Why Albion?



Out of interest.. why did you choose Albion?

Is it your first realm, did you meet people you liked straight away?
Did you try all the realms and felt Albion the most complete?
Did you like the class you played more?
Did you look it up on VNBoards and choose the most Uber realm?

Whatever the reason, I'm interested.. let's hear your story.


when I started, mid was the uberrealm :p

I started beta, Avalon was only server up, I clicked it, clicked Albion to see Camelot, and been here ever since :p

I was level 10 before I realised it was german & couldnt be bothered changin, until just before retail release :p


After playing Albion in closed beta and then Midgard in open beta, my guild ( Hogs of War for any old-timers out there) took a vote on which realm to play.

Albion came out top (just) so the majority started in Albion. The bastids then f00ked off back to EQ and other such places leaving me on my own and at that point i joined SotL :)

<fond memorys of Midgard>



Joined Albion with some friends from D2... Liked it, stayed.

Generic Poster

Started Euro beta and went for Midgard first, but I didn't like the look of the mud huts. The gloomy atmosphere didn't impress me either.

So I went for Albion, as the Scout seemed like the class for me. The surroundings were a big improvement from Midgards greyness and I was hooked.

Damn, those were the days: solo'ing an Emerald Snake meant something; The first time I ran up to Ludlow, I came up to the bridge and thought I was entering an RvR zone! so I turned back kinda sharpish; Mithra was pure chaos, but freekin good fun; It was all about exploring back then, Exp'ing was secondary; People were alot more friendly aswell, but alot of those were Germans.

I tried Hibernia during the beta aswell, but it was very hectic and the Lurikeen looked pretty suspicious.


Pyro you traitor, come back to mid! Together we can rule emain! like father and son!:)


I started a saracen fighter in Albion/Lyonesse and took him to level 5, then my trainer was bugged and I could not become an armsman. Then I started a Troll Berserker and Thane on Stonehenge and got a bit bored with seeing so many other trolls around. Then came the lurikeen ranger on Lyonesse which I took to level 8. I then decided to try Albion again and did not want to go to Avalon, since that server is absolutely full. So I took Prydwen, met lots of nice people there and I kinda stayed.


I chose to play in Albion as I'm interested in the Arthurian legends and the Dark Age period. Also, it seemed to me, that Albion offered a more balanced class selection -- not powerful in melee or magic, but a fine line between the two.

Midgard didn't appeal at all, the Hibbie caster classes looked cool -- but I do have a thing for playing a Knight in shining armour. So here I am, fear my rez you Middies! As lots of dead Albs also do


Did typical thing of elf ranger in beta but then tried Alb on Excal as a paladin and liked it better. Followed the pally with a scout.

Liked the realm of albion better and moved to Prydwen when it opened to get a fresh start as a cleric and then stayed there since we got a great guild together on Prydwen (Circle of Power) and most of the mature guilds and Roleplayers's were coming to Prydwen too thus leaving most 1337 PPL on Excal.


group of people from bycs (blue yonder counter strike) grouped together when it all started and decided to goto alb / pry due to many not wanting to goto excal :) we formed kalina ohtari, who changed into order of kalina as our GM fooked off and left us with no GM, kalina then split after a while and i went to CoP, who merged with Guardians of albion to become GoP and now i couldn't be happier :)


I chose Albion because I'm English. Bizarre loyalty, but there you go. I figured Hibernia would be full of Irish and (more likely) those odd yanks who call themselves Irish even though their great grandparents left over a century ago. While I reckoned the Scands and Dutch would go Midgard.

Oddly, in Medal of Honor multiplayer, I always play German. There aren't many Germanophiles in England, but I'm one of them !


I have 5 real life friends who decided to play albion so i did too.


Played Alb in US beta and liked it.
Played Alb in Euro closed beta and still liked it.
Played 2 weeks of Hib and 2 weeks of Mid in Euro open beta.
Mid was (and still is) extremely boring as it is only trees, snow and too much of those dumbass trolls :p
Wel Hib seemed ok, but too little ppl played to realm to make it interesting
Conclusion: went to Alb when the game went live and i'm still here :)

p.s. I even like playing Alb so much that i play it on both servers :cool: (just got beta friends in both places ;) )


Was a tossup between alb and hib...mid i wouldnt join because i heard most of the better midgard guilds were going to prydwen...figured it would be unbalanced at the start, and lo and behold it was :p


