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- #31
There are 3 nps, Frusa in bri leith, rysa in connacht, snuva near the GG. anyone found anything in alb perhaps?
Originally posted by old.Garax
I have just found another character that says "she loks like she wants to speak to you, but no words come out of her mouth", her name is Fuasa, and she's found infront of the well where the Empyrean elders and overseers are found. (up the right hand hill as ur facing DC)
She wouldnt talk to a 47 hero, so maybe some others fancy taking a trip there to see if she'll speak to you.
(The english text ends at the first letter of the word "domaine").Par la faute du père des monstres, l'esclave mort enfanta et fuit les terres glacées du blé des loups.
Par le courroux des fers, celle qui demeure au delà du roc béant doit le reprendre et a nouveaux l'enfermer dans son domaine.
Par la volonté du fer pendu, si elle venait a échouer, le père de Forseti serait libéré.
L'esclave et sa perfide descendance firent d'une chair le premier géant qui se perd dans son sang pendant trois fois neufs années un térrible royaume, et là il se repait de sa non-vie usurpée.
Court est le temps qu'il reste pour le rendre à la soeur du funeste destin du fer manchot.
By the error of the father of monsters, the dead slave whelped and fled the frozen lands of the wheat of the wolf.
By the anger of iron, she who lives beyond the yawning rock must recapture it, and seal it anew in its domain.
By the will of the hanging iron, if she should fail in this, the father of Forseti will be freed.
The slave and its corrupt offspring made as one flesh the first giant, who lost itself in its blood during thrice nine years a terrible kingdom, and there rejoiced in its stolen unlife.
Short is the time that now remains to return it to the sister of the tragic destiny of the one-armed iron.