive been playing on Pryd / Alb, decided to try an infil after being completely owned by them so often on my Ranger, nice class and easy to play, got a necro also to support my Infil's alchemy skill :)

I'll prob go back to the ranger with this patch and see how the new changes are, im guessing that the class is still going to suck tho....


1. rolled an elven ranger coz of LoTR took me 3 months to get it o lvl 11 then got bored (now deleted)

2.Rolled a celt guardian coz iwas bored cant remember anything from then on until lvl 45 when i remember being bored at fins now 50....

btw correct me if im wrong squalion but isnt light spec to control pets for a menta? ..u say u specced mana....

barevose 50 Spearo


Originally posted by barevoose
1. rolled an elven ranger coz of LoTR took me 3 months to get it o lvl 11 then got bored (now deleted)

2.Rolled a celt guardian coz iwas bored cant remember anything from then on until lvl 45 when i remember being bored at fins now 50....

btw correct me if im wrong squalion but isnt light spec to control pets for a menta? ..u say u specced mana....

barevose 50 Spearo

gonna go 45ish mana and 25ish light i think

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