Some of my friends tell me try the game(beta), I did it but was no info, they tell me which server/realm, was a mage and a fighter already so I chose a rogue :) When I reach lvl5 the first trainer which I see was the minstrel. I know nothing about that class, but the trainer guy looks cool, and I was happy found at least 1 trainer. The minstrel was nice class, except I like tradeskills too and I want make my self armor, and the minstrel can't be an armorcrafter thus can't make chain armor :(
In the beta I seen once(yes only once :)) a friar, and that kung fu moves looks cool and unique, I talk with my friends whos chose armsman, paladin, wizard, cleric and I mean the friar will nice and we can make a good team.
I didnt know anything about RvR, class balancing, realm balancing. If I knew something about this, then I go to Hib or Mid even, and chose a caster or a stealther or a guy with speed at least(Not too much fun to play a cannon fodder class in RvR(and not too much option after lvl 50):go to castle sauvage, cry for group, wait for teleport, buff up, go, mezzed, stunned, bolt, DD, DoT, arrow, blah, blah, blah, died. Maybe something wrong with me, but I cant find the fun here :))
Hmm, why nobody answer: I want choose the most Uber realm, so I go Albion?


Albion has the best solo classes thats why I chose it, I played hib and mid in beta and it sucked (both realms and beta).
I like midgard's theme, but I found its classes boring, not my kind of realm, and hibernia, hehe... what can i say? looks like some 4 year old designed it

Although albion has lots of people which aren't very... social... I see now that I rather have a good realm instead of nice people hehe :rolleyes:


well, i have always played alb :)
started on the germany server and started a merc , got to lvl 10 , and at the time i was looking for my m8 from tfc , who played alb , just 1 thing , wrong server :/
so i change to excila , alb :)
to witch i play a 2 handed pala and played it to lvl 38.
in the beta 4 of us started te guild sotl , gideon danyan blaen and me (boney)
we swap servers for the release and played alb again,( i think at this point or it alb or hib)
but we liked the way alb looked and its chars , say we stayed here :D
and play an armsman :D <----- likes tanks


Found the game in HMV while looking for something to use my vouchers on, had never heard of it ...

Installed it, given 3 options to choose a realm. Out come the instructions (for the 1st and last time)
Midgard, Dwarves.... no way.
Hibernia, ooh they have Elves, sounds good.
Albion, yes! Clerics. I always have a Cleric. I'm there!

God I wish I'd chosen Hibernia :(


my first char was on albion and liked the realm best ever since. before open beta i did alot of reading up... and being the wizard fan i am i decided to stick to my roots and make an albion wizard (the other classes seem to drift too far away from my ideal mage type class) so i stuck to that. tried out a few hibs aswell during open beta (when you could play all realm on one server) but didnt like it. plus i only got to lvl 20 during open, so when the game was released i was keen to keep feeding my hunger for power as a wizard, unfortunatly there was that big role back later on that cost me a couple of lvls and items and ive hardly played my wizard since (was very frustrated) o tried out a scout then paladin. also tried some chars in midgard on Excal but i still prefer Albions classes and the realm itself


Played UT on blueyonder servers and trolled the forums for a bit until I saw a game called dark age of camelot in the forum listings, being interested in english history and folklore, asked about it and ended up joining Kalina Ohtari until not long before it split, joined OotKT, then pretty much buggered off to Hibernia :D


Originally posted by Psy|:m00:
Played UT on blueyonder servers and trolled the forums for a bit until I saw a game called dark age of camelot in the forum listings, being interested in english history and folklore, asked about it and ended up joining Kalina Ohtari until not long before it split, joined OotKT, then pretty much buggered off to Hibernia :D

I wondered where you'd got to. Get to the frontier and earn us some realm points, soldier ! Sheesh, wizards today....

- Pathfinder -

Gideon was trying to get me to play EQ with him, when DAoC open beta came along and we all started that :p Choose Albion solely due to the others wanting to, or I'd have been a Hibernian ;)


Myself and Pathy sat down at the end of closed beta and decided that we wanted to create the best guild on the server. The trouble was we hadn't decided which realm to do it in. After a couple of days researching on the US forums we came to the following conclusions (bear in mind this is pre 1.36 we are talking about) :

Midgard = The best. Chain cast AE stun rules RvR and rapid levelling is helped by a decent PvE setup.

