Why 50?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
The bane of all open ended games are limits, and the biggest limit in DAoC is level 50. Why does it have to end there?

If XP requirements kept doubling (or more) then why not let characters achieve higher level? So they could get to level 51 with the same effort it took to get another character to level 50. And same again to level 52 taking double effort of a 51.

The fear may be that hard core gamers may become too uber with the ability to achieve extra levels, but I don't think an extra level or two is so much, especially compared to ToA ML, and you can tweak the XP requirements to make it ever more difficult to gain more levels, you would also adjust the XP required to level in the 40s too.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
It starts at 50 as opposed to ending at 50 for most people... I was under the impression most people hated the PvE in this game, I certainly do!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
realm ranks - thats the end game, or if you like extra levels, then you have shitty master levels, artifact xp, and soon champ levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Yes, please don't give another bunch of levels, we have ML's artifacts ect to deal with PvE don't want more levels... ahhh! :twak: :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Lol no more please !!!

Level to 50
Master level to 10
ML XP <cries>
Artifact leveling
Realm levels

and soon

Champion levels.

lovely jubly


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Aonmeamna said:
The bane of all open ended games are limits, and the biggest limit in DAoC is level 50. Why does it have to end there?

If XP requirements kept doubling (or more) then why not let characters achieve higher level? So they could get to level 51 with the same effort it took to get another character to level 50. And same again to level 52 taking double effort of a 51.

The fear may be that hard core gamers may become too uber with the ability to achieve extra levels, but I don't think an extra level or two is so much, especially compared to ToA ML, and you can tweak the XP requirements to make it ever more difficult to gain more levels, you would also adjust the XP required to level in the 40s too.
everquest is for people like you ;-)


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
I think that anything like this increases the disaparity between the casual player (putting only say 15hours a week into the game lol) and the hardcore that is able to exist without food or water entirely fed on rp's and levelling.

I think a majority of people play this game for the end game and are put off by the amount of requirements that it takes to be competative once you finally have obtained 50.

I agree its nice to have things to do with a 50 char, but they should be very minor additions that dont make that much difference, just niceties.

However this leads to a massive balancing issue so ill have a big ol cup of shut the f*ck up and leave it there.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Actually, speaking as a casual player, more standard levels are at least attainable for me, ToA ML are impossible for me and I will never be able to have them.

Plus you get XP RVR don't you?

If you don't like levels, then why bother having any at all? But given taht you have them, why have a cut off, makes no sense.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aonmeamna said:
Actually, speaking as a casual player, more standard levels are at least attainable for me, ToA ML are impossible for me and I will never be able to have them.

Plus you get XP RVR don't you?

If you don't like levels, then why bother having any at all? But given taht you have them, why have a cut off, makes no sense.

thats true, but out of the thousands of 50's that came out of fins, or whatever pl place is in alb/mid, how many are still played and how many out of them have got over RR5?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Well i personally don't like having more than 50 levels as it's quite painful trying to reach 50 on it's own. Then having another bunch o levels on top of that i wouldnt play the damn game any more... the only reason i play this game is because of RvR and certain fun "big" PvE raids. I just wanna get kitted out for RvR and have it like that... already have trouble getting ML's arti's ect. another bunch of levels would just be frustrating. :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Yeah I see a lot of people get the "50 blues". That is, they get to 50 and feel the huge elation that comes with your first level 50 character, and feeling on top of the world they head out into RvR.........

.......and promptly get the shit beaten out of them by every man and his dog who has two bots, ML10, 25,000 brittle guards, RR5 <insert op ability> and so many artifacts they could make their own Indiana Jones movie without needing props.

The gap between regular players and the "gg lolz wtf pwnt" gamers gets larger, and larger...and larger.

It's annoying.

