Who's The Fastest



Flash Gordon is fastest...really! :p

Oooh...from the classes...hmm...dunno.

*goes back to his locked cage*


Atleast skalds get this realm ability.

Mastery of Arcane

A passive ability: Your buff spells will be 3% more effective per level of this ability. Cost per level is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 14. Requires:

Augmented Acuity at level 2.

This however works only with speed.
Uber usefull :p


Instantaneously they're all the same speed. (Lim d/t as t->0)
Average speed over time (d/t)
(with t> t0 where t0 is the max sprint time for full endurance without any buffs)

the bard is faster.

It's all down to your definition of speed.

Roo Stercogburn

Actually, I run the fastest in game.

<Sees entire hib army at MMG in emain>

<Prays to Hel using sacred communicator>

<Hel (with some help from Scotty) beams me up>

<Confused hibbies wonder where that SM got to so fast>


Originally posted by al13n8
at the moment instruments are geen to a lvl 50 player therefor you cannot twist songs the pulse is to short but in the up comming patches you will be able to get player made instruments that con yellow at 50 makeing it posible for a bard to twist end and speed which will make him the fastest as then the bard will be able to premently sprint on top of speed 5

Have to agree with landshark here... I can twist 3 songs (heal, mana, speed) on level 35 instruments, it would be a pretty poor bard though couldn't twist 2. It is an utter pita though so I can see why they don't :p

Oh by the way heal does do something Landshark, it's a regen increase buff not an actual healing song, basically the cleric's regen buff only more effective and group based.

- Pathfinder -

Still wonder why we have this uber wank buff :p If you're specced high in enhance and want to AFK PL a lv 5, then it might be remotely useful :p


Just had a thought....Does the Hunters OMG I'M GOING TO GET OWNED I BETTER RUN 10min sprint buff stack with skald speed song, and can Hunters stack the buff with their own sprint. If so, I suspect a high BC specced Hunter could whip anyone in a 100m sprint :)


i think that the BArd would be faster

now wait beofre you flame and listen me out

the bard gets the endurance song keeps his endurance up...
and speed song as fast as the minstrels

now if he/she is switching between the two and is pulsing then what is stopping him/her form hitting thespritn button as well and sprint with the endurance song on full whack they would be able to run faster for longer than the minstrel with speed song and sprint on IMHO

but that is my opinion


we've been over that fs Ditty =p

What me and chesnor are saying is that they're all the same speed if sprinting + speedsonging. The original poster asked who was the fastest, not who can go fast for longest.

And, Dannyn - i know the healsong is more or less a group version of the cleric buff, but by high lvls your tanks heal a hell of a lot more hp per cycle than the +10-per-cycle from healsong. I know what it does, i just deny it's useful enough to be worth twisting :p


As some have said, the bard can sprint for longer, but all can sprint during their speed buff, and sprint as fast, so the bard is not faster, can just keep his pace for longer.

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