Why DAOC really is quite a disappointment



This is a combat based MMORPG not really a community based. There will never be a great community when the lands are so big and the max server No is so small.

j000 d000d


RvR gets better at lvl 45+

Believe me, you will be glad you've leveld then.

And RvR is most fun if you group with other people and work together. And there surely are albs and hibs in midgard frontier, yes, a lot even, just hunt in yggdra and you will meet them.

The exping is boring in some way yes, but it's a part of the game in my eyes, and honestly i don't have any problems with it. If you group most of the time you'll have fun exping together, working together, etc.

I don't know how it goes in midgard, i heard everyone just wants to solo there, but i don't know about that, in Albion most people group up and kill :)

And yes, the game needs some changes, but those will come in time, I'm having a lot of fun with the game now, there are bad moments and there are good moments, of course, you can only make the good moments yourself, the game can't.


Originally posted by IvoryOutlaw
Blaa blaa blarrdy blaa

Did read it, fell into a deep sleep then woke up only to find you posted again, now I'm going back to bed



Maybe you should post something productive next time Bowen.

:mutters about fools:


I now im going to sound soo offensive and its not realy meant that way but here goes....

I HAVE played and staffed other games and trust me this game will live A LONG time if Mythic doesnt screw it up. It has a very active and alert group of people working on it, so its doesnt seem impossible that it will evolve in directions that we have no clue of.
And that I think will be fun to se where it will lead.

Your post seems so useless its almost funny.

1. You state you dont like this on a board for people who play it.

2. You have NOT even played a month and therefore have actually no base for your statement

3. You have almost NO Grafic online experience so actually you dont know what your talking about.

4. Yes there is a HUGE difference between Text based and Grafic games.

Well I think I have said what I want heh.

"Who is the greater fool? The fool that posted or the Fool that replied the Fool"



Well, 1-5 takes 1h tops if even slighty knows how to play. 1-10 ~5h tops. (Depends of class ofc, some are easier to solo low lvls).

And exping? Yeah ofc its boring, but DAoC is really "PvP" orientated. I mean, basically the game builds on RvR and similar activies. Exp is just the thing that can create difference, so not all are the same etc. If you really REALLY like expin, play Dungeon Siege or D2, if you REALLY REALLY want to Roleplay, go play the "real" RPGs, with dices and all that kinda crap. Or LARP, whatever you prefer.

Sure, DAoC has its flawes, some minor, some bigger. But its still nearly a beta fs :) I mean, 1.36 didnt have half of the stuff on 1.45. IMO Mythic couldve hold DAoC in the coding for 1 year or so to make it more like "the real thing"... DAoC is good, long way to go to greatness.

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