Why Albs suck so much at RvR



Apart from stating the obvious and going over the apparent balance issues, mid relics etc etc again, there is one main reason Ive noticed why we seem to suck oh so much at RvR.

This is becuase when ever we get attacked by 1fg or a zerge people are intend on attacking the tanks attacking them to save there own skin.

If only everyone would kill the casters first things would be much easier. Mez/Stun/Root the tanks, whatever, but why case them in circles whist your being nuked by casters.

Sort it out guys, it aint that difficult.


Damn barrysworld lag

It did say.

I dont want to create the same whine thread about albion being unbalanced, under powered, blah lah blah, but ive noticed one key reason as to why albs seem to suck so much at RvR.

Why is it everyone seems itent to kill the tanks first, chasing zerkers round and round in circles as there being nuked to death by the other casters. Keeping this style of play up will always result in ownage by 1fg.

Why cant you just mez/root/snare/stun the tanks leave em there whilst yu pick on the casters. As soon as casters are dead then work on the tanks. Even if tanks are on your case ignore them and still go for casters, there the ones that are going to kill you in the end.

Just Kill Casters before tanks! trust me, it will have its results.


beacause atm zerks and savages hit for more damage then casters...

but personally i prefer druids :p they dont hit back ;)


But at the same time they also taken a hell of a lot longer to kill :p So your being doing extra damage, where as those casters could be dead in seconds.


Originally posted by Karlo

Why cant you just mez/root/snare/stun the tanks

Since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you just buy/take an account that has a lvl 50 char that can do any of the above?



and during the chaos its not as easy to tell mid/hib casters apart from their big smelly tanks, also with the amount of pbaoers in both of those realms its not a matter of charging the ones t the back all the time, the pbaoers charge us with their tanks.

Alb casters stand out like a sore thumb, waiting for them to start raising their amrs when casting is about the best we can do, by the time weve got to em we are pbaoe nuked for millions. Maybe they should have big pink arrows on them for rvr :D or at least maybe a new colour code for rvr battles, 1 colour for casters, auto target enemy caster would be shithot for lazy ppl too :D

Or screw all that and give albs all the insta aoe mezz .pbaoe the other realms get.
No wait that cant happen, WE HAVE TEH PLATE!


Originally posted by Apathy
Since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you just buy/take an account that has a lvl 50 char that can do any of the above?


Apathy, you truely are full of joy and great humour. Oh wait.. maybe not. All you seem to do is flame every possible post you can, is that because you have little else to do whilst sitting at home on your own with little else to do day in day out?

All I was doing was offering a suggstion which works for both hibernia and midguard, and im sure it would work for albion if people tried it.


Your suggestion amounted to "Why don't people cast spells FFS!".

Seriously. Get an account that can do what you need done rather than coming on a forum and telling other people what to do.

Alternatively...just level a CC class to lvl 50. :-O



hmmm i think you will find that that was actually not a flame.

and seeing as it came from apathy im suprised.


i have a comment


level your own fucking chars retard


Originally posted by old.m0000
i have a comment


level your own fucking chars retard

Jesus christ, i came on to offer suggestions, not get comments like this. I have got characters to 50 in the past, now I dont have the time and needed a change. FFS! Ive lvl'd 3 characters to 50 in the past so dont flame me.


Originally posted by Apathy
Since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you just buy/take an account that has a lvl 50 char that can do any of the above?


I actually agree with him on this one.


kill the casters first and i dont mean just tanks kill thier casters, i mean EVERYONE kill thier casters.

if u cant reach a caster kill a cc'er or healer (bard/healer/druid/shamen/warden)

root/mezz/stun tanks and leave them to ROT.

someone make this a sticky plz :rolleyes:


Very nice try to post it again....


this has been said like 10000000000000 times before...and everyone "should" know it by now...well...euhm except in Albion :(

maybe we should make some training camps for our fellow Albs...

ow...euhm..isn't that why they made the BG's?

After you get killed my a zerker/warrior/hero etc in BG1...i think you will know not to touch them when they got those nice little ZzzZZzz above their heads....and go for the little people with staffs in their hands or the ones "waving" at you :p

NOOO they are not trying to be nice by "waving"....they are trying to kill you..so don't type /wave pls...

ok ok...time to sleep i guess



imo shamen is deadly with hammer, kill it fastest


Originally posted by tazzke

maybe we should make some training camps for our fellow Albs...

Yes, a BG4 for people who are level 50 but never actually played the game before. And when you log into this BG, GOA's database will be flagged and your address pulled out. Two days later, by express post, you will receive two pamphlets - "So you've decided to buy an account" and "For fucks sake you spastic, THIS is how to play (Foreword by George Foreman)".



Originally posted by Apathy
Since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you just buy/take an account that has a lvl 50 char that can do any of the above?


