Whoever said this was a TEAM game.



Whoever said this was a team game was talking RIGHT out of their ass.

OK - I know that public servers aren't the bastion of team play but expecting SOMEONE to play for the team isn't much to ask is it???

Just came off a map (can't remember the name - wide open brown one with 4 vehicle stations - very vehicle-centric). I was doing really well but frankly, the lack of teamplay annoyed me so much I had to leave.

Get this:

Both flags are taken, I take 5 mins to get NME flag back (apparently the only person who could be bothered to try). We cap.

I call for some flag defence because I didn't reckon anyone could be bothered doing that either (I was right) - and took the NME flag.

On the way back I had to return our own flag FOUR times (because noone was defending it OR chasing it to return), all the time screaming HELP for some assistance (no-one came) before an untimely death trying to return our flag for a fifth time.

Look people - this is a TEAM game (even when you're playing on pubbies). If you want individual triumph - fuck off and play Quake III or UT.

DON'T all get into vehicles and dogfight just for dogfighting's sake.

DON'T all decide that you want to stand at the NME vehicle pad and make a nuisance of yourselves at the expense of flag D or Offence.


rant over.


seek out servers with team players then.

i have nothing against newbies but if you play on a server with loads of them, then your shouldnt expect good teamwork.


I have to say that everything you mention there is totally correct but its not right to go off at people for it.

Everyone bought the game for their own reason and as such will play it in their own way.

I love clan matches as it gives us all a chance to enjoy a good team game as it should be. On the pub servers I usually do play for the good of the team as its what comes naturally as a clan player.

If however I'm in the mood for some fun (it is a game remember) then I will go harrass the enemy and see how many people I can take out before getting killed at their vehicle station.

You have to remember that this is just a game and if you really want a serious team match where everyone really does give a shit what happens to the flag - get into some serious clan matches.


Don't worry - I do the clan thang (btw if peeps wanna join KoN go to www.knightsofnee.org and click on the application link (nice pimp!!)).

But I do think I'm justified in going off a little when something like what I described happens.

I mean - everyone who plays tribes does have at least a PASSING interest in teamwork, don't they??


Hmm, hate to say this Scouse, but read your post again:

"I call for some flag defence because I didn't reckon anyone could be bothered doing that either (I was right) - and took the NME flag."

To me means the same as "I joined the server, shouted Defend Our Flag" and fucked off to try and get 3 points".

"On the way back I had to return our own flag FOUR times (because noone was defending it OR chasing it to return), all the time screaming HELP for some assistance (no-one came) before an untimely death trying to return our flag for a fifth time. "

This comment could be "I saw the enemy had our flag, so risking losing the flag myself cos i dont give a shit, I hunted down and kill 4 enemy flag carriers, returning the flag, getting 8 bonus points. Cool or what?"

No offence mate, but your comments about Tribes2 being a team game applied to you to (and me, and 90% of others):

DON'T go on some solo flag charge to try and get the flag and be l33t when there's no defence.



Lol at the nme vehicle station bit. When i can be botherd to dust of the game these days thats all i do, just head straight for it:p Best return iv'e had so far from one trip was 24 frags. As you rightly state, most people play onliners for personal glory, im no different:p Hell the dev team even realise it's a major selling point of there game too;) Who realy cares if it's the Dm scout, or the gay fat guy that surrounds himself in turrets with the area covered in mines, with a inv station no more than 3 seconds walk away, it's all the same and it all happens:)


Ewan m8 - you're reading into things that aren't there.

I was already at the NME base when I called for defence - (actually - I was the only person there - everyone else was dogfighting!).

The route I took back just happened to be the route that people were going to their base (the most direct) and for the first 3 it was easy (no-one following). The screams for help were just an alternative to "retrieve our flag." By the time the fourth came along I was just plain pissed off.

I'm not some glory-seeker after the highest points in the game (I'd like to see them removed altogether - but we all know that'd never happen because they are a strong incentive to play for some people) - and I wasn't trying to brag "look what I did - aren't I great" - because I know that there are loads of players out there who can do exactly the same - what do I gain.

I was simply trying to illustrate how futile the game sometimes is and maybe guilt(?) someone into trying a little teamwork occasionally.

But mainly I was ranting because I was so damn angry! :)


Im a glory hunter lol

Sorry while on the subject - I had too...





clan players are the worst tho , i find atleast newbies try, but when you get a server full of clan dudes just fecking about its not even worth playing.

especially those mod guys, yeh real handy taking a bomber 6000k from the bases and then stopping. perhaps your mates on the other team wanted to win.

anyway, when it comes down to it, do what ya want. We all paid for the game, play it as you please.

here comes another 30 minute dogfight :) and maybe after that I will stomp around thier vehicle base.

:upyours: to all ya

:rolleyes: sorry, bad day.


Scouse, this game is really made for clan wars. The pubbies are fun but the game only shines when you have a whole team using VoIP (or some kind of voice software) and are co-ordinating attacks. I do find some pubbies with good team play, and when i don't i just encourage it. Get a havoc ready and ferry a bunch of heavies over to the nme base, that usually gets the ball rolling. If no one responds, i find a better server.


Mantis, were you defending on that game? :D

I can rack up 20 times more kils on defence than offence. I usually run away from fights when i am trying to get the flag.


On dessicator i was helpin a heavy defend the main gen room while waitin for someone to come he repaired a gen and i shot it non stop. by the end of the game i had over 600 points (woulda been more but we actually had to DEFEND the gens every now a then, geesh). At the end scoreboard the newbies thought i was a god! ;)


Hehehe thats cheating though Stabs.

I kick people for that :D


bah, its not like it affects the outcome of the game. Not hurtin anyone or lessening anyones gaming experiance (other than keepin their generators from working). Even though i only did it once (i never attack shield gens on dessicator, main gen rape is much more fun :). Id certainly not rate it as a kickable offence you nazi ;).

Wont be doin again though cos that room is buggy as hell for me, i keep gettin stuck in the cealing and being unable to fire or move if i go against the wall. Not to mention its shit boring at the best of times, its like playing everquest waiting for a rare mob to spawn so ya can get 10 seconds of exitement :).


Whaddaya mean it's not hurting anyone? It's hurting the TEAM. - Just to have some lamer blowing up and repairing his own gens (can't think of anything more lame) takes what could otherwize be a valuable space up on a server for someone who wants to play properly.

Butt muncher.


He means the enemy gens not his own.

Its not playing properly in my books cause theres nothing that should make you touch the enemy gens with a rep pack.

Just dont do it on NGUK servers - cause I'll ave ya!



Yeah enemy base, i held onto the enemy gens for entire game, destroyin an repairin the gens was jus summin to keep us from fallin asleep in that pish boring gen room. gotta love how T2 raves bout its ace graphics and your stuck in a monotextured shoebox for 30 mins :).

Rest assured i wont be doing that again.

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