[ Who'd Win? ]


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Basically what your trying to say when you break it down is ...

You > Rest of Thid ... :confused:

Fair enough , whatever keeps you happy ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
lol Deception... you always come in and post a bit on the BG forums eh? :)

Yet I never see you there or just dont know it's you? :)... Wouldn't surprise me though if you had a char for thid considering the distance you always take...

But hey nice new temp for Deception btw ;)... love it... fair bit tougher now that you can use my looow magic resists on me >.<

Cheers and thx for all the good fights,


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I have a Thid Nightshade i rarely play called Mindgames , He has never been spanked 1v1 buffed :D

Tho 1 or 2 times Toxic has beat me playing on dial-up from home , which resulted in him teleporting 50feet off the side of a bridge trying to stick to my lagshadow :p


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
I have a Thid Nightshade i rarely play called Mindgames , He has never been spanked 1v1 buffed :D

Tho 1 or 2 times Toxic has beat me playing on dial-up from home , which resulted in him teleporting 50feet off the side of a bridge trying to stick to my lagshadow :p

listen up my children, /stick is not always ftw! :p ph34r the 56K modem!

Enjoy folks, :drink:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
Bugz & Sean (ultimate forum trollz) lolz ur makin dori jealous!

in all seriousness tho:
Gohan > Notorrious > Dori > Bugz > Sean
thats the order of FH popularity imho
i think aleven and Thugz r also in there sumwer but wer is the Big Question

the oscar goes to gohan my p!nk hunter friend who has abandoned ship and went 2 US servers.
There will always b a place in <Clueless> for him shud he return. (sean you shud honestly ph34r that day!)

Enjoy folks, :drink:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
<3 toxic, that is ma reavers grave back when he was in ma clerics temp ...with the lvl 20 trainer gear i think ...

also remember my cleric temp was made for a lvl 40 merc!!! so none of it affected apart from hit points.....

SORRY sean i had that screen shot too long & i wuz savin it 4 a rainy day laugh ya kno!
Ill post the youtube link soon of your wizzy gettin put down, toxic style.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
shamyso /rep havent been talking to you in a long time mate, hope evrythings goin good!

Sean is a sound bloke who has a laugh and sometimes whines too much, but don't we all. (So any bitching on my part isn't meant, maliciously, it's just the way I express myself, English is not my first Language: Ich bin en Berlinner.) I like everyone I have met in the game for different reasons: him for the groups we had and the 'zergs' we had on Mid bridge.

Playing the disabled card, when? Doing the dirty on someone whom I used to group with a lot, when? Sean and I grouped together alot when my infil was in thid. He was told about my condition, and he knew that it would affect the way I play - and what I achieve. If I remember correctly he was the one who started a frenizied, and calculated assualt on me - the last post. He not only has questionned my sexuality - which doesn't bother me in the slightest; but made some sweeping statements about my level of ability. He knew what he doing and has lost any respect I had for him, in game and personally.

What should he has done then? Sean vs gimp who would win.

He knew what he was staying, the consequences, and knew I would never cause him any harm. I knew he was friends with Toxic and Aleven - and I knew they were contacting each other via MSN, because they have handles on there. I know what this is really about, but that is between me and Sean. He was a friend in game - but isn't now. I trust you will leave this between Sean and I; let us sort this out between oursleves.

And takin the piss out of your disability shuld surely be a bannable offense, cmon mods :) ill rep u


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
And takin the piss out of your disability shuld surely be a bannable offense, cmon mods :) ill rep u

but like shamyso fails to see, if you read my post you will see that i do not mention his disability, i just state that he is shit

his next post he jumps to the conclusion straight away that i was making a comment about his disability

so next time you try and get sum1 banned knighthood know your facts and also remember jelousy gets you nowhere

P.S. shamyso stop PM'ing me on here whining i cba replying :wanker:

P.P.S. may consider coming back soon so i can amuse myself by wiping the floor with newbs (you know who u are)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
this PM from shamyso made me piss maself irl

(((No: and anymore abuse in game or on Freddys house will not be tolerated, ever. Faggot no, disabled yes, married yes and I had an important part in the conception of my 3 children: ie banged the bushes - coz the anus is an outhole, not an in-hole. I think you needed a description of my sexual practices, because you sound very confused.

I will not contribute anymore to this discussion: it is over. Do not reply to this: it is becoming harassment - and I will not accessing that part of the forum again.