Only theurg can do it ALL


Originally posted by Repent
Albions :great:

Twat :great:

Right, firstly, THAT was a flame, whereas "Don't get an infil account if you want other people to help the realm, it's a touch hypocritical" is not, unless you're deeply over sensitive. Secondly it HAS been said a million times before and Albion still doesn't know it for some bloody-minded-stubborn reason. Next problem is that it's hard to just ignore zerker#1 who's beating on you when zerker#2 is beating on your cleric, obviously this is less of a problem if you have a sorc with you, but all it takes is two enemies to purge and you're back in doodoo again. Lastly, if this crap still goes on when sorcs are FOTM and they have bolt-range AEmezz... then I may never group again ;)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Twat :great:

Right, firstly, THAT was a flame, whereas "Don't get an infil account if you want other people to help the realm, it's a touch hypocritical" is not, unless you're deeply over sensitive. Secondly it HAS been said a million times before and Albion still doesn't know it for some bloody-minded-stubborn reason. Next problem is that it's hard to just ignore zerker#1 who's beating on you when zerker#2 is beating on your cleric, obviously this is less of a problem if you have a sorc with you, but all it takes is two enemies to purge and you're back in doodoo again. Lastly, if this crap still goes on when sorcs are FOTM and they have bolt-range AEmezz... then I may never group again ;)

Of course it will continue Land coz then they have to run even further to get the casters and do you honestly beleive that any alb would take an even longer run NOT to get wiped.
I doubt it :(


albion sucks because ....

the chars are wank ;) too many chars spreads abiliites too thin.


Originally posted by Karlo
Apart from stating the obvious and going over the apparent balance issues, mid relics etc etc again, there is one main reason Ive noticed why we seem to suck oh so much at RvR.

This is becuase when ever we get attacked by 1fg or a zerge people are intend on attacking the tanks attacking them to save there own skin.

If only everyone would kill the casters first things would be much easier. Mez/Stun/Root the tanks, whatever, but why case them in circles whist your being nuked by casters.

Sort it out guys, it aint that difficult.

Hibs and Mids do the same, EXCEPT for RG, NP, CF, VGN, LA and the other 'not so famous' RvR dedicated guilds.

Random groups tend to be a mess and they're always just 'charge' and not pick out the classes who deal the dmg.

Do you really think the Alb RvR-guilds/groups do the same? When I am in a good-RvR group I notice alot of times we 'automatically' pick the same targets, even when we're not using /assist.

It's not just Albs.


Interesting, when I pasted Um there wasn't any text


Originally posted by old.m0000
i have a comment


level your own fucking chars retard

A little too harsh imo.

bit long and rambly this post, don't bother reading it unless you have a lot of time.. arf

Anyway on the subject of the thread... Albs suck in RvR because against mids they have to hit the HEALERS, and if they hit the HEALERS they get a shitload of tank aggro and seem to die instantly (at least that's what happens to me Oo). There have been some very good fights, and some very stupid fights with mids. Some fights i have watched tanks fighting tanks and healed my own tanks, and watched a mid healer heal his tanks, so I attack the mid healer, then instantly all the mid tanks are on me and boom I'm dead the group is dead :)

Against hibs it's a slightly different story, mids tend not to have casters so we don't really need to worry about them. But hibs have plenty of support characters that as a tank you need to take out. First of all if you are a slamming tank you should aim to slam the casters first, then the druid/bard/warden etc whoever is doing the healing. This is very hard vs hibs because lots of their chars can heal, and if they have a warden who isn't gimped, they have 6 second pbt. Which again is very hard to get around, so you need to pick the gimp with a sickle and kick his ass then you can actually hit the others. Also taking the bard out first would help the rest of your own group tremendously because then their tanks have no end song to gank you with. Basically, aoe slam, then aoe PA, then pbae. Or just Mez and pick your targets carefully, and if you are mezzing again you need to take out the one with the instrument to remove the chance that they will group purge, if you are lucky u will get him before he does.

I think the main concern here is getting balanced RvR groups where everyone knows what they are doing and can rely on the others to do their job properly so they are no afraid to go and attack the opposing healer in fear of uber tank aggro. Or something.


take out the firby with the pet to stop group purge, not the 1 with instruments ^^


Originally posted by Apathy
Yes, a BG4 for people who are level 50 but never actually played the game before. And when you log into this BG, GOA's database will be flagged and your address pulled out. Two days later, by express post, you will receive two pamphlets - "So you've decided to buy an account" and "For fucks sake you spastic, THIS is how to play (Foreword by George Foreman)".


apathy, i salute you


Hmm, methinks some of these comments made towards my darling Yog are a little harsh

Yog is the new yog, a nice guy good player and good team player, more importantly. he is categorically not a RP whore or a noob. He had a 50 BM in the old days who was far from gimped.

He chose to come to albion from hib at a time when that was just what we needed, why not welcome people who defect to alb? or just strengthen the belief that we have the bitchiest community known to man.

Yogs a good lad, leave him be, his comment is perfectly correct, though maybe the thread title aint so good.

Dont bother to flame me, it dont bother me at all.


Also, I notice apathy was the first to turn this into a personal abuse thread. AS USUAL.

Wont u guys ever stop taking the bait that this degenerate leaves on here?

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