Why 50?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
im aware that im lucky in some ways, but about 8weeks ago i still believed that i would never get any 'good' arties on my main, that id never get higher than ml2 and that id never hit rr4. then i managed to make friends with some of the people who was good at just that. it changed the game for me in many way.

now we do lots and lots of artyes inguild, we work after a Need Before Greed system and try to make sure everyone gets what he wants, just aslong as they help out in return. this all has resulted in 1) more guildraids 2) a stronger feeling of togetherness for us, and 3)us actually thinking that maybe, just maybe well have a shot at going somewhere rvrwise.

-again, ive been lucky. but its not impossible. i hope that all of you who struggle can try this and see if it gets any better for you. //ljuvasara


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aonmeamna said:
Congratulations, I envy you. And your point is?

The point is that while toa is a challenge (and supposed to be) its not that hard if you get off your arse and get on with it, sitting around moaning about it wont get you your artifacts/mls. If you want an artifact make a group and go and do it, not hard, make a public raid and do a few artifacts, the same with master levels. we have had toa for what, 18 months now? there is no excuse for someone to still be un-toa'd


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
When you first started DAoC what was your main goal? I mean without knowing about RAs, ToA, etc.

When I first started in Dec 02 I saw all the people who were level 50 and wearing epic gear and using glowy weapons and thought,

"Wow, I bet they can solo anything."

Obviously this is not true but when you reach level 50 you realise that you can enter RVR and put up a half decent fight. This is where the game starts. I'm a very casual player but each time I log on it's to look for some RvR and have fun. Expanding the goalposts is only going to alienate the new players EVEN MORE than they are now! There is no reason to go past 50.

As it stands, ToA more than makes up for it if you really want more levels. Imagine starting today with no /level, buffbot or groups and wonder how you would feel trying to get to a level higher than 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
No, that is exactly my point. I don't have buffbots and groups and loads of time in a session to camp ToA. But I could get levels. What is more, a few levels won't imbalance the game, nothing compared to ToA. Hey, even if you are 60 you couldn't solo a lot of stuff.

I originally started the thread though not to bash ToA, that has been done soooo many times before. I was just challenging the funamental concept of lvl 50 as a limit. What you are basically all saying is that the game doesn't start until 50. If that is the case then what the hell is the point of levels in the first place. Everyone ends up in one or two specs for each character anyway, so why have levels. But if you are going to have levels, then surely the RvR game should be designed around them better? With no need for a limit.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
in a way i guess you do have a point, however there has to be a cap somewhere and 50 was what they settled on.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Aonmeamna said:
I don't have buffbots and groups and loads of time in a session to camp ToA.
If you can normaly log on for 1hour or less, and don't have a nice/active guild then ML/Artifacts are really close to impossible. On one hand that really makes me feel sorry for you. On the other hand I wonder why you still play this game and choose to be frustrated? Take your own advice, open the curtains... and maybe play another game.

Aonmeamna said:
But I could get levels. What is more, a few levels won't imbalance the game, nothing compared to ToA. Hey, even if you are 60 you couldn't solo a lot of stuff.
You fail to see, that all powergamers will get those levels, too. They will also get it much faster than you. So this won't make things more balanced for you. On the contrary, it will inbalance the game for you even more, until you caught up with the powergamers to the new levelcap.

If you just want to solo PvE then make a servant necro and BB and you can solo most anything @ 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Am I the only person in the game that doesn't have a buffbot?

I used to enjoy the game, it only became a problem when I hit 50. I'm not proposing a new higher level cap, I'm suggesting no level cap at all, but XP making it exponentially harder to level up.

As to why do I continue playing and being frustrated? I don't really, just dip in for the odd hour, spend half of it sat down, get bored, log off. I may investigate the US classic servers, that will go a long way to solving the problem. It's probably where half the European players are anyhow.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
lol, I just read on the Camelot Reporter that they are thinking about classic servers over here too. Though they do imply they may not because they are concerned with the effect on the other servers. Anyone fancy a drop of 50% in Excal population?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Aonmeamna said:
As to why do I continue playing and being frustrated? I don't really, just dip in for the odd hour, spend half of it sat down, get bored, log off.

Have you ever considered that this may be why you arn't toa'ed. Instead of logging on, and achieving something, you spend it sitting on your arse.
Most ML raids are done in around an hour these days, and with the new requirements you can do stuff in almost any order.