It is over Sean, I sussed you out a very, very long time ago. Push it if you want.)))

dont think you have quite figured out i dont play anymore, and i only flame ppl on here when im bored shitless coz tbh i have better things to do

mind pointing out how im harrasing u ?


Mar 1, 2007
imo... i am the biggest FH troll (fo bugz,dori,sean,toxicunt lolz)
and i would prawnzt4r those master wizards, i dont need rezz lolz
and bugz, dori dont wana discuss why women has two boobs, he\'s far more interested in goats. sean, stop crying and get back ingame you little slut, toxic stop being a ch4v and get on alb and let me chain you.


Aleven > ALL <also maulers lolzorz>

end of,

ze king


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
i would prawnzt4r those master wizards, i dont need rezz lolz
Lies! if only i had the screenshots wer a drunken aleven begs to be ressurected only to run into master wizzys line of fire again and then scream down clueless guild chat saying "HAHAHA I WASTED YOUR POWER NUB, NOW LET THE ALBS PWN U!" guess you forgot about the powerpot i keep for a rainy day.

sean, stop crying and get back ingame you little slut
...its all truth unfortunatly sean

Aleven > ALL <also maulers lolzorz>
From wat iv heard this may actually be true, as far as rogger maulers are concerned..

anyways you r the biggest forum troll tbh i didnt include you in the previous FH troll list (up a few posts) bcoz their not even in the same league as j00 roflpies

Enojy folks, :drink:


Mar 1, 2007
and to all my beloved fans <i know you all love me> let me present a beautiful painting from myself, Aleven


pwned... :kissit:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
Manisch Depressiv
Banned from FreddysHouse!
Rank: Lower than pondlife Join Date: 6th Mar 2005
Posts: 0

I lost by reading this.

lolz0r looks like FH mods puttin the trolls bak in their cage! next time think before you come on here and post bollacks comments to increase your post count! lol idiot
(looks at aleven) :touch:


In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed to intentionally annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion as their only purpose.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed to intentionally annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion as their only purpose.

yey im now officially a troll :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
whats the matter folks e.g. shamyso / knighthood finially realised that im right and no nore insults left to throw at me haha u guys fuckin suck lol so all you can do is pm me the same shyte over and over again even tho im not replying lol " i am the bigger man, i will walk away from this situation because you are too immature too, growp up get a life" etc etc etc

well excuse me if im wrong but who the fuck is pm'ing who ? u silly fucks :eek7:

anywayz its old now and your constant whines bore me /yawn /yawn :m00:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
Impressive turnout on the yearly retard-gathering I see.

glad you could make it coldbeard, no retard gathering would be complete without the biggest retard of them all... :fluffle:


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
glad you could make it coldbeard, no retard gathering would be complete without the biggest retard of them all... :fluffle:

I believe I have already answered to this reply, but thanks for trying anyways.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 8, 2006
I believe I have already answered to this reply, but thanks for trying anyways.

I know but i wanted to see you post something different, I thought your comeback sucked nd you wern't givin it ur all!

More effort is required on ur part yakno to make this thing in to a clueless Vs coldbeard brawl for like old times sake if nothing else.

How about you actually stop posting your opinion on the thread and actually post a few "Who'd Win?"'s of ur own.
For instance:
Coldbeard Vs Clueless -> outcome (after alot of whinging nd girly tantrums on coldbeard's part) Clueless > ALL

Something along those lines.

Enjoy folks, :drink:


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Bugz & Sean (ultimate forum trollz) lolz ur makin dori jealous!

in all seriousness tho:
Gohan > Notorrious > Dori > Bugz > Sean
thats the order of FH popularity imho
i think aleven and Thugz r also in there sumwer but wer is the Big Question

the oscar goes to gohan my p!nk hunter friend who has abandoned ship and went 2 US servers.
There will always b a place in <Clueless> for him shud he return. (sean you shud honestly ph34r that day!)

Enjoy folks, :drink:

o0 what do i win? a weekend in bognoregis i hope \0/ also i know its hard for u lot to venture out of the BG section but my first scout movie from the ol U S of A is in the RvR section go go watch flame

oh ye its in my comment to if u wanna be lazy


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2006
o0 what do i win? a weekend in bognoregis i hope \0/ also i know its hard for u lot to venture out of the BG section but my first scout movie from the ol U S of A is in the RvR section go go watch flame

oh ye its in my comment to if u wanna be lazy

nice movie gohan ! :drink:

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