I come across someone that's just a normal player and (assuming he's not a reroll vamp) my first response is surprise that they aren't buffed, then guilt as I realise I just killed them like I would a grey con mob - that must be really shit for them to have that day in day out, never having a chance against a certain group of players. And then someone kills me just as easy and I log in a beef. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
So true Phil :( a casual player can't do crap to a hardcore one. you last about 4secs in RvR... but hey it's not about the dying it's about the going back and getting his health down to 80% instead of 95 :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Yup, this is what is killing the game.

Notice how there aren't many people playing DAoC these days? I wonder when they will get around to putting everyone on the same server, oh, wait...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Like someone has said before here: Aon if that's what you're looking for, there are other MMO's out there that handle the PvE experience a lot better. There is little reason to play DAoCs PvE unless you think camping for artifacts is the pinnacle of online entertainment.

Mythic could change it, but frankly with their limited means and the very tough competition of EQ2 and WoW they better concentrate on their strength and that's PvP. That's why their next expansion is a ... errrr wait ... :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
RS|Phil said:
.......and promptly get the shit beaten out of them by every man and his dog who has two bots, ML10, 25,000 brittle guards, RR5 <insert op ability> and so many artifacts they could make their own Indiana Jones movie without needing props.



Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
The trouble is, for every hardcore PvP full time player, there are a dozen casual players that can't touch PvP because of ToA. And hence numbers are in a critical spiral. For a casual player, lvl 50 IS more like the end of a character, unless you have a fondness for running 15 mins back to a 3 second battle over and over. I guess battlegrounds are the only place to play PvP for such players, it's less corrupted, not sure on the OP of some classes at some stages though (scouts in Liervik?). So in reality a casual character ends at 45 (maybe even 40). A 46-50 battleground may help but that would just be ruined by all the ToA hardcore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Chronictank said:
anyone can do toa, it all comes down to if you cba
i am semi toa'ed it's not i can't be arsed, its the fact that
1 i have to sit and read with my young son and explain some of his homework/go and play with him for a few hours
2 can't ignore the wife forever no matter how much i try
3 i work in the uk some raids start at 6cet which are impossible
4 when doing a full raid and ask for a quick afk i need beer (quick run to the offy) i tend always to lose stick and die :drink:

lol 4 is a joke. 2 deffinately isn't


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Behmoth said:
i am semi toa'ed it's not i can't be arsed, its the fact that
1 i have to sit and read with my young son and explain some of his homework/go and play with him for a few hours
2 can't ignore the wife forever no matter how much i try
3 i work in the uk some raids start at 6cet which are impossible
4 when doing a full raid and ask for a quick afk i need beer (quick run to the offy) i tend always to lose stick and die :drink:

lol 4 is a joke. 2 deffinately isn't

1) few hrs everyday is enough to toa a character to a respectable lvl, if you find it impossible make a more realistic template.
2) Get a buffbot u can afk whenever u want
3) i made all my raids on the weekend, you also dont have to do mls in any particular order anymore so u can join when u can. It just takes longer.
4) Go to the "offy" before you start raiding if you cant do without ;-)

From what you said above there is no reason why u cant toa a character


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
oohh I missed threads like this.

dooo00000oooom dooo000ooo0000ooom!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
RS|Phil said:
.......and promptly get the shit beaten out of them by every man and his dog who has two bots, ML10, 25,000 brittle guards, RR5 <insert op ability> and so many artifacts they could make their own Indiana Jones movie without needing props.


That has to be one of the best quotes ever, simply brilliant! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Hey ChronicTank

GET A LIFE! :twak:

If you can't figure out that ToA is a problem then you are too divorced from reality mate, take a risk, draw the curtains back and take a peek outside, you just might not shrivel up and die you know.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Aonmeamna said:
Hey ChronicTank

GET A LIFE! :twak:

If you can't figure out that ToA is a problem then you are too divorced from reality mate, take a risk, draw the curtains back and take a peek outside, you just might not shrivel up and die you know.
and there was me thinking you had a shred of inteligence,
i stand corrected

I have a life tnx, replies like that remind me how pathetic people in this game can be, i honestly feel sorry for you.
I work 11 hr shifts, have active social life yet arrange things around my schedule.
its this magical thing called time management, look it up


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Makes me wonder why you bothrered posting at all :worthy:

Makes me wonder the same too. At the times I get on there are 300 players on the whole server, all realms, all levels, including bots. The game is dying because it doesn't meet the needs of MOST players, just a handful of selfish ones who couldn't give a toss.