You're bashing people awefully hard in this thread for not having a life cos they can toa a char. Most of them simply use the time they spend in game to achieve something, as opposed to whining about how it's all impossible. If your life is really that great and awesome, why do you feel the need to whine on a computer game forum about how the game your paying money for is so crap? Surely you can find something better to do in your awesome real life than spend 30 mins staring at some pixels on a computer screen thinking god this is crap!

Have you also considered that the population drop might just be because lots of new competition has turned up recently (WoW, EQ2, guild wars). All new shiney games and that many of the people who has been playing Daoc for 2/3 years wanted a change. Games, no matter how good never last forever. I'm fairly sure that if TOA hadn't been implemented many of the people who left would of left anyway, simply because they wanted something new.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2005
I find that if I want to go and get some rps once I reach 50 on a char I make an easy to get template. Using Quest items and a few easy to get artis and items (thinking Krojers rings)

If you are a caster it's easy to get a decent powerpool and capped cast speed.
If you are a tank it's easy to get capped attack speed and capped str.

Cap what you can using the most easy items you can, then you can at least go out in rvr and get some rps and enjoyment.

I tend to do just that and build my expensive templates when I can.

Just my method though, but keeps me in the game :)

I understand your problem with mls though, I work until 6 - 7pm weekdays so I tend to miss most the early evening raids. More weekend afternoon raids would be great (gif ml8 and ml9) :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Well Golena, I had a wee go at Chronictank because he had a go at me about not being arsed and how easy it was to ToA. Of course it's pretty stupid to think that, it's not meant to be easy, it's kind of the point of it! MLs are powerful so of course it's hard. Unfortuinately, this means that for casual players that can't get on before midnight and on weekends, it's a no go. And it's pointless saying how easy it is for you to do with your peak times, buffbot etc. that isn't the point.

It also wasn't the point of this thread either. I am quite sure that the ToA sucks/ToA pwns debate has raged all over the place and tbh I anit interested in it at all. I was mearly hypothetically debating about the design based on levels having a cap concept, to me it doesn't make sense and I see no real reason why it can't be open ended. I don't expect GOA/Mythic to suddenly go "wow, we never thought of that, lets do it" because it will never happen. It was just a discussion point.

Btw, I spend most of my the time on my arse because I am a solo tank (champ) with no buffbot and that is the only way I can heal if I am farming or just adventuring in the scarey areas. Of couse, I could always spend my time sat on my arse crafting armour for the peak players to go running around in, done enough of that, you get no thanks and ripped off half the time. I also spend a quantitly of my time helping others level and talking it new players, well I did. DAoC is a very hard game to get into these days, stuffed with jargon and an impenetrable RvR scene. Players will always leave a game for any number or reasons, but I'll bet you most new players give up before getting too far. There is nothing in the game for a new player, not even other new players.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Appologies if I came across a bit harsh. Yeah for some people it's very difficult to get toa done. The thing is 90% of the people whining arn't people in this situation, i've sat and listened to someone complain about how toa was impossible and about how they didn't have time to get ml's, through an entire ml4 raid before now. They were sat on there ass in goth the entire time, so I tend to take people whining at less than face value often.

Getting back to the topic of the thread however, i'd like it if you could get levels above 50 but they didn't actually do anything. Sort of like how the realm titles work now. You could go get to level 54 and people would be able to see you as a level 54 char, but keep the stats/skills of a level 50 so it wouldn't imbalance the game when someone got to level 75 and could insta kill anyone. It would mean those that wanted to go farm exp to see how high they could get could go do it. Maybe make level 51 equivalent to rr5 so you could get the better dps/af through rvr or pve, your choice.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Yes, those are my thoughts. You could throw a few more Hpts in or maybe some more stats, not hard to balance as its a slow/small gain. But the rate of gaining new levels whould slow too.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
50 is high enough ! I mean after 50 there is still tons of PvE to do , toa etc so boring ....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
wittor said:
50 is high enough ! I mean after 50 there is still tons of PvE to do , toa etc so boring ....

But if you got nothing for it, except for a new title (level 52 next to your name) the rvr crowd woudn't have to do it! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
The RvR crowd would get it for free anyhow as they play through XP.

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