Albion = Average. Nice looking realm, no major benefit or downside (smite clerics were unheard of at the time for instance).

Hibernia = Gimped. The most unfinished realm and posessing no really outstanding classes or abilities.

I pushed for us to start in Midgard since they were obviously the best at the time. Pathy very rightly pointed out that Midgard being the best would attract the same sort of players making the top end pretty crowded. On top of which a couple of our other friends who wanted to start (Danyan, Lydek and Ronarth) weren't really into powergaming too much and didn't want to be surrounded by that sort of player.

In the end the majority persuaded me to give Albion a go. It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst and it had a couple of nice touches so I didn't mind. After all it would be a challenge working in an underdog realm (basically any realm was underdog to Midgard at the time of chain cast AE stun). We played there in open beta and got a couple more friends to join us so we could start a guild (Boney who chose the wrong server at the start :p, Licker who was a friend of Pathys from UO and so on). By the end of beta we were pretty experienced with Albion and had helped lead the three keep retakes that made Albion Excal seem so dominant at the time :)

As we predicted Midgard powerlevelled like mad in early retail and seemed in a completely dominant position. However our long term plan paid off eventually and put us in the current position you see SotL : arguably the best on the server (at least by how we measure it which is all that matters).

/salute fellow guild members for making it happen


<takes note of the "not wanting to be surrounded by power lvlers" part and wonders why the minimul lvl requirement is 45>

when guildless i asked someone i had met from you guild about joining, was straight away told i was too low (lvl 40 at the time). not the best way to recruit in my oppinion, which is why i consider you guys good, but not the best

just my oppinion tho

<hopes that this doesnt spark off another arguement over SoTL...>

Brannor McThife

I got bored with my warrior. Wanted new scenery, new dungeons. So I started in Alb. Have two characters there now.

I came, I spied, and I've returned. :flame:


My warrior (46.5) still sucks in RvR, ut I love him in PvE...since he parries and block HUGELY. (Yada, luv ya buffs. ;) ) Taking down L50 mobs in Spindel quite comfortably when buffed (no heals).

I'll be back in Albion. But only because I like going to new places and especially because I like my infil. Nothing much else in Albion worth while... I mean, there are the Albs...but... :p

Back in Mid, back with friends. Groups actually want me (or maybe they're just being nice) for tanking.



You should have played your minstrel more if you wanted to be sought after for groups :p

[ oh, the reason I am here is that one of my friends was a bit fan of DaoC when it was in US beta, and I actually got into the US beta about 2 days before the end -- so went with Albion because she was really into arthurian stuff. I thought Mid sounded more interesting and was really hyped to make a skald called ... um.. name escapes me because I never created it. Anyway, we got into the euro beta too, because it sucks to always have events/ guild stuff happen at 4am, and when the game went live, I knew my way around Albion so figured I'd stick with that, even though Genevieve didn't sub in the end ... ]



First off i only read the original handbook/manual when i chose the realm. This being the first ever RPG i ever played i based my choices around the abilities the realms had.

My line of reson was as follows :

Why i chose midgard initially..

- Warrior [Ivor] -- like it said in manual i think, superior strength/hp can use a shield and an axe <weeehee, said i and thought of rolling in as a dwarf warrior>

- SB [Ivan] --- Always prefered rogue chars in Fantasy books, i reconed twohanded sword would be very mean :)

Never liked casters much....

I was tempted to go Alb initially too due to these :

-- Armsman [Oleg] --- plate armor !!! and a polearm as well as xbow < i thought wow so many abilities>

-- Infiltrator [Ivan] --- Yehey main purpose is to...... tada.... infiltrate

.....But as i leveled my warrior i thought that is not really what i wanna play as, so i switched to my main SB <i started SB as my first char ever, go figure>....after achieving 34 and not seeing too much Realm involvement coming my way i migrated to Albion. Still miss the people of Mid but i have made good mates with quite a few respectable people of Albion :)
Thats my story anyhow, i didnt forsee Albion as a Uberrealm to be at that time, honest.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Fancy telling me who you were in Albion now? :)
I'll tell everyone when he eventually hits 45. Which will be around February next year at the rate he was levelling. :p



i actually know who brannor is, but i promised i wouldn't tell anyone, unless they get me a belt of barbed scales, and a twisted evil diamond staff from legion. so if you really wanna know revz, time to loot the sotl stash :)

ill give you this through brannor, your bloody quick at leveling :)

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