You needn't worry though, my account is payed up until October and I won't be renewing, nowhere for my characters to go, ToA shut me out of the game like it has shut thousands of others out, the game was designed as an MMORPG, it doesn't work when there are only a handful playing.

Maybe you will figure that out for yourself one day when there is nobody on, oh wait, you can just buy seven buff bots and play full group can't you, if your lucky, you may even find someone to fight too.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Aonmeamna said:
Makes me wonder why you bothrered posting at all :worthy:

Makes me wonder the same too. At the times I get on there are 300 players on the whole server, all realms, all levels, including bots. The game is dying because it doesn't meet the needs of MOST players, just a handful of selfish ones who couldn't give a toss.

You needn't worry though, my account is payed up until October and I won't be renewing, nowhere for my characters to go, ToA shut me out of the game like it has shut thousands of others out, the game was designed as an MMORPG, it doesn't work when there are only a handful playing.

Maybe you will figure that out for yourself one day when there is nobody on, oh wait, you can just buy seven buff bots and play full group can't you, if your lucky, you may even find someone to fight too.
the majority seem to still be playing, so i duno where you got your figures from.
TOA drop in players was hardly a large drop, the largest drops were when NF was implemented


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
Oh, my mistake, there are still 3000 players on the server!

It's not just about players leaving, there is nobody joining, and what few there are soon bang up against the ToA iron door, Dull PvE and inaccessible PvP the the majority. Nowhere to go except another game.

Go figure why the numbers are in the low 100s, why clustering is needed, why the game is dying. Atlantis is a great adventuring zone, but the game design turned it into a chore that only the few dedicated players can be bothered with. Small groups, casuals and solos simply can't do it, and can't even use it much as a PvE adventure area too. I was thinking that the ability to have just a couple more levels may make this huge zone more accessible for casual players, make getting MLs actually possible one day, may mean the actaully can survive for more than 30 seconds in RvR even if they don't have ToA. Bridging the gap between the hardcore and the casuals.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
I quite like a lvl cap tbh, makes everyone equal at the same level.

I also like doing ToA, and looking forward to these Champ levels too, I must be strange. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2004
No, you're normal :)

Well at least normal of the people who still play, unfotunatley we can't ask the people who don't play anymore (majority) because they aren't here.

I'm sure I would enjoy ToA too, if it were possible for me, but it isn't.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Aonmeamna said:
Oh, my mistake, there are still 3000 players on the server!

It's not just about players leaving, there is nobody joining, and what few there are soon bang up against the ToA iron door, Dull PvE and inaccessible PvP the the majority. Nowhere to go except another game.

Go figure why the numbers are in the low 100s, why clustering is needed, why the game is dying. Atlantis is a great adventuring zone, but the game design turned it into a chore that only the few dedicated players can be bothered with. Small groups, casuals and solos simply can't do it, and can't even use it much as a PvE adventure area too. I was thinking that the ability to have just a couple more levels may make this huge zone more accessible for casual players, make getting MLs actually possible one day, may mean the actaully can survive for more than 30 seconds in RvR even if they don't have ToA. Bridging the gap between the hardcore and the casuals.

I started Toaing a char 1-2 weeks ago, first afternoon i got 3 Artis ACTIVATED, GoV and scrolls for croc ring is taking longer but i will get it sometime with some luck. Did ½ ML 1 in 30min, then ML2 less than 1 hour, day later did rest of ML